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    • Name: DurRud   Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:580889725   Duration of Ban: Permanent   Reasons for the Ban: Blatantly Cheating    Demo Provided?: N   Comments: Player had accumulated 84 kills in 4:32 into the match. Was brought to my attention by the pubber known as Biggsy.
    • Name: Pfc. A. Sheffer |8th ID| Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:57506334 Date & Time of ban: 04/10/2024 Admin who banned you: unsure Reason we should Unban: I know this is the 3rd time submitting an unban request, but i really miss playing on your server. These past months have given me a lot of time to self reflect on the way I treat others. I have been in many Realism units and pubbed on your server for many years and I believe I have grown a bond/attachment to your server and its players. Please, if there is any reconsideration or anything I can do to lift this Ban, I will proceed to do it without no hesitation. I hope that the people I have hurt forgive me for my actions and help me to better myself.
    • 2nd Platoon Weekly Attendance   Week of 30JUN2024   P = Present | E = Excused | A = Absent   Platoon Staff WO. A. Pitteway - Excused MSgt. J. Candy - Present TSgt. A Yoder - Present   1st Squad Squad leader:  Sgt. R. Fielding - Excused Cpl. B. Grande - Present Pfc. R. Smith - Excused Pfc. X. Hocker - Present Pvt. M. Noel - Present Pvt. D. Moffat - Present   2nd Squad Squad leader:  Sgt. C. Dilley - Present Cpl. H. Nielsen - Present Cpl. S. Holquist - Present Pfc. T. Scary - Present Pfc. C. Marsh - Excused (ELOA) Pfc. M. Oake - Excused   Resigned: Pvt. K. Bradley    Helpers: WO. S. Belcher, Pfc. M. Gearhart     Attendance Policy    1. Each Week you must submit a TDR through Perscomm on the website before practice starts     2. If you do not submit a TDR you will get an Unexcused absence    3. Three (3) Unexcused absences in a row you receive an Infraction Report with a possible demerit with Command Staff approval.    4. Five (5) Unexcused absences in a row will result in being moved from Active duty to Reserves   If you need any assistance learning how to fill out a TDR contact your Squad Leader or your Platoon Sergeant.
    • Name: MilfHunter88Bravo   Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:30439656   Duration of Ban: Permanent   Reasons for the Ban: Racism/Trolling/Disrespecting Players   Demo Provided?: N   Comments:
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