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I was wondering if perhaps from time to time when server is near full if we could activate team chat sometimes. I have a couple of reasons for this. I understand we would lose some of the open chat feeling but I feel it wont hurt if you still have 15 people or so on your team to talk with.

1. Cut down on not exactly mic spamming but just the inability to talk sometimes because of 20 or so voices running over eachother.

2. Increase team work by allowing mics to call out locations and not let the enemy know we know.

3. Sometimes so much talking is going on I cant hear the game (footsteps, etc).

4. Just a change of pace by adding a little change every so often.

Sorry this isnt well written but im at work and just shooting this out between customers. Let me reiterate again I dont want this to be a full time change. Just a little change when enough people are on and someone of appropriate leadership is there to take care of it.

Thank you for reading my sloppy post =)


I think this is a good idea especially on maps such as Strand. The allies don't have much of a chance on that map unless they can call out enemy positions. I agree with Pvt. Connary it would only be worth while if theres enough people on the server.

I think this is a good idea especially on maps such as Strand. The allies don't have much of a chance on that map unless they can call out enemy positions. I agree with Pvt. Connary it would only be worth while if theres enough people on the server.

at last support.. thx my friend =)


Ehh... This has been a touchy issue for as long as I can remember. The point of the pub server is to gain recruits and to relax a bit from the realisms. Without "alltalk" these ideas become a little difficult.

However, I don't think that it would be too much of a hassle to allow admins to turn alltalk off every once in a full pub. Admins do have the ability to throw up a vote on alltalk, and I would prefer admins ask the players before putting up the vote and especially before making the switch. Also, I'd also suggest that if alltalk does go off, that it does not last longer than a single map duration.

Do not piss off the pubbers, if someone says they would rather keep alltalk on, make your descision carefully. If the pub drops below say 22~26, you might want to think about turning it back on or switching to another map. Same thing goes for admins leaving the server, do not leave the pub without an admin before turning alltalk back on.

This does come down to Maj. Parker's final call, but I would appreciate it if alltalk does not get turned off on a normal basis. I don't want to hear that the pub is losing players because alltalk got turned off.


Yes Sir, thank you for letting me know the history behind this situation and the rules you would like put down before it is allowed. Since you said it comes down to the Major's final stamp of approval we will wait for that. I understand completely you concerns and as much as I would love to see this happen every so often I would never want it to damage the servers ranking.

Thanks again *Salute*

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