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Posted (edited)

This is a list of systems and games that I have played often over the years of my life. I have played probably TWICE AS MANY games as there are below.... I just didn't feel they were good enough to be listed. You may also notice that I have not listed some specific game systems. That's because I have yet to play them. Although.. I have played the Wii... its just completely fucking gay.

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)


Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

.Killer Instinct

.Donkey Kong

.Super Mario World

Nintendo 64

.Mortal Kombat



.Space Invaders

.Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

-Super Mario Bros

.Paper Mario



.Mortal Kombat


.Twisted Metal

.Bloody Roar

.More Madden



.WWF Raw

.Need For Speed (Hot Pursuit)

Playstation 2

.Driver 2

.Twisted Metal

.Even More Madden

Gameboy Color


Gameboy Advanced




.The Sims

Nintendo Gamecube

.Metal Gear Solid

.Super Smash Bros


.Tony Hawk's Underground




.Tony Hawks Underground 2

.Medal of Honor

.Call of Duty

.Grand Theft Auto

.Brothers In Arms (Road to Hill 30)


Xbox 360


.Call of Duty

.Halo 3

.Halo Wars

Playstation Portable (PSP)

.Medal of Honor

.Need For Speed



.Counter-Strike: Source

.Half Life

.Half Life 2

.Garry's Mod

.Team Fortress 2

.Day of Defeat

.Day of Defeat: Source


.Call of Duty

.World of Goo

.Roller Coaster Tycoon

.Brothers In Arms (Earned In Blood)

.Left 4 Dead

.Left 4 Dead 2

.Combat Arms

.Medal of Honor

.Zombie Panic: Source

.Track Mania Nations Forever

.IL2-Sturmovik 1946

.Dawn of War

.Company of Heroes

.Men of War


Post your gaming history as a reply! Let's see how experienced you are!

Edited by Cramer 1st MRB
Posted (edited)

That's over the past 18 years of my life. I don't still have all of them.. I mostly only have the games for PC..

I've owned every one of those systems and games for at least 6 months to a year throughout my entire life. Overtime.. I would usually pawn, lose, or sale them.

Edited by Cramer 1st MRB

Good lord. Yeah I never had anything like that. I had like NES with basic games like Super Mario, Mega Man, Spy Hunter, etc. Then I had N64 with more basic games like Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Perfect Dark, Zelda, etc. Then I have a whole bunch of PC games that I'm not going to get in to because you guys can see what all I have pretty much. lol. Then I just bought a Wii for my son and have sports, resort, and mario kart on that. That's it though. Most my childhood I spent outside.


Wow thatsquite a list I dont think mine would be that long if I inckuded every game Ive played! I've only ever owned a playstation gameboy and PC as fir games


Gran turismo


NHL 09



some poker game

some racing game


Need for Speed Series




Thats about it! for the last 21 years.


How could you not list Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, & Banjo Kazooie for N64!?

FF7, FF tactics, Vandal Hearts, and Primal Rage for PS1!

Star War: Knights of the old republic, Doom2, Quake, & Duke Nukem 3d for PC!?!!?

your breaking my heart =P

Posted (edited)

Wow this has really made me think back to some of those older games i used to love, this is not a complete list as i have forgotten many and didnt feel like addin some. Like Cramer said many more to add.


Food Fight


Missle Defender





Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Zelda: A Link to the Past (pure happiness in a cartridge)

Super Mario World

Mortal Kombat's

Street Fighter

Mario RPG



Sega Genesis: (still own)

Mortal Kombats

Streets of Rage

Golden Axe

Sonic 1

Sonic & Knuckles


Golden Eye

Super Mario 64

Ken Griffy Jr Baseball

Zelda Ocarina of Time


Final Fantasy 7,8

Legends of Legaia

Tony Hawk

Tenchu Stealth Assassin


FF 10, 12

Guitar Hero

God of War's

Devil May Cry 2

Kingdom Hearts 1

Onimusha 1, 2


Mario Kart

Smash Bro Melee


Grand Theft Auto Vice City

Halo 1, 2

Tiger Woods Golf

Prince of Persia:Sands of Time

Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind



Gears of War 1, 2

MK vs DC

Game Boy:


Pokemon Red

New Super Mario Bros


God of War: Chains of Olympus

Final Fantasy Crisis Core (bad ass game)


-Doom (wow i forgot about these next few until the post from ritchey)

-Duke Nukem

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Master of Orion 1

Starcraft 1

WC3 (and FT)

Diablo 2

Everquest (up to luclin)

Dark Age of Camelot (up threw atlantis)

World of Warcraft (up threw WotLK)

Sc2 (beta)

Doom 3

Medieval total war 2

Half life 1, 2

Counter strike




Medal of Honor

Dawn of War

Edited by Connary 1st MRB

ZOMG Doom. 'nuff said.

