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It's useless yet google changed 150 things from their program code, layout, and interface to "keep up" with the competition.

Why is Bing useless? Because it's a Microsoft product? If that is your answer I'll assume you are a Mac user.

It's useless because it doesn't find what you are looking for? Pretty sure it's just a search engine and performs as such

It's useless because google has done exactly like Microsoft and taken control of the search engine genre? It's just a website dude.

You can say what you want, Google realized that hundreds of thousands of people switched to Bing because when you type in something to search, it finds it.

I searched Marine Raider patch on both just now.... What's the thing that makes bing fail?

Google: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=off&...d50020605999ae6

Bing: http://www.bing.com/search?q=Marine+Raider...sk=&sc=1-19

Little side note: Those search options on the left side of google's layout, appeared three weeks after Bing came out and had that feature.

It's useless yet google changed 150 things from their program code, layout, and interface to "keep up" with the competition.

Why is Bing useless? Because it's a Microsoft product? If that is your answer I'll assume you are a Mac user.

It's useless because it doesn't find what you are looking for? Pretty sure it's just a search engine and performs as such

It's useless because google has done exactly like Microsoft and taken control of the search engine genre? It's just a website dude.

You can say what you want, Google realized that hundreds of thousands of people switched to Bing because when you type in something to search, it finds it.

I searched Marine Raider patch on both just now.... What's the thing that makes bing fail?

Google: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&safe=off&...d50020605999ae6

Bing: http://www.bing.com/search?q=Marine+Raider...sk=&sc=1-19

Little side note: Those search options on the left side of google's layout, appeared three weeks after Bing came out and had that feature.

Why does Bing suck?


Well, it was designed by (or at least helped along by) one of the gentlemen that made Google so good, so it will DEFINITELY have some positive points, for sure. Also, it came out how long after Google had been revolutionizing search engines? I wonder how much code was taken from Google under the hood (especially since one of the main guys behind it came FROM GOOGLE). I can't remember his name particularly, but he left google to help MS with Bing. So if it seems really 'snappy and responsive', from what I've read, it's due to him - and the things he took with him from Google (shocking, MS taking someone elses ideas? Never...)

Also - just because someone hates M$ - doesn't make them a mac user. I hate both personally. I'd love a Linux world. We could look at a whole host of other M$ products that are FULL of utter and complete fail, but that's another discussion.

The changes aren't that dramatic IMO. and I don't mind them (regarding Google Images)

Also, Google images still pulls up a HUGE assortment MORE pictures - with a LOT less duplication than Bing does. For example - search "sexy models" on bing, then search it on GI.

Bing in the first page has triplicates of some pictures. Google? None, with a greater variety as well.

Bing? Mostly porn, pussies, dicks and the like. Google? What do you know, there actually look like there are some 'model' shots in there. Much more accurate.

Bing is okay - it's not terrible, but it certainly isn't 'great or amazing' - and it's certainly not 'ground breaking'.

I don't think Google is 'stealing' any features, but moreover beginning to move towards Web3.0 - which is coming... and that's some matrix type shit.

Also, regarding the links you posted - look at the results. Google has images right there at the top (in the event that's what you were looking for, you've got a bunch to pick from)... does bing? Nope. You have to go and click "images" at the top (which shockingly, is in the same position as Googles - weird!). They don't give you small previews like google... just in case. They just start listing links. Less user friendly. Your links don't prove anything other than they find the same things - which they are both search engines - they should. If you look at overall ease of use, intuitiveness, etc. - even in my small examples - Google dominates.

...Bing, raping google... that was a good one. I haven't laughed like that in a while :)

heres the difference


Click the links Ford gave - he gave links to just the 'search' feature, not the image results.

Also regarding the image results?

When you click an image in Google - the following page brings up the specific image you're looking for - without having to click the thumbnailed version, or scroll the page - just another ease of use feature that Bing doesn't offer. But I'm sure Google stole that from Bing too - you know, since Bing is killing them and all.

Figured I should throw that in there, you know, apples to apples and all that.

Why does Bing suck?


