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Going on "vacation"

Then that's pretty upsetting/sad.

As commander in chief, he should be recognizing what our servicemen/women do, and have done/given for this country - and being a good example for all of us.

Instead he's on 'vacation', which he can take pretty much whenever he wants??

No thanks.

Hope? Change? You can keep it if this is the way he shows his appreciation.

I'm not much on politics regardless, but that's kinda ridiculous.

Posted (edited)

I am not really a "politics" kinda guy, but when I heard this it reminded me of the long arguments I used to have with a high school buddy who was a hardcore conservative. He'd listen to these type of radio shows and then get all worked up and pretty much word for word he'd use the arguments from the show he's listen too on various topics, or praise if it was a Republican he was talking about. You gotta keep in mind who it is you're listening/watching/reading. These guys start off with one or two points. Then run with it, using heavy opinionated sentences and passing them as fact, while their tone gets more emotional, sucking you in to their argument and swaying you to their way of thinking.

Savage's starting statement. "Obama skips Arlington Cemetary Service. The first so called president to give the middle finger to the dead"

Uhm....there have been varoius presidents on many occasions that have missed the service.


And so building on that the guy, like building a house of blocks, starts making accusations/opinions and they get bigger and bigger until at the end he practically says he wants the president dead along with his supporters...I dunno. I respect people and their actions, not labels and abstract ideas. But it seems to me like this guy is just hate mongering. I saw another page on the internet the other day but can't find link. Showed what president and how many services they missed...Bush (senior I think) was playing Golf one Memorial Day...so yeah take these guys with a grain of salt, get the facts and then form your own opinions.

Oh btw, Obama is visiting the Chicago Veterans Cemetary, so he didn't just skip out on our fallen heroes.

Edited by Luna 1st MRB

Luna is correct about the only president to not skip the server, President Bush missed one during 2008 I believe it was. Also I am a conservative, but some of these things he said were based on one fact saying he wasn't going to it and that was about it. This guy just gets all hyped up over this just to flame him.

Posted (edited)

1983: Reagan attended summit meeting; Defense Department official Thayer laid wreath at Arlington. Deputy Secretary of Defense W. Paul Thayer laid a wreath at Arlington Cemetery during the Memorial Day ceremony in 1983, according to a May 31, 1983, Washington Post article (accessed via Nexis).The AP reported that President Reagan attended a "summit meeting in Williamsburg, Va., with leaders of the industrialized democracies."

1992: George H.W. Bush allowed VP Quayle to lay wreath. In 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, according to a May 26, 1992, Boston Globe article (accessed via the Nexis database). The Globe reported that President George H.W. Bush attended a wreath-laying ceremony and made brief remarks at an American Legion hall in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he also played a round of golf.

Veterans Day 2007: Cheney attends ceremony to pay tribute at Arlington as Bush remained in Texas.

Edited by Luna 1st MRB
Posted (edited)

I don't ever listen to guys like this because of what Luna said. I hate biased media productions on both sides of the spectrum; however, this was not good for the Obama Cabinet. Who gives a shit if W. or Reagan or Clinton or whoever wasn't there? Unless it's an international event going on then every president should be laying the wreath at that cemetery. Especially since a good portion of the presidents don't have first hand experience at the sacrifice that's made. Obama's second memorial day service and instead of attending a service in his home town, one would think that he would be taking care of arguably the most important cemetery in the world. Reagan had an international meeting to attend, H.W. was in his last year of his presidency and laid one at an American Legion, and W. was in his second to last year but he missed a Veterans day placing. While living veterans did make a sacrifice they never made the ultimate sacrifice so in my opinion it is not as serious as Memorial Day where we honor the millions of dead. Bottom line is Obama should have been there for his second wreath laying ceremony in office for Memorial Day. Especially with midterm elections coming up. Oh might I add that this is his second vacation since office and he's played like 30+ rounds of golf by now in just a year and half. For those that don't remember, his last vacation was this last Christmas and oh that's right the Diaper Bomber happened and he wouldn't leave his vacation or work on the situation with National Security until he got off his vacation.

Edited by GMoney ßÄR

Presidential vacations are serious bizness.....

To be honest i used to like obama and what he was doing...but lately it seems as though no one is behind the wheel of the 18 wheeler we call america lol. I mean...aside from seeing whats goin on in the gulf, i havnt really seen much progress politics wise and im not really into politics that much only a tad. This guy in the video is kinda annoying, but his point is right Obama did drop the ball on this.


I guess things would be portrayed different if capital hill and washington D.C. actually cared about the citizens in this nation but they don't care for the most part. Look at approval ratings for proof. I know it's hurts a lot to see when Congress and most of Washington are grabbing every little thing they can for control and power and forcing things upon Americans. It's not what millions have died for. It's not American.


Oh it's huge Gooderham. The funny thing is that the holiday was started post the Civil War to help reunite the nation and it wasn't actually enacted as an official holiday until 1972 I believe. Congress just wanted a three day weekend because they're lazy. lol However, the meaning behind it is just huge. Millions and millions of people have died to uphold the constitution and the people who live under it and most American people realize the insane amount of sacrifice that was made. It's just one day out of 365 to honor those who have fallen. It's one day out of the year where people sit back and say thank you to people that have sacrificed everything so that they could stay here in the states and not have to worry about anything.


GMoney, I agree with you wholeheartedly. It is of the utmost importance to honour those who have served to maintain our safety. I personally believe we should be cognizant of it everyday. I just mean that we have one day, Remembrance Day, so I don't understand whether there is a difference between the two.


I don't think Obama would have given two fucks about the rain had it not been for the fact that someone told him that if he was speaking and some kid got hit by lightening that wouldn't look to good from a PR perspective. Can you imagine the Fox headlines: "Obama speech kills 8 year old girl" "God strikes down Obama followers" "God hates fags" etc.


I don't hold it against Obama for having people hang out for a little bit, but he's also the President of the United States. Ok folks, we're doing the ceremony in here now. lol Whatever though, he was there instead of Arlington. I don't hold him getting people out of a thunderstorm. I hold it against him that he wasn't at Arlington.

All I know why it was designed for a three day weekend Gooderham is because it's the government and the more three day weekends the better for gov't employees. lol


It's all the little traditions that are supposed to keep the President in the people's favor. What if Obama decided to kill and eat the turkey that he was supposed to pardon on Thanksgiving. First of all, I think that would be funny as hell, but there would still be an uproar from the people, peta and animal rights activists come to mind. In this case, nobody would have said anything if he had just gone to Arlington. I'm sure he meant to do right by going to the veteran's cemetery in Illinois, but why break tradition? It makes no sense why he can't just go to Arlington, lay the wreath then go Illinois. Everyone cares about what the President does, because he is the leader of our country, he needs to make more of an effort than the regular politician.

As for the other Presidents that failed to go to Arlington, I'm sure there was a similar response from the people as well.

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