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Gaming is one of those pleasant, playful activities that can very easily turn murderous. We all have very vivid memories of playing NES games as children and being filled with an adult-like rage because we can’t seem to swim by that damn collection of purple electrified plankton in that stupid goddamn Ninja Turtles game.

Bad memories aside, It seems like only yesterday that the days of being a gamer meant you were a nerdy shut-in. Cut-to a decade or two later and being a gamer is as commonly accepted as being a fan of film or books. But, as with every medium of entertainment, there are those little annoyances that just dig away at you and make you feel like less of a human -- those tiny, mundane experiences that break us down psychologically and leave us wondering why the hell we even put up with this crap. And, for some reason, they always seem to take forever to happen.

Alas, we will continue to return to our consoles, our PCs, and our handhelds, even though these 4 experiences will always be there to torture us.

Hitting The Wall


You’re 5 hours in to a marathon session. Everything is going smoothly. You’re slicing away at the waves and waves off bad guys with ease. You’ve committed the button scheme to your muscle memory and, chosen level of difficulty aside, you’re breezing through the game with your sanity intact.

And then you do that one thing that you’ve done hundreds of times before – maybe you’re firing an arrow, or trying to jump on to a ledge – and you miss, or somehow mess it up. It’s cool.

Whatever. If there’s one thing your parents always taught you, it’s to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try it again. So you do.


You mumble, “Oh, c’mon.”

You try it again.


You try it three more times, each attempt convincing you more and more that you must have some kind of problem with your motor functions. By the time you hit your 6th or 7th attempt, you’re on your feet giving the finger to an inanimate object (your TV) while calling its mother a whore.

This is when gamers hit the wall. It’s the moment that’s almost like being perfectly alright one second, and, in the blink of an eye, your spinal cord gets cracked and you’re reduced to nothing more than a drooling pile of uselessness.

Nothing you’ve learned in the hours lead up to hitting the wall will help you get over it. No tricks you’ve picked up and no matter how much luck is on your side will help you get out of this spontaneous rut of suck that you’re in.

Particularly stubborn gamers will attempt to muscle through the suck to pull off a miraculous victory in the end, but a lot of the time, it’s to no avail. You’re brain has shit itself and that shit is running down in to your fingers, causing you to forget how to perform even them most menial of gaming tasks.

The Slow Destruction


There you are, running through yet another in a long line of Call of Duty multiplayer matches. You’re firing and grenade lobbing and airstrike calling – everything is cool. Suddenly, an enemy combatant crosses your path. The poor loser doesn’t even know you’re behind him. This is almost too easy. You continue walking your path to give him a swift stab in the neck when…nothing. You clicked the right stick but nothing happened. If this were real life, it would be as if you ran up to a man’s back and just sat there staring at the hair follicles dance around as you breathed on his neck. In real life, you might get punched for that. In Call of Duty, you get shot pointblank with an assault rifle.

But you did everything correctly. You pushed a button that was supposed to do a thing and the thing went undone. This, friends, is merely a small taste of the eventual catastrophic failure of your controller. It always starts off small – a mis-thrown grenade, or off-timed gun fire – but it then snowballs in to either your character going in to grotesque epileptic murder fits, or your character looking like he received a sniper’s bullet in the brain that did not kill, only caused mild to supreme retardation.

The Slow Burn


So you’re playing a game. Like the two entries above, you’re hours in to your session, maybe even many hours that span a few days. You’re playing the game and you realize that the boss fight you just went through was a little weak. It was a bit of a chore, and the wonky control scheme didn’t help much. Regardless, you continue to play because the game is doing a decent job of keep your attention.

Then another hour passes by. You hit a plot point that makes you think this game was written in small, 10-minutes spurts by a guy that took a fistful of Vicodin and tried to get some work done before he took an 18 hour nap. Then, there’s the block-pushing puzzle with the one block off to the side, unseen by your eyes due to the shoddy camera that doesn’t allow you to move it, and looks like its being projected out of the head of a cycloptic war vet. Soon thereafter, it dawns on you: for the past 15 hours, you’ve been playing a shitty game and you didn’t even realize it.

The Wasted Life


Marathon sessions are kind of a badge of honor. The longer your facial hair is in relation to where it was when you started the session is a badge of honor. The number of times you thought you were going to piss your pants as you held off on going to the bathroom for just one more dungeon is a badge of honor. There’s a certain glory attached to not having moved for an absurdly long time, only moving your fingers to control onscreen action and to occasionally readjust your dick in to that position that makes you feel funny every time your controller rumbles.