Well, it was designed by (or at least helped along by) one of the gentlemen that made Google so good, so it will DEFINITELY have some positive points, for sure. Also, it came out how long after Google had been revolutionizing search engines? I wonder how much code was taken from Google under the hood (especially since one of the main guys behind it came FROM GOOGLE). I can't remember his name particularly, but he left google to help MS with Bing. So if it seems really 'snappy and responsive', from what I've read, it's due to him - and the things he took with him from Google (shocking, MS taking someone elses ideas? Never...)

Also - just because someone hates M$ - doesn't make them a mac user. I hate both personally. I'd love a Linux world. We could look at a whole host of other Ms products that are FULL of utter and complete fail, but that's another discussion.

The changes aren't that dramatic IMO. and I don't mind them (regarding Google Images)

Also, Google images still pulls up a HUGE assortment MORE pictures - with a LOT less duplication than Bing does. For example - search "sexy models" on bing, then search it on GI.

Bing in the first page has triplicates of some pictures. Google? None, with a greater variety as well.

Bing? Mostly porn, pussies, dicks and the like. Google? What do you know, there actually look like there are some 'model' shots in there. Much more accurate.

Bing is okay - it's not terrible, but it certainly isn't 'great or amazing' - and it's certainly not 'ground breaking'.

I don't think Google is 'stealing' any features, but moreover beginning to move towards Web3.0 - which is coming... and that's some matrix type shit.

Also, regarding the links you posted - look at the results. Google has images right there at the top (in the event that's what you were looking for, you've got a bunch to pick from)... does bing? Nope. You have to go and click "images" at the top (which shockingly, is in the same position as Googles - weird!). They don't give you small previews like google... just in case. They just start listing links. Less user friendly. Your links don't prove anything other than they find the same things - which they are both search engines - they should. If you look at overall ease of use, intuitiveness, etc. - even in my small examples - Google dominates.

...Bing, raping google... that was a good one. I haven't laughed like that in a while :)

So what you're saying is since MS got people from google to help them with their search engine, they stole from google?

I'm sure none of the people at google ever worked for MS. **cough**

I never said Bing didn't borrow on what Google was using, I said Google, after Bing came out and started taking their customers, and yes, whether you realize it or not, you are a customer, they took some of the features that Bing introduced, and put their spin on it. Their new Image layout is case in point. Their search options is another one.

And I never said just because you hate microsoft means you are a mac user. Go read what I typed. I'm saying if you think Bing is a shit product simply beacuse it's from Microsoft, simple logic would say you use a Mac, since it's not Microsoft.

Never said Google sucks, hell I don't even use Bing. Not because it's terrible, but because I'm used to google. Is Bing perfect, nope, but don't say it's a terrible product when it's caused the industry leader to change it's own layout to keep up. Say what you want, I could give a fuck less.... as far as layout, and design flow go, google is getting raped by Microsoft. If they weren't, why make a change that has countless similarities to Bing's Layout?

Hmmmm must be that one guy from google that made that happen...


Bing was originally a separate company based in Kirkland, WA. Microsoft is based nearby and they saw the potential in a new "smart" search engine so they invested and marketed like crazy. I'd say it was a good idea, but it will be hard to change everyone's mindset from "I'll google it."

But anyways, I don't mind the new layout, but it's different and confuses me. But I'll manage.

I'd say it was a good idea, but it will be hard to change everyone's mindset from "I'll google it."

My point exactly.

People are so accustomed to google, and so anti Microsoft, they instantly resort to... bing sucks.


I much prefer using bing on my phone over google. Especially when I got my old BB storm. I would just say "weather in fredonia" and my town came up with the weather for the week. This was like a year ago though so I don't know who did it first or who does it now or whatever...but when I'm on my phone, I Bing it, and when I'm on my comp (on chrome) I google it. I just think to each their own for each device.

I also think macs have their place, MS has their place and Linux has it's place. That's why I listen to music on my ipod, am waiting for my android phone to come in the mail, which I will then plug into my windows computer, that dual boots ubuntu if I ever want to fiddle around with the terminal and BASH shell, or clear up any viruses I, or anyone on my network gets!