PC: Myst, the 7th guest, Witchhaven, Diablo 1/2, warcraft 1/2/3/frozen throne, starcraft, Mechwarrior....i forget how many, mechcommander 1/2, 3D Pinball (new with windows 95...so WIN!!!) I don't remember too many others, but there were many many obscure games i'm sure I'd find at Goodwin's..i mean my closet.

Posted (edited)

Atari 2600


River Raid

Donkey Kong

Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space

Nintendo 64


Donkey Kong 64

Mario Party (1, 2, and 3)

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask

Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie

A Bug's Life

Diddy Kong Racing

Pokemon Stadium (1 and 2)

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Sony Playstation 1

The Grinch


Namco Museum

Sony Playstation 2

007: Nightfire, Agent Under Fire, Everything or Nothing, From Russia With Love

Midnight Club (2 and 3: Dub Edition)

Ratchet and Clank (Pretty much all of the titles for PS2)

SOCOM: US Navy SEALs (2 and 3)

Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction

The Sims

The Sims: Bustin' Out

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Nintendo Gamecube

The Urbz: Sims in the City

Need for Speed (Hot Pursuit 2, Underground, Underground 2)

Goldeneye: Rogue Agent

Super Smash Brothers: Melee

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

Super Mario Sunshine

Tony Hawk's Underground (1 and 2)

Nintendo Game Boy Color

Pokemon (Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal)

Pokemon Trading Card Game

Nintendo Game Boy Advance

Pokemon (Ruby, Sapphire, Leaf Green, Fire Red, Emerald)

Risk, Battleship, Clue (all one cartridge)

The Sims: Bustin' Out

The Urbz: Sims in the City

Nintendo DS

Star Fox: Command

Pokemon (Diamond, Pearl)

Sony Playstation Portable

Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters

Secret Agent Clank

The Sims 2

Twisted Metal: Head On

Sony Playstation 3

Call of Duty (4, Modern Warfare 2)

Grand Theft Auto 4

SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Confrontation

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames



Nintendo Wii

Super Smash Brothers: Brawl

Need for Speed: Carbon



WiiSports Resort

Call of Duty: World at War

Guitar Hero: World Tour

Microsoft Windows

Command and Conquer (Red Alert, Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge, Generals: Zero Hour, Red Alert 3)

The Sims (The complete Sims 1 collection)

The Sims 2 (The complete Sims 2 collection, except the unofficial Holiday: Stuff pack)

The Sims 3 (The so-far complete Sims 3 collection, as of July 2010)

Battlefield (2142, Bad Company 2)

Call of Duty: World at War

The Movies

Sins of a Solar Empire

SimCity (1, 2000, 3000 Unlimited, 4, 4: Rush Hour)

World of Warcraft (Until August 2008)

Roller Coaster Tycoon (2 and 3)

Zoo Tycoon (1 and 2)


Half-Life (1, Opposing Force, Blue Shift, 2, 2: Episode 1, 2: Episode 2, 2: Deathmatch, 2: Lost Coast)

Counter-Strike: Source

Day of Defeat: Source

Garry's Mod

Team Fortress 2 (Casually)


Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)


Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto 4

Just Cause 2

Civilization (III, and I own IV, but have yet to play it)

Age of Empires 3


Goldeneye: Source

Stonghold 2

Microsoft Disk Operating System


Edited by Janke 1st MRB

NES (Originally my dad's back in the 80s)

Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros. 2

Legend of Zelda


Super Mario World

Star Fox

Mortal Kombat

Yoshi's Island

A Link to the Past


Super Mario 64

Star Fox 64

Super Smash Bros.


Resident Evil

Resident Evil 2


Super Mario Sunshine

Star Fox Assault

Zelda: Twilight Princess

Luigi's Mansion

Playstation 2

Sly Cooper 1-3

Jak 1-3

Ratchet and Clank Series

Resident Evil 4

Rule of Rose


Day of Defeat Source

L4D and L4D2

Half Life Series


(Basically everything from the Valve Pack)

Dead Space

Mirror's Edge


Pong - stfu I'm old



Donkey Kong



Ms. Pac-Man


Star Wars


Gyromite (with R.O.B. the Robot)

Duck Hunt


Super Mario Bros.

The Legend of Zelda

Super Mario Bros. 3

The Adventures of Link (Zelda II)






King's Quest I-VI

Hero's Quest I-V

Space Quest III

Leisure Suit Larry II-IV

Spear of Destiny

Wolfenstein 3D

Street Rod

Joe Montana Football


Doom II

Covert Action

Civilization I

Civilization II

Civilization III

Command & Conquer

Red Alert


Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear

Ghost Recon

Rome: Total War

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Battle Realms

Betrayal at Krondor <--- best storyline in a game ever

Return to Krondor

Knights of the Old Republic <--- best plot surprise ever

Knights of the Old Republic II

Star Wars: Dark Forces

Star Wars: Jedi Knight

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Half Life

Half Life 2

Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights 2

The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Far Cry

Far Cry 2

Day of Defeat: Source


Call of Juarez

Crysis: Warhead

Company of Heroes



Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 9

2 Xtreme

W Smackdown!

