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Posted (edited)

Ok hear me out....


The server has a 300ms ping limit.  This is chosen to keep those individuals with severely high ping from interp-ing throughout the map and making it unpleasant for several players.  The ping limit is based off the ping shown in the scoreboard.  If you were to ping the players through console with "ping" or "status" you get the true accurate ping of player and not the scoreboard.  Now sometimes the console ping and scoreboard ping are close to each other and sometimes they are 80ms off.  You can manipulate the ping shown on the scoreboard just by typing cl_cmdrate 1 which can lower your ping all the way to 5ms.  The server initially sets it to cl_cmdrate 67 but you can choose what rate you want to lower your ping and make it not as obvious.  There are also many other ways to mask your ping to show lower.  I say this all because many requests were made by 1/3 of the server to kick an individual who was showing a 290ms ping in scoreboard but in all reality had 370+ ping.  This individual was dominating the entire time they were on because nothing was registering.  The admin at the time (strickland) refused to take care of the situation even at the request of so many players.  Now if this person were to be even a little over 300 in console, then no big deal.  But they had close to a 100ms discrepancy at times and was obvious they were masking their ping.  


Could we please use the actual ping of a player from console and not the scoreboard.

Now this isn't a rant, this is a suggestion since it was a lot more people than just me requesting this player to be kicked because of the interp-ing.
Player in the screenshots below is "multispoke".  Last photo is showing me lowering my ping from 30ms to 5ms just using cl_cmdrate 1 even those i still had 30ms ping.




Edited by chuckleS
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Status ping in fact shows the true ping of the player.  You can't change the ping in status unless you are either using a 3rd party ping mask or VPN.  As stated before scoreboard ping can be manipulated by simply changing your rates in console.  Changing these rates does not change the status ping.  I can run a 1-5ms ping all day in scoreboard with no ping masker by a simple rate change while console shows my true 52ms ping.  It's your choosing how you want to regulate the ping threshold for kick or stay.  But don't sit there and say how the scoreboard ping is a truer measurement of latency than that of console. 

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16 minutes ago, chuckleS said:

Status ping in fact shows the true ping of the player.  You can't change the ping in status unless you are either using a 3rd party ping mask or VPN.  As stated before scoreboard ping can be manipulated by simply changing your rates in console.  Changing these rates does not change the status ping.  I can run a 1-5ms ping all day in scoreboard with no ping masker by a simple rate change while console shows my true 52ms ping.  It's your choosing how you want to regulate the ping threshold for kick or stay.  But don't sit there and say how the scoreboard ping is a truer measurement of latency than that of console. 

Thank you but if you don't like how the server is run you can always play on another one. nobody forced you to deal with our ping rules.

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Posted (edited)

If you read the topic, it was a suggestion and no complaint/rant.  Pretty sure I even gave a disclaimer on that one.  This was only brought to the forum to voice several and I mean several players making the same suggestion.  Sad that you tell your regulars to move to another server.  Been playing on the MRB servers well over 10 years.  If you want to keep the server up and going, telling people to go somewhere else is counterproductive.  Let's have a conversation rather than a power trip.  


Edited by chuckleS
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Ok, I don't understand why this derailed into this type of conversation, but allow me to bring this train back on the tracks.


As to your suggestion, I can bring this up at one of the next Command Staff meetings and the Officers and I will decide if we want to make any adjustments to how we enforce this rule. 


As to the other comments made in this thread; the point is to bring up a suggestion and ask for a possible change in the way things work. That's perfectly fine and I see no one "complaining" here. Also, to clarify, the two members posting here do not speak for the unit as a whole and were speaking from their own perspectives. 

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