So what you're saying is since MS got people from google to help them with their search engine, they stole from google?

I'm sure none of the people at google ever worked for MS. **cough**

I never said Bing didn't borrow on what Google was using, I said Google, after Bing came out and started taking their customers, and yes, whether you realize it or not, you are a customer, they took some of the features that Bing introduced, and put their spin on it. Their new Image layout is case in point. Their search options is another one.

And I never said just because you hate microsoft means you are a mac user. Go read what I typed. I'm saying if you think Bing is a shit product simply beacuse it's from Microsoft, simple logic would say you use a Mac, since it's not Microsoft.

Never said Google sucks, hell I don't even use Bing. Not because it's terrible, but because I'm used to google. Is Bing perfect, nope, but don't say it's a terrible product when it's caused the industry leader to change it's own layout to keep up. Say what you want, I could give a fuck less.... as far as layout, and design flow go, google is getting raped by Microsoft. If they weren't, why make a change that has countless similarities to Bing's Layout?

Hmmmm must be that one guy from google that made that happen...

Google was around LONG before Bing - look at the basic layout and options... Bing basically took Google and repackaged it and called it 'bing' (that IS their MO after all)

They had a different image layout - which Google went to (and not only went to, but made MUCH better!)

You want to compare apples to apples, then do that, but don't say just because of ONE SINGLE feature that Bing had, that Google designed something better based off of, that google is 'chasing bing'. That's ridiculous, absolutely absurd even. You talk about 'countless similarities' - but refuse to mention that Bing is essentially 'Google' in a different wrapping. Especially given the simple logic that Bing essentially has shit in the EXACT SAME PLACES as google, and came out AFTER google. Simple logic would say that Bing is chasing Google if ANYTHING, but they had a neat image feature - which Google IMPROVED upon and made BETTER than Bing. How is that 'stealing?'

As I said - why would they make the change? They're moving towards a more fluid web3.0 type style - which is coming. There will be a lot more things coming from Google in the future anyway (which can't be said for Bing). Do you really think it makes a huge difference anyway? They took ONE feature and IMPROVED it, while Bing stole, well, basically it's ENTIRE PACKAGE from someone else, and made it the same features, different package - no vast improvements, no better at anything.

Also the guy I was speaking of was one of the major players at Google - a 'big mind' if you will behind a lot of things. Also, he's now one of the MAJOR players at Bing, and it's his job to make that thing sink or swim. Sure some Google employee's may have been M$ employees at some point - but do you think Google wants M$'s mindset of just waiting for someone else to do it first, and then basically copy it? No. They went to Google because they wanted a forward thinking company who is okay with being on the cutting edge. So despite you writing it off so casually (if not mocking it) the fact that one of their major players went to Bing, says a lot about how their search engine performs and how it's come around. That's the hard truth. If I can find this article again, I'll link it up so you can have a look.

Have you ever looked at M$ history? If anything - they chase other peoples inventions ALL the time. Look at the options that came out in IE8 - that had been fully functional features in other browsers for years? Bing is no different - it's something they created based on other peoples success with it (and based a lot of their design off of other peoples - it's how they work).

TLDR Version:

Bing is Google in a different package. If you're getting upset about Google IMPROVING and providing a BETTER feature than Bing, then that's ridiculous and petty - given how Bing essentially took EVERYTHING Google did, and repackaged it without making ANY improvements.

I'm saying if you think Bing is a shit product simply beacuse it's from Microsoft, simple logic would say you use a Mac, since it's not Microsoft.

Why? Windows is the largest platform out there - and there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who hate M$ products, but use Windows. I don't think it's appropriate to cast such a blanket assertion forward without more info. True 'Simple' logic would suggest that they just don't like Microsoft - it doesn't say anything about their OS they may or may not use (although I would even argue if they hate M$ so much, they'd probably use Linux anyway because most people who hate M$ embrace Open Source - which Mac is not).


Bing is still chasing Google. That's a fact of life.

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