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cl_interp - setting, color



I've always wanted to have a balanced game in DoDs, but with my current network setup, that is not going to be possible.   I get 50mbps pipe but I have to connect wireless due to the two story townhome and where the router is located - plus there is a translation box that has to go with the router.   It could be moved, but it's not my account.   I tried some repeaters but they are locking the mbps at 3.   We can discuss options to improve the wifi later.


For now I want to know how many of you use stock lerp at 100 ms.   If I keep my cl_interp at 100.  What does that do for me?   At zero?  it would be yellow.   At 0.020 is orange.   At 0.033 white.


I'm still losing the long distance batter 90% of the time, and almost 98% CQB with the rifle.   Maybe I switch guns at close range better.


Here is my netcode settings right now:\


rate 100000
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp 0.033
sensitivity 1.00
fps_max 60
cl_autorezoom 0
cl_autoreload 1


Anything to add?

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Generally speaking you should not be using a static cl_interp value. If adjusting from the default 100ms you should be basing it off the difference between your ping, and the average ping of the opposing team.


If your ping is lower than the opposition, your cl_interp value should be your ping+10% average ping of opposing team.


If your ping is higher than the opposition, your cl_interp value should be the average ping of the opposing team+10% of your ping.


The reason for this is in the name of the command you are running, cl_interp = Client Interpretation. Which relates to specifically the Interpretation of where the playermodel should be drawn on your screen compared to reported location of the hitbox. With lower lerp settings you can actually introduce problems of hardware lag due to the time it takes the signal to go from GPU to screen + refresh rate being higher than the lerp in ms (for those homies obsessed with running the lowest possible lerp that also have ungodly low ping) as the computer will try and draw the character model at the exact location last reported in the server connection.


With a more variable use of this setting you allow for more cushion and accurate representation of where the player is, and how the model is drawn. All of this is based on the communication delay between you and the server, and should be interpreted based on that delay. You have 60ms ping, opposing player has 130 ms ping, account for about 70-75ms lerp and now your screen draws where the player is more accurately and with better reliability. Same scenario, but you are accounting for 33ms lerp, now you are attempting to account for 2 player locations per response back from the server to you, and 4 responses back from your opponent. Of course the player model on your screen is not where the hitbox is, odds are it's about 5 pixels behind where it's currently being drawn on your screen because the server still hasn't confirmed your clients new "prediction" of where the player will be, thus the shot doesn't register and you die.


The default lerp is the default for a reason. Because after all is taken into account on a full server, odds are a properly configured cl_interp will be within 25ms of 100 in either direction (that's right! Sometimes it's more beneficial to have a higher lerp). I personally usually play with default cl_interp unless playing on a low population server with a lot of users with lower ping times, then I will go through and make the adjustments based on the math above to make sure that the reverse lag armor is neutralized.

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For me personally I use 

cl_interp 0

cl_interp_ratio 0

cl_updaterate 100

cl_cmdrate 100

fps_max 400


ive used it for years sometimes I switch back to default lerp it doesn’t make a huge difference between default or 0 but idk I haven’t had any problems personally with these settings 


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@Palladino 1st MRB I would like to confirm if you are still encountering issues with your Lerp settings or if this issue has been resolved to your satisfaction?


If the issue has been resolved please mark the "Best Answer" within the thread so that we can ensure the answer is easilly available to others in the future.

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Posted (edited)

Edit:  Your answer does cover the basics, and I feel we need a much deeper discussion with examples posted on the forum.  Let me know if that would be something to pursue.



Edited by Palladino 1st MRB

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