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Just a few minutes ago I was in our pub server and happen to type "STFU" in chat because someone was voice command spamming. But.. Primos King or whatever the hell his name is thought I was talking to him and said "Avary, seriously? Fuck you." So I said "Wow, ok.. I wasn't even talking to you." Then he decided to throw offensive remarks at me, for example.. "your mother is a whore." Now.. I really don't care that he said something about my mom, due to the fact he's obviously immature and too ignorant to come up with something better than that.. But the fact that he's disrespecting a 1st MRB member on the 1st MRB server.. I see as a problem. I'm not requesting he be banned, but I am requesting someone have a chat with this kid.. seeing how he claims to be a member of BAR.. I don't have any knowledge of that, but since he says he's a member of the server, I felt posting this would bring his immaturity to the eyes of the unit and BAR leaders. I've noticed him on the server a lot, and wouldn't want his pubbing to be interrupted by a childish act, but this isn't the first time I've had an issue with him. Actually, every time we happen to be in the server at the same moment, he rages an awful lot and disrupts like no other. Earlier, he was Tk'd by his teammate "Cosby" (ON ACCIDENT), because King decided to run in front of Cosby, as Cosby was spraying his MG down the road on Anzio. King responded, not with a simple "oh it's okay" or "no worries".. but yet a "COSBY! ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!". Another pubber told King that he should expect that every now and then, it is a realism mod server after all. King went silent for a minute, and replied with "Whatever, my teammates are just idiots" or something like that.. I didn't understand fully due to lag.. but either way, his raging is a huge disruption to the server. I and the other pubber weren't the only two complaining, nearly 4 or 5 others were telling him to be quiet and stop yelling or whatever.

Anyways, I just thought I'd post this to bring him to whomever it may concern 's attention.



Edited by Avary 1st MRB

First of all both of you need to calm the fuck down. It is a fucking video game. If you cannot learn how to take flak and give it back out then this might not be the place for you. Im not saying this to be mean im saying this because it is true. Now when I read this I see that you could of handled this a bit differently and gotten a more "kind" response from king. I know that King does not go around in our servers being a dick to people for no reason especially 1st members. But if you are going to make a big deal over this little thing than idk if this is the place for you. Pubbers will always be pubbers and you cannot expect them all to act the way you want them and if you do you are just going to make yourself more upset.


While it appears that this has been decided...

I thought I'd just add my $.02. I have played with King for quite some time (as well as some of the other Primos members when they were a little larger) and while at times they can be just as vocal about stuff as anyone else, for the most part they're good players who are too busy pwning face to be a 'nuisance'.

Anytime things have gotten out of hand, the primo's guys have always been on point with keeping things in line and being respectful. There have been plenty of times where they've helped admins as well, pointing out TK'ers and TW'ers. While their language might have been not the 'best choice', I don't think it's necessary to 'have a chat with them', as they're good people and have always seemed as such to me.

Just my $.02, and I'm sorry you felt this was worth leaving the unit over. But if this is something that would make you leave the unit, this probably wasn't the best fit for you in the first place. Good luck in your future playing!


Avary there is no need for you to leave the unit over this. There are things put in place to handle issues like this. King isn't in BAR yet. He is being considered for it though and is currently under review. Engle and Goodwin are right. The Primos guys are usually outstanding members of the pub. They help enforce the rules of the server and and follow the rules very well while at the same time they are very good dod:s gamers, hence they compete with it. The situation could have been handled better but oh well: things like this will happen every now and then. There is no need for you to resign because of it. We all try to be mature adults with the community and set a good example for everyone involved. Sometimes there will be issues with a single person or two. It's going to happen, we're all human here and just can't get along with everyone. If it happens then we just have to let it go and don't cause any issues. By doing this helps cause a friendly environment for everyone. Since King is being considered for BAR get a hold of myself or TheDude.TF and discuss it with one or both of us. I would try me right now since King isn't a member yet. Here is a policy with BAR if you every have an issue. Leadership is here to help you out man. Use us to our abilities and we'll do the best that we can to assist you. Let me help you out so you can continue to enjoy the community.

Here's the BAR policy so you can review it. The BAR Policy for Public Relations Issues

Here's a link to my profile so you can add me to your friends list so I can help you out with this. My Profile


I apologize if my response was to harsh. I did not mean for it to cause you to leave the unit before giving it a chance. I admit I let my emotions get the best of me and there is no excuse for that. I hope you will reconsider leaving and sticking around for the long haul. If you would like to chat with me about anything I am usually in vent during the evening hours. Again there is no excuse for the way I responded to your post.


Well, I've decided to stay I guess.. just to clarify, I wasn't leaving due to this incident.. the reason was because I thought I was losing my computer due to hardware issues. But.. I bought a new GPU card and I'm good. Sorry about this whole thing, I just hate it when people rage over them microphone.. I had no idea the Primos guys were trusted members of the community. I was just playing with them on our server a minute ago and it seemed like they're pretty cool. Again, sorry about all of this.


Yea bro, glad you didnt leave over this. There is a lot for you to still accomplish with us. The thing i do the second i get annoyed with a spammer is mute the guy myself, and then most others follow suit if they so choose. If i have a problem i find an online nco or higher and talk to them about the issue behind the scenes so that people with the position to fix problems can do it there way. These are just some of my suggestions about handling stuff like this in the future. Please dont take this as a flame towards you either, just my point of view on stuff that i think anyone who reads this can use.

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