Jet Moto 3

Gran Turismo 2

Cool Boarders 3

FOX Sports Gold '99

Nintendo 64

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

Pokemon Stadium

Wipeout 64

Banjo Tooie

Playstation 2

Jak 3

Jak 2

Final Fantasy 10

Medal of Honor Frontline

Medal of Honor Rising Sun

Medal of Honor European Assault

Final Fantasy 12

God of War

Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront II

Tony Hawk's Underground

Tony Hawk's Underground 2

Call of Duty 3

Call of Duty 2 The Big Red One

Call of Duty Finest Hour

Sly Cooper and The Thievies Raccoonus

Sly 2 Band of Thieves

Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves

Black Hawk Down

Nintendo Gamecube

Medal of Honor Frontline

NFL 2k3

Super Mario Sunshine (didn't like it)

Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition

Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Mario Kart Double Dash

Mario Party 5

Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker (favorite game of all time)

Time Splitters 2

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Nintendo Wii

Link's Crossbow Training (not really a game to me)

Wii Sports

Resident Evil 4

Super Mario Galaxy (hate it)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10

Medal of Honor Vanguard

Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Ghost Squad

Nintendo DS

New Super Mario Bros.

Mario and Luigi Partners in Time

Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

Final Fantasy 3

Mario Kart DS


Playstation 3


Uncharted 2

Medal of Honor Airborne

Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Final Fantasy 13

Battle For The Pacific

Sonic the Hedgehog

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

Oblivian (longest game ever)

Metal Gear Solid 4

Pong (dont worry Dillion, your not the only one even though I am not as old as you)

Atari (dont remember the games since I never read the games I just played them)

I could name more but I am too lazy to type more now :P

Wow, i have forgot about so many of those games. The memories just keep flooding in lol.

I know. Ha. Over half of the ones others have listed I forgot all about. I need to update my list soon. lol


I forgot a lot of them, so instead of trying to remember everything I just ot lazy on it and just ended it, in fact I only named the games I had at my dads house lol I have a ton more at my moms but sometimes it sucks havin divorced parents XD

I forgot a lot of them, so instead of trying to remember everything I just ot lazy on it and just ended it, in fact I only named the games I had at my dads house lol I have a ton more at my moms but sometimes it sucks havin divorced parents XD

I know how it is. Imagine a house that has all of your games in it... :( lol


I would have more games and systems but I am not very good with saving money, plus i dont really spend much money on myself nowadays





donkey kong


golden axe


street fighter 2

streets of rage

vector man

vector man 2

sonic 2

sonic and knuckles

sonic 3D

Earth worm jim

Arcade machine

Mrs. Pacman

metal slug X

Play station

bushido blade 2

metal of honor

final fantasy vii

metal gear solid


play station 2

metal gear solid 2

metal gear solid snake eater [fastest time beating it was 4 hours]


GTA vice city

GTA san andreas

hitman blood money


twisted metal

tony hawks world tour

SOCAM navy seals

GTA liberty city stories

Nintendo DS

Mario 64


new super mario bros

mario cart

xbox 360

halo 3

gears of war

gears of war 2

call of duty 2

call of duty 4

call of duty WAW

call of duty modern warfare 2

Fall out 3

castle crashers




half life

half life shift blue

half life opposing forces

half life 2

half life 2 episode 1

half life 2 episode 2

counter strike 1.6

counter strike source

team fortress classic

battle field 2

battle field 2 special forces

doom 2

Team fortress 2

day of defeat source "DUHHHH"

day of defeat

sniper elite

rambo six vegas 2

torch light

wolfenstien 3d

zeno clash



plants vs zombies


elder scrolls oblivon


everyday shooter

audio surf

Aliens versus predators

Killing floor

and so many more i cant remember them all

Posted (edited)

i feel like a noob at this one


- super mario 64

- doom



Game boy colour

-final fantasy 4

Game boy advance

-pokemon sapphire

-Dave mirra freestly bmx2

-pong & asteroids


-atleast 20 demo's

-the incredible hul ultimate destruction


-Morrowind: the elders scrolls game of the year edition

-Sega gt2002

-Toca race driver2


-Project gotham racing

-Project gotham racing 2

-Fuzion frenzy

-Shadow ops: red mercury

-Farcry: Instincts


-007 nightfire



-Halo 2 limited collectors edition

- True crime new york city collectors edition

Xbox 360 elite

-Halo 3

-Fifa 08

-Quake 4

-Left for dead

-Left for dead2


-Cod MW2

-call of duty world at war

-call of duty 1,2,3

-call of duty 4

-Assasins creed 1,2

and many more...


-Frontlines: fuel of war

-Axis and allys


-Day of defeat source


-Source SDK (not really a game)

im trying to get rid of most of my old xbox games anyone know prices for some of these?

Edited by Cayen 1st MRB

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