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[color=#FFFFFF][b]Favorite activity or hobby:[/b][/color]

[color=#FFFFFF][b]Special talent:[/b][/color]

[color=#FFFFFF][b]Favorite alcoholic beverage:[/b][/color]

[color=#FFFFFF][b]3 Favorite movies:[/b][/color]

[color=#FFFFFF][b]3 Favorite bands or musicians:[/b][/color]

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[color=#FFFFFF][b]3 Favorite foods:[/b][/color]

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Full Name: Kristopher Lehman

Age: 24

Location: Bucks County, PA

Occupation: service tech

Favorite activity or hobby: rescue

Special talent:

Favorite alcoholic beverage: jack!

3 Favorite movies:

1. Tombstone

2. Backdraft

3. American history x

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Staind

2. Metallica

3. Mudvayne

3 Favorite songs:

1. The way i am - Staind

2. It's been awhile - Staind

3. Happy? - Mudvayne

3 Favorite foods:

1. Hot Wings

2. Jack Daniel's chicken from Friday's

3. Whopper from Burger king


Full Name: Allen M. Ford

Age: 29

Location: Hilton Head, SC

Occupation: Golfer

Favorite activity or hobby: Touching that certain area of my body. My nose you sick bastards.

Special talent: I can juggle.

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Rum

3 Favorite movies:

1. Boondock Saints

2. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

3. Shawshank Redemption

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Led Zeppelin

2. Sublime

3. any oldies

3 Favorite songs:

1. Time - Pink Floyd

2. 10 Years Gone - Led Zeppelin

3. Slow Ride - Sublime

3 Favorite foods:

1. Pizza

2. Taco Bell

3. Lasagna


Full Name: Nick P. Yamagata

Age: 20

Location: WA

Occupation: Student

Favorite activity or hobby: Reading and Computer Games (who knew?)

Special talent: Violin & Rock Climbing

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer

3 Favorite movies:

1. Master and Commander

2. Kelley's Heroes

3. Role Models

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Antonin Dvorak

2. The Who

3. Creedence Clearwater Revival

3 Favorite foods:

1. Sushi

2. French Toast

3. Seafood


Full Name: Geoffrey Kyle Gooderham

Age: 18

Location: Vancouver, Canada

Occupation: Fish Monger

Dream Occupation: History Professor

Favorite activity or hobby: Hockey

Special talent:

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer

3 Favorite movies:

1. The Bourne Series

2. The Departed

3. Superbad

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Eric Clapton

Other Favourites: The Band, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles, Robert Johnson, The Rolling Stones, The Who

3 Favorite songs:

1. Love In Vain by Robert Johnson

2. Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones

3. Live at Leeds [Album] by The Who

3 Favorite foods:

1. Potatoes

2. Steak

3. Ribs or Burgers


Full Name: Zachary

Age: 18

Location: Orcutt California

Occupation: CHillin

Favorite activity or hobby: Hanging out with my buddies

Special talent: I can roll

Favorite alcoholic beverage: 40 oz of Old English

3 Favorite movies:

1.Enemy At The Gates


3.To Hell And Back

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1.Rise Against

2.Dallas Taylor


3 Favorite songs:

1.Dazed and Confused soundtrack

2. Paper Wings- Rise Against

3. Giving up Hurts the most-underOath

3 Favorite foods:

1. Orange Chicken

2.Biscuits and Gravy

3.Philly Cheese steak Sammiches

Guest Zahl 1st MRB

Full Name: Janove A. Zahl

Age: 28

Location: Norway

Occupation: Psychologist/Psychiatrist

Favorite activity or hobby: Paintball?

Special talent: Guitar? Paintball? I can also get undressed in 24 seconds..

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Whiskey

3 Favorite movies:

1. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

2. The Davinci Code

3. Pulp Fiction

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Dire Straits

2. Lynyrd Skynyrd

3. Nick Cave

3 Favorite songs:

1. Romeo And Juliet

2. Needle and the Spoon

3. Loom of the Land

3 Favorite foods:

1. Pizza

2. Taco

3. Kebab


Full Name:Chance Gerking


Location:Washington State

Occupation:Nothing for the moment

Favorite activity or hobby:Drumming, gaming, bmx... or nothing at all.

Special talent:Belching really loud?