Too bad there’s a giant downside: a sort of ebbing and flowing wave of depression that drifts over you after you started playing WoW when the sun was up, vaguely remember a brief period of darkness, and then shut the game down, only after your alarm clock rings and you have to be at work in an hour. After going so long without much movement, very little – if any – direct sun contact, and a diet of sodas and microwaveable burritos, you feel like you’ve just been caught with some weed and you parents didn’t punish you, they just looked you in the eye and told you how disappointed they were. Only, there are no parents involved, and the look comes from yourself after a trip to the bathroom mirror.

It’s that kind of self-loathing that’s funny to talk about, but fills your heart with the 1,000 pathetic frowns of a shitty clown after he gets kicked in the shin by a snot-nosed 5-year-old. You know what you did can’t possibly bode well for any aspect of your life; but you’ll be damned it you’re not going to come back home from work or school, log back on and do it all over again. '

Holy Taco article that made me laugh while reading.
  • 5 weeks later...

I like my victory spike story over a game of Blitz 2001, I spiked my playstation controller off the ground and it turned itself into a frag grenade. Or when my buddy ripped my PS3 controller in half over a game of Modern Warfare.

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    • MARINE CORPS ENLISTMENT OFFICE Camp Pendleton, CA   RECRUITMENT LETTER     Hello James Buford, Thank you for taking interest in joining the 1st Marine Raider Battalion.   During your trial period the following will occur: Once accepted as a Recruit, you will remain as a Recruit for 2 weeks from the day of your acceptance until the next BCT Class is offered. During your time as a recruit, it is highly encouraged to play within the Public Server and join Discord with our other members. Upon acceptance, you will be contacted by one of our DIs when the next available BCT is scheduled via the appropriate Discord channel.   We have a BCT class every two weeks. Please keep an eye out for when the next one is made available once you've completed your time requirements!   Upon stating that you understand all the information here, an admin will change your forum name and login to be :   Buford 1st MRB   Take the time now to change your Steam and in-game name to:   Rec. J. Buford [1st MRB] (Example: Rec. J. Doe [1st MRB])   Please make sure to verify your forum account by checking your email. Also, please respond below with a reply showing that you have read and understand these rules. You cannot be fully accepted until you do so. We have a limit on the time to reply, if you do not do so within 48 hours, your application will be denied. Once you reply, you will be approved for your trial period unless otherwise posted.  
    • jelly3384's application for Enlistment Form Questions Name you wish to use and Age: (Our unit uses realistic names, this does not have to be your real name) Pigeon, 16 Platform Type Epic Games Store Steam ID (Use 17 Digit SteamID 64 / PC Game Pass Account Username): Pigeon_theft   Do you have a microphone? Yes   Which game title are you applying for? Hell Let Loose   If you've selected Hell Let Loose, do you understand that this game is currently not cross platform capable and only PC players currently may apply? ( Steam or PC Game Pass) Yes   Why do you wish to join the 1st Marine Raiders? I've played BFV and milsimed in it, and it was a lot more fun when I milsimed. and I enjoy playing HLL, so I think it is going to be more fun when I join.   Did any of our current members play a part in you enlisting? If so, who? If none, how did you learn about us: I found you guys from a website called disboard when looking for HLL milsim groups to join.   This unit offers more than just a place to play games with each other, do you have any online skills you think would be useful? no   Do you have any Leadership experience that you think will be helpful? I'm not sure if it will be helpfull,but I used to be in BFV milsim groups and in my last one I got to [E-7] out of [E-1] to [O-8], so I was a NCO and I helped the officers with whatever they needed doing, weather it was assisting with training, settling disputes or helping them decide what was appropriate disciplinary action. And when we were in combat I was usually assigned to lead my own squad.   Have you ever been in a realism unit before, and if so, which unit was it? yes. I was in quite a few BFV milsim groups, although I was only in one at any given time. unfortunately, I have left the discord servers and I do not remember the names of them. if you would like, I could probably give a reference to someone who was an officer in most of the groups I was in.   By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully or face immediate rejection. Yes   Application stats UserId: 943213736024498227 Username: jelly3384 User: @Rec. J. Buford Duration: 1131 seconds Joined guild at: a day ago
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