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Posted (edited)

Russia will annex parts of Ukraine? Aye or nay? What will be the outcome or is it just geopolitical posturing?


Oleksiy Reznikov, Ukraine's defense minister warns there will be a 'bloody massacre' if Russia invades (msn.com)


Western powers back Ukraine amid invasion fears (msn.com)


Okay pacifists and war mongerers, let's hear it.

Edited by Vides 1st MRB

Russia will not try to invade Ukraine much like they never invaded Western Germany. Mutually Assured Destruction is still the policy but with China and Russia growing and expanding their hypersonic ballistic missile systems this could tip the balance of power to them and not for the better.

Posted (edited)

Although I am no expert, I believe that Russia will annex the Donbas region since they are already supporting the separatist there, much in the same fashion as they did in the Crimea. I believe that they are coordinating with China and that they are trying to take advantage of the US' military attention being focused in the pacific, specifically the China-Taiwan issue. I don't foresee any direct military action from the west if Russia annexes Donbas other than the "crippling sanctions" approach.  Unfortunately it seems that if the west reacts militarily to Russian aggression, China will then open up the second front by invading Taiwan. Let's get some more rants gents, would love to hear what your thoughts are. I am curious to see what our European members thoughts are on the issue?

Edited by Vides 1st MRB

Another issue is the fact that they are massing troops in the Crimea and Belarus borders and Belarus stated they will 'protect' Russian interests when talking about Ukraine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I think there still some left in the area. Maybe it's just to feign retreat. I think that if the Russkis still attack, the troops will not wear flags/patches to leave room for plausible deniability. And I did not click on the nudes link ROFL.

Edited by Vides 1st MRB
  • 1 month later...

Well the DEFCON went to 4, and will remain so until the crisis between Russia and Ukraine is solved or temporarily a cease fire can be agreed upon which so far has not happened since 2014. North Korea is shooting a lot of missiles conveniently around the same time this crisis is looming on the global theatre. China is also scaling up it's saber rattling rhetoric about Taiwan. Perhaps I was wrong with saying the crisis is averted way to quickly. And although this may seem bleak there is good news. Russia, France, Germany, and Belarus have all signed a non aggression pact, however this may be a ploy by Putin to give himself leverage at peace talks and could also be distracting NATO away from the potential cyber and sabotage attacks that are also being simulated by Russia on the Ukranian border. Why the sudden escalating tension? the world economy is currently heavily strained after 2 years of near constant COVID quarantine, leaving the world markets in third world countries reeling. People are worried about the current climate changes that are clearly occuring and a side effect of climate change or global warming could be classified as massive pandemics that shut the world economy to a slower growth rate, therby causing countries to do drastic actions. Like try and claim Ukraine, for instance where Ukraine's economy is one of the fastest growing in the EU.

  • 3 weeks later...

“China calls on all parties to recognize the importance of implementing the principle of indivisible security, to continue to engage in dialogue and consultation, and to seek reasonable solutions that address each other’s concerns through peaceful means on the basis of equality and mutual respect. We welcome and encourage all efforts aimed at facilitating a diplomatic solution.”

The comments came after Pentagon spokesman John Kirby reiterated the US government’s position that China had given tacit approval to a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“We wonder, can it really be the Chinese policy now to support separatist movements over the sovereignty of nation states?” Kirby said, referring to China’s opposition to separatist movements within its own borders. “That’s an interest twist isn’t it?”how low can you get? < this is nucking futs


Here is a video from FOX. Look at the first 5 minutes of the interview. That is the single best summary that I have seen of the entire situation so far. The sanctions, and supplying the Ukrainians with arms, is a disaster waiting to escalate into a much larger disaster. 


The emotional side says to sanction, give Ukrainians arms, engage with Russia, ect, but the rational side will recognize the problems with this approach. 


Putin is a tyrant, and he cannot be changed, we are not evil, and we can choose the best policies, therefore to prevent further damage we need to focus on what we can do. Ironically, (but not really ironically, since this is the solution in most cases), is to do nothing at all. The war is an escalation on the borders Putin that has been ongoing for a long time. Whether he is justified/unjustified is irrelevant, those are his motives, and if we understand the motives of our enemy correctly, then we can do the absolute best policy. Which is nothing. 


Posted (edited)

If the sanctions keeps hitting as hard as it now for a couple of months 

you wont even need to start a war, The russian people will get rid of him.


He won't risk a war against an equal like the EU or U.S. The morale is low,

the russian people hold him in contempt and the country is bleeding economically, and he knows that.


His end will be that of saddam. Unless China steps in the ring soon and make a move on Taiwan then it might be the start of WW3.