Favorite alcoholic beverage:Vodka and Tequila

3 Favorite movies:

1.Saw Series


3.Blade Series

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1.Koffin Kats



3 Favorite songs:

1.Nile - Annihilation of The Wicked

2.Koffin Kats - Splatter House

3.As I Lay Dying - Distance is Darkness

3 Favorite foods:

1.Soups - Chicken, Minestrone, or reg vegetable

2.Italian type foods, spaghetti for instance



Full Name: Gregory Paul Wilson II

Age: 19

Location: Northern Virginia

Occupation: Student

Favorite activity or hobby: Music

Special talent: umm, I play lots of instruments

Favorite alcoholic beverage: I can't drink *cough cough*Sky*cough cough*

3 Favorite movies:

1. Pulp Fiction

2. Band of Brothers (I know, not a movie)

3. Anchor Man

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Elliott Smith

2. Jedi Mind Tricks

3. Brand New

3 Favorite songs:

1. The Great Golden Baby - Circa Survive

2. Infinite Horizons - God is an Astronaut

3. The Boy Who Blocked his own Shot - Brand New

3 Favorite foods:

1. Pizza

2. Jamba Juice

3. oranges


Full Name: Wyatt James Costa

Age: 17 (4 if you want to go by legal birth date)

Location: Idaho

Occupation: Student

Favorite activity or hobby: Painting miniatures.

Special talent: I can play several instruments and I'm a bit of a WW2 history nut (Mainly snipers and the Russian front) .

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Can't say

3 Favorite movies:

1. Pulp Fiction

2. Full Metal Jacket

3. 300

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. The Beetles

2. Blue Oyster Cult

3. Sabaton

3 Favorite songs:

1. Don't Fear (The Reaper) -BOC

2. Let it be - The Beetles

3. Panzer Battalion - Sabaton

3 Favorite foods:

1. Spaghetti

2. Club Sandwich

3. Hot Dogs

  • 1 year later...

Full Name: Matt "shank-a-bitch" Hopkins

Age: 22

Location: Phoenix AZ

Occupation: Professional begger

Favorite activity or hobby: Drawing

Special talent: See above

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer

3 Favorite movies:

1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

2. Tae Guk Gi

3. Back-door sluts 9

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Shpongle


3. Tupac

3 Favorite songs:

1. Invisible man in a fluorescent suit- Shpongle

2. The Decline- NOFX

3. Fire on the mountain- The Grateful Dead

3 Favorite foods:

1. Chicken Parmesan

2. Teriyaki steak

3. Orphan blood

Posted (edited)

Full Name: Justin Joshua D. Pangilinan

Age: 22

Location: Northern Virginia

Occupation: Stagehand, Full Time University Student (Government & International Politics, conc. International Politics; Minor in History)

Favorite activity or hobby: Watching Anime, Reading books, Raging at politics

Special talent: Um...being a background character?

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Darker beers...um...Guinness

3 Favorite movies:

1. My Neighbor Totoro

2. The Boondock Saints

3. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. George Strait

2. Alabama

3. Johnny Cash

3 Favorite songs:

1. Uchuu Senkan Yamato

2. The Devil Went Down to Georgia

3. The Star-Spangled Banner

3 Favorite foods:

1. Dinaguan

2. Kare-Kare

3. Fried SPAM and Eggs w/ Chammorro Red Rice


I am ethnically, a native of the Philippines, with some traces of Chinese-Filipino within the last few generations. I am a naturalized United States citizen, and politically oriented to the right on a single-axis orientation, and can be located at (X: 4.75, Y: 1.59) in the X,Y, dual-axis orientation on the more expanded socio-economic scale. (Results may vary)

Enough of that, I'm someone who likes anime, country music, believes in all the greatness of this country in which my family fought for, and tends to have a problem with depression and needs to lay off the bottle sometimes.

Edited by Pangilinan 1st MRB

Full Name: Charlie Englebretson

Age: 22

Location: Minnesota

Occupation: Student/Ass. Manager

Favorite activity or hobby: Fishing and Hunting

Special talent: I am certified to transport explosive material.

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Penis juice doesnt count so beer.

