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Blond, Redheads, or brunette?

M. Clark

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My personal favorite would be red heads. only because red heads are rare, and when you do see one there either really hot of really ugly. never one in between. i dont like blonds well its self explainatory. and brunettes are like honda civics there everywere. so thats my thing.

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If I must choose...


But not just ANY blonde...

I really prefer dirty or strawberry blondes the most.

And I don't like 'em tall... I've never dated a girl over 5'4... my current gf is 4'11 (and I'm 6'6") - we're a comical couple.

Regardless... yea, blondes.

HOWEVER - there is ONE exception I have, and that is, if they have light blue eyes, with a platinum blonde hair? I'm in. I have a friend of mine from Canada, who hits all my specs...

platinum (almost white) natural blonde, baby blue eyes, and an absolutely adorable face, short, cute voice, all of that jazz. But she's one of about 3 girls I've ever seen with the platinum/whitish blonde hair that I found absolutely hawt.

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goodwin i want to shake your hand. your a man that knows exactly what he wants. perfect.


In the back of mind... I've always had this 'dream girl' floating around. I've never seen her - ever. But I've seen some who come close, and date girls who are within acceptable ranges to that.

Nobodies perfect, so it's always good to just go wild, have a good time, and die happy.

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If I must choose...


But not just ANY blonde...

I really prefer dirty or strawberry blondes the most.

And I don't like 'em tall... I've never dated a girl over 5'4... my current gf is 4'11 (and I'm 6'6") - we're a comical couple.

Regardless... yea, blondes.

HOWEVER - there is ONE exception I have, and that is, if they have light blue eyes, with a platinum blonde hair? I'm in. I have a friend of mine from Canada, who hits all my specs...

platinum (almost white) natural blonde, baby blue eyes, and an absolutely adorable face, short, cute voice, all of that jazz. But she's one of about 3 girls I've ever seen with the platinum/whitish blonde hair that I found absolutely hawt.

That only exist in porn..

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