Edited by Faraj 1st MRB
Posted (edited)

 I think that if the west intended to support Ukraine they should have made it clear to the Russians that the west was protecting Ukrainian sovereignty against Russian encroachment.


Rather than waiting for the Russians to invade and make threats of nuclear war to any would be helpers, the west could have made it clear initially that an attack against Ukraine would be met with a forceful response for example no fly zone and or ramped up military assistance.


Let Zelensky tell you all about it.


Russians saw weakness in our posturing and went for it, all in, balls deep. They are now making cowardly threats of nuclear war so they won't get their asses kicked by the superior armed forces of the west in a conventional war. 


I don't think appeasement of Russia would be beneficial . Isolationism by the west may signal weakness or worse cowardice, leading to wider abuse and violations of the rules based order by Russia.


It does seem that there is some civil unrest in Russia but dissidents are being murdered, arrested and jailed.

It is reminiscent of the "Great Terror" years of the 1930's; looks like putin taking a play from stalin playbook.

Edited by Vides
  • Upvote 1

There is an underlying tone in his actions towards the Unite States' constant unending information war against Russian Aggression against Ukraine. Putin is furious at the constant information war against his actions and his regime. I will be quite honest we should learn our lessons from Chechnya a country that had all the right to be a free country and was abandoned by the west 100% and then take a look at Ukraine. There is definitive proof that we are trying to prevent Russia from spilling over into Europe through Ukraine. Geographically it is extremely flat which would be perfect for his tank armada to roam through and invade NATO if he thought it was necessary. Do I think he is going to go beyond Ukraine? no I do not think he will, but his rhetoric towards the west has not made me feel good about that assumption. Furthermore there is still the hope that peace can be made, but again after reading deeply into the history of Russia, Ukraine, Chechnya, and Georgia there is always a constant...Russia. Russia considers all of these nations part of it's sphere of influence and now that NATO and the EU want these countries (except Chechnya) Putin feels threatened by our massive if not invincible NATO alliance right on his doorstep which makes him very nervous because for one we have a much bigger military to fight him with then Ukraine does. Ukraine has had multiple practice exercises with NATO over the past years since the beginning invasion back in 2014. The real issue is that nobody and I think even Putin understands that Nuclear weapons is absolutely the wrong choice for humanity to go down. In fact there should be a final treaty where all parties agree to end our nuclear arsenals and permanently banned across the world. The United States is the only country to have used nuclear weapons on another nations in a world war, where countires were fighting a genocidal total war type of warfare. In the modern age you cannot simply go all out like that anymore that would only escalate things into the end of humanity. Let us all hope and pray that this world, and our humanity lives on forever and we can set aside our differences and let countires like Russia, North Korea, China, and so on understand that fighting wars should not be happening anymore. What is truly awful is that Ukraine yet again has to be the country to deal with it's holocaust memorials, it's famous battlefields, and it's terrible burden of Chernobyl all on it's shoulders to protect BY ITSELF. Never let another world leader act like Hitler and permit genocidal tendencies go unchecked. China should not be getting away with the Uighur conentration camps, or the camps in Chechnya either. we are over 20 years into the 21st Century and yet we are in a time period where nation economies are on the verge of collapse, the world has survived and still dealing with a pandemic, inflation is on the rise, unrest is present in nearly every country, dictatorships and democracies alike are dealing with a lot of problems, and it should be said that global warming is causing a part of this as well. Who is to say that the world is not perfect? that should not mean we should go out quietly into the night, we need to fight harder then ever for our families and friends to be safe. We should not be threatened by one country or one man and allow him to get away from taking this country or that country and act like he won't do it again. What is there to stop Putin to keep going and attacking NATO? well for one our nuclear arsenal and secondly China have a lot of influence in not just Russia but across the world. We left our old enemies get stronger while we fought in Afganistan and Iraq for nearly 20 years. I am not condoning the actions of Putin he is truly a pariah and probably going to be the last dictator of Russia and that the Russian people rise up and change Russia which has not truly changed at all for hundreds of years where the rich control the law and anyone questioning the Tsar will be met with terrible reprisals. the fact alone that the gulags were just changed over to another name to cover the absolutely barbaric history of the Gulag system compared to the holocaust is barely talked about in schools(at least in the United States) Russia needs to finally accept the fact that the Soviet Union is long gone and getting it back would require the world to respond and never let a thing like World War 2 to happen again, we need to grow up as a species and work together to take care of our planet. I hope soon we can all be unified as one people one humanity one world together in solidarity to meet the stars and become part of something greater then ourselves and take leap forward where we can end poverty, hunger, suffering, disease, global warming, genocide, systemic racism, etc. When will we change?


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