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This is a firsthand account of an NKVD officer of the terrible attorcities he witnessed during his career in the gulag political prison system. This is one of the most horrific and terrible attrocities I have read made by humanity. It shows how far humanity can push itself to human slaughter and fear to keep the agenda of keeping free will into a robotic state of cattle ready to be cut and maimed in the name of keeping the 'enemies of the people' in little boxes in the Siberian Wasteland. I strongly recommend buying this book and learning about how the Soviet Union may be the worst civilizations to be put on this earth these mass executions and torture did not stop until the fall of communism in 1991 and even then they simply renamed these gulags into political prison camps. They are still around feeding on the fear of persecution and malice of disabling the human right of free will keeps the russian dictatorship going. 10/10 one of the best books I have ever read.


Edited by Scinta 1st MRB
  • Upvote 1
  • Scinta changed the title to Drawings From The Gulag by Danzig Baldaev

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