3 Favorite movies:

1. We Were Soldiers

2. Any Given Sunday

3. Old School

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Atmosphere

2. Offspring

3. Beastie Boys

3 Favorite songs:

1. Sabatoge

2. Walla Walla

3. One of a Kind

3 Favorite foods:

1. Bulgogi

2. Fish

3. Turkey Sandwich

Posted (edited)

Full Name: Shea Magoo

Age: 25

Location: New York

Occupation: Electrical Engineering Major / Inventory Manager for a boating supply company

Favorite activity or hobby: Sailing, Skiing, Camping, Hunting, DODS

Special talent: Knot tying

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Heineken in winter and Corona in summer

3 Favorite movies:

1. Aliens

2. Anything Arnold Schwarzenegger

3. Band of Brothers

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. The Rolling Stones

2. Led Zeppelin

3. Kiss

3 Favorite songs:

1. Emotional Rescue

2. Watching the Wheels

3. Crazy Crazy Nights

3 Favorite foods:

1. Fish

2. Shellfish

3. New York Cheesecake

Edited by Magoo 1st MRB

Full Name: I'll never tell

Age: 24

Location: Newport News, VA

Occupation: Student/Navy Vet

Favorite activity or hobby: Video gaming.

Special talent: Im pretty good at CQB, and I actually enjoy it. Nothing like getting shot at in the morning to give you that wake up rush. Sure beats the hell out of coffee.

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer (Sam Adams or Bud for the most part)

3 Favorite movies:

1. Star Wars

2. 30 Days of Night

3. Avatar

3 Favorite bands or musicians: So many to name, so I will list the 1st 3 that got me into metal.

1. Cradle of Filth

2. Dimmu Borgir

3. Cannibal Corpse

3 Favorite songs: From the 3 above...

1. Malice Through the Looking Glass

2. Puritania

3. Sentenced To Burn

3 Favorite foods:

1. Steak

2. Pizza

3. Subway BMT


Full Name:Christopher 'Hanny' Goodwin


Location:Chicago Suburbs (Bloomingdale)

Occupation:Web Developer / Graphic Designer

Favorite activity or hobby:Motocross, Diving, Music (interchangeable as my favorite)

Special talent:Worlds Greatest Dad - I even have a coffee mug confirming this, so you know it's true.

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer; specifically - Iniquity (imperial black ale) by Southern Tier

3 Favorite movies:

1.The Princess Bride

2.Any Spongebob season DVD


3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1.Stevie Ray Vaughn

2.Red Hot Chili Peppers

3.Henry Rollins & a bazillion others

3 Favorite songs:

1.Sir Psycho Sexy

2.Pride & Joy

3.So many others I can't name them all

3 Favorite foods:





Full Name: Kyle Kristian Kabasares (I know KKK)

Age: 16

Location: San Francisco, CA

Occupation: Student/Athlete

Favorite activity or hobby: Basketball

Special talent: Piano

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Underage + haven't really developed a taste for alcohol yet.

3 Favorite movies:

1. Dirty Harry

2. North by Northwest

3. Saving Private Ryan

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Metallica

2. Megadeth

3. The Doors

3 Favorite songs: From the 3 above.

1. Fade to Black

2. Trust

3. My Eyes Have Seen You

3 Favorite foods:

1. Fried Rice

2. Ice Cream

3. Pizza


Full Name: Denver Bullock

Age: 23

Location: Dayton Ohio

Occupation: Sales Person

Favorite activity or hobby: Games / Movies

Special talent: LOL???

Favorite alcoholic beverage: Dont drink Alchol Non Alcholic drink is Mountain Dew

3 Favorite movies:

1. Aliens

2. Anything Arnold Schwarzenegger

3. Star Wars

3 Favorite bands or musicians:

1. Metallica

2. AC/DC

3. Arrorw Smith

3 Favorite songs:

1. NA

2. NA

3. NA

3 Favorite foods:

1. Pizza

2. Steak

3. Bakes Potato

Posted (edited)

Full Name:Jacob Connor Owen Takel


Location:Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Favourite activity or hobby:Parkour, Video Games, Music (Piano & Drums)

Special talent:Good musical ear?

Favourite alcoholic beverage:underage but am partial to Crabbies alcoholic ginger beer

3 Favourite movies:


2.In Bruges (It's in Belgium)

3.Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain (Amélie)

3 Favourite bands or musicians:

1.Rage Against The Machine

2.The Prodigy


3 Favourite songs:

1.Tire Me - RATM

2.Voodoo People - The Prodigy

3.Widow's Curse - Bellowhead

3 Favourite foods & drinks:

1.MILK!!! (full fat)

2.Chicken (Mainly Spicy Cajun style)

3.Chocolate Spread and Raspberry Jam Sandwiches!!!

I've mentioned all of those hobbies/activites because they are all equally my favourites.

Edited by Takel 1st MRB

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