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For "teh lulz"

I will tell you right now, I don't care whether you guys go ahead with complete universal health care or not, but they will have to rip that right from my dead hands before I see it repealed.

One more idea. Is it not possible that a document written approximately 250 years ago couldn't be wrong or if not wrong, misinterpreted?


Speaking of that document written so long ago...

It's so funny that if you read quotes from our forefathers (250 yrs ago)... they called the issues we're having. There are many things they explicitly said NOT to do, that we have allowed our government to do. And it's those very things that our forefather said would cause the decline and fall of the American Gov't.

It worries me a lot that they were right about so much (if you do x, y will happen), and we've continued to ignore them.

  Gooderham 1st MRB said:
Is it not possible that a document written approximately 250 years ago couldn't be wrong or if not wrong, misinterpreted?

You don't seem to understand the connection between the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. citizen. Either way, in this scenario it does not matter if it is "wrong or misinterpreted," as the Congressman centered does not care about the Constitution. When he is elected to office, he takes an oath to uphold the Constitution in every way shape or form. The fact that he doesn't care about the Constitution when touting a bill as massive as this one means that he needs to go to the unemployment office with the other 11.7% of his state.


The debate on the constitution would be different if the United States wasn't the most free and powerful nation on earth. The constitution granted the people of the United States the ability to become so prosperous, so wealthy, so happy, so free, and it gave the United States the ability to become the most powerful, wealthy, and influential state the world has ever seen. That piece of paper has literally shaped the world in the last two hundred years. Then when people don't believe in it anymore and want all people to have the same things by control of an inept government, that's what we call socialism and beyond that is communism. There are a lot of people in the United States that still believe in the constitution even though they have no idea what it says. They start believing that they have certain rights that are not in the constitution. Sadly, this is the American greed that has been developed over decades of living with nearly everything you can imagine, peace, happiness, and prosperity: all of which are granted by the constitution. Now Americans want more and more like this bone head who feels that he is can do what he wants and not follow the constitution. The people on capital hill must continue to follow the constitution. If it is believed wrong then amendments are made to it, but it should not ever be totally redesigned. It's how the United States has gotten to where she is in all of history.

The health care bill still does not give people health insurance by the government. It forces 40 million people to get health insurance with financial aid by the government. It's not a free ride for people like they think it will be. Also it is going to cost the tax payers, that can barely afford insurance in the first place, at least $1,000,000,000,000 for these 30 million people for six years of coverage. So in another six years we'll face the same dilemma. For the supporters of the bill on capital hill, I ask them is completely destroying a nation with debt worth giving 10% of the nation health insurance? Is it worth ruining the lives of 270 million people by destroying the financial world from this massive amount of debt? The answer is NO.

Mark my words; if anyone follows stock markets and global investments what we saw with Greece and Dubai, those will be nothing compared to when the world says whoa look at the United States debt and nobody will be able to "bail" us out. There will be a global collapse and the entire world will suffer. Nations will crumble along side with the US. Even China and India will fall apart instantly since the US does most of their buying from them. When the US doesn't buy anymore, they have no money anymore. Watch these markets people and watch what happens to them with every little thing capital hill does. Before the Greece debt crisis my stocks in the global market, from companies all over the world, were small but it was a start for my investments. I originally invested just $1,000 globally to see how it would work out. Through improving economies throughout the world my stocks went up about 8% in about 7 months. When the greece debt crisis happened and it hit the market I lost nearly 20% in my investment: about 12% under from my original investment. That much of a difference happened just from the little economy of Greece.

  Kirkendall 1st MRB said:
The fact that he doesn't care about the Constitution when touting a bill as massive as this one means that he needs to go to the unemployment office with the other 11.7% of his state.

Or the 18% of the nation.


Well put GMoney.

My next question then is, how can you change or modify the Constitution if the only allow people with that power are sworn to uphold ever word? I'm not arguing for the Congressman, but if he isn't allowed to disagree with the Constitution how can he, or anyone else, enact change?


Well congressmen and women don't have the right to change the constitution through amendments. Those are done primarily through the US Supreme Court more than anyone else. For instance, should the supreme court come down and say hey capital hill, you can't pass that legislation on the basis of an invasion of privacy or something else then bye bye Healthcare bill even if it is already law. Congressmen and women jobs are sworn to the constitution and when someone feels that they don't believe in the constitution, then technically they don't believe in their job since they are sworn to the constitution. Only makes sense for him to be impeached IMO.

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