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They just updated the patch notes and said that we should get it in around 3 weeks possibly sooner.

Heres some of the major stuff.

Platoon Battles: Two to three players can join in the same battle.

Reduced resistance on objects when being ran over. (IE no more trees knocking you down to half speed)

Random battles will now take into consideration level and what type of tank instead of tier only.

Doubled gold price to turn experience into free experience.

Decreased price of gold crew training.

Around 20% price reduction in tier 6-7 tanks

More destructible objects.

Improved tank shot and explosion effects.

Fixed information about armor penetration and damage.

Here is the link if you want to sift through it.

Also start converting experience right god damn now, its already 2 gold for 100 experience so get as much converting done before the patch!


I got a StuG III and it can one shot just about anything that's under tier six. Of course that's assuming my drunk ass gunner isn't trying to jerk off when I go to shoot something. And fuck them Jagdpanthers man, I swear they can snipe my tracks from a mile away.

Posted (edited)
BT-7? Y/N

I'd skip that one if I where you. I had one for a few days and hated it. It gets speed ok but the problem with the BT-7 and the A-20 is that if you turn all your speed bleeds away. So you zip into an enemy base then end up doing turns at 20 klicks.

EDIT: Awwwww shiiiiiiit guys looks like there might be a soft wipe for us.

Soon will be online-release "Peace tanks". A pre-release online "soft" wipe will happen on August 9

August 6, 2010, 18:56

We are glad to inform you of the forthcoming online release, which will occur some changes / innovations in the game and user accounts. August 9 will be posted the new patch, the game will "soft" wipe with the following features:

* all purchased from combat units, including those already installed on them to improve, will be exchanged for credits at a price equal to cost;

* machines, bought with gold, will be exchanged for the amount of gold spent when buying;

* provides for compensation for the tank crews zeroed - 3000 Game of gold;

* the accumulated experience of the players, and explore the tanks and their elements remain.

Please note that to happen is absolutely equal sharing of tanks on the loans and gold: the amount received, you will be able to re-acquire its entire tank park. We do not recommend to sell tanks to wipe - in this case, you will incur financial losses.

Upon expiration of the patch test (several days), will be directly online game release date to be announced later. With the release will happen "hard" wipe, in which accounts will be completely reset to zero and will be activated packages pre-orders.

Will become available to full technical support of users. Staff support service goes on round the clock mode and be able to help with problems at any time.

With the release also will be able to purchase game gold for real money. Problems with the receipt of funds to the account, unapplied gold game account and other financial issues will be addressed individually through a technical support service.

Looks like the beta has been dinking around to much and to reset balance they plan on resetting our stuff so tier 3's won't be fighting tigers and KVs.

Also looks like release is getting closer, meaning they can take money and hopefully set up some servers outside of Europe.

Edited by Costa 1st MRB

Digging through the forums I found this link which describes how clan wars will work. Sounds like it could be pretty damn cool, assuming the place doesn't get fucked up with dead clans. I am however curious about how clans made latter on will do territory wise. Also that historical battle thing sounds pretty damn bad ass if they would limit the tanks to era and adjust pilot skill.

Posted (edited)

The