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Posted (edited)

Hi comrades,

In this topic I would like to show you some of the games I play beside DoD:S if I can spare the time. All games are played just for fun from my side so me competitive e level on any way. Cause my computer is freaking old you won't find any brand new games on the list. Cause I search for some fun hours to spent with you I'm just listing multiplayer games:


1: Day of Defeat

     I love the original cause that's where it all started for me....


2: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Classic 

     I'm a big SW fan...


3: Rocket League

     Great MP title, easy to learn, hard to master 


4: Diablo 2 

     A timeless classic ARPG 


5: Zombie Army Trilogy

     What a bloody mess killing Nazi zombies...


6: Star Wars Empire at War 

     Rebuyed on Steam a few weeks ago


7: Left 4 Dead 2

    Killing zombies in a team feels so good


8: Unity of Command 1+2

     Clever little RTSes from a unknown developer


9: Day of Defeat 

     Love the setting but I suck playing 


10: Kards 

       Love CCGs and the WW2 setting... I'm just afraid it will cost me a lot of money...


There Re some games on the list I own for quite some time but never found the time to play them... Perhaps this will change now?


CU online 

Pfc. Markus Asal















Edited by Asal 1st MRB
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Posted (edited)

Zombie Army Trilogy and Left4Dead2 are fantastic games I've spent many hours playing both, we should do the coop Zombie Army it is a ton of fun! Diablo2 as well as SW Battlefront were staples of high school for me, have you seen or played the new Battlefront games? They are awesome, I have only played the first one but I've watched Cpl Cain play the 2nd and it is on my list of games to get

Edited by Fielding 1st MRB


Did I mention already I need a new PC :P???

Yes I saw and read about the new BF games, but atm they are just technically out of range for my PC...


Yeah, perhaps we could start some ZAT together? kJust have to reinstall it on Steam. That would be cool. L4D2 is already installed...


Beside DoD:S with these internet guys I met some weeks ago I just play PlanescapeTorment Enhanced Edition atm, which is awesome. I just love the freaking setting and deeply recommend it.



  • 1 month later...
Guest Flores 1st MRB
2 hours ago, Asal 1st MRB said:

Is anyone of you into KARDS?

Base Game ist free to play...


And to mention: Rocket League is going Free To Play soon!




Had the feeling this needs some tweaking to the last changes in my mind and mood:


1: Day of Defeat

     I love the original cause that's where it all started for me....


2: Among US

     I would LOVE to see a unit game night with this one...


3: Rocket League

     Great MP title, easy to learn, hard to master 


4: Different Board Game Apps

     I LOVE board games and own a huge RL collection.

     Best ones on PC/Android: Carcassonne, Risk, Ticket To Ride, Splendor, Terraforming Mars


5: Diablo 2 

     A timeless classic ARPG 


6: Star Wars Empire at War 

     Star Wars RTS, nothing more to say...


7: Left 4 Dead 2

    Killing zombies in a team feels so good


8: Company of Heroes

     Unfortunately I just own version 1 incl. DLCs


9: Blood Bowl 2

     Love the hilarious gameplay but I suck playing 


10: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Classic 

     DoD:s in the future and I'm a big SW fan...


I don't play a lot of different games, so this might be short:

1: DoD:S - Because

2. DayZ - mah survival game

3. Among Us - mah social game

4. PUBG - mah battle royal game

5. FTL - mah single player game

6. Battlefield 5 - my flying game

7. Scum - mah other survival game

8. Call of War - mah mobile/social game

9. SWTOR - mah MMO

10. Space Bob Vs. the Replicons - my Indie game

Also on the Switch:
Ocarina of time
Mario 64
This war of mine
Link to the Past
The usual suspects...

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    • Questions Name you wish to use and Age: (Our unit uses realistic names, this does not have to be your real name) Noah Morris, 18 Platform Type Steam Steam ID (Use 17 Digit SteamID 64 / PC Game Pass Account Username): SqueakyWharf74 (xbox sorry, I usually use steam.) Do you have a microphone? Yes Which game title are you applying for? Hell Let Loose If you've selected Hell Let Loose, do you understand that this game is currently not cross platform capable and only PC players currently may apply? ( Steam or PC Game Pass) Yes Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders? I would like to make friends in the community. Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who? If none, how did you learn about us: ‘O. This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful? No, Disboard. Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful? I am currently in the police academy, learning plenty about leadership. I am a level 64 in game. Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it? No By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully or face immediate rejection. Yes Application stats UserId: 806349792129056779 Username: morris0626 User: @Morris1291 Duration: 122 seconds Joined guild at: 5 days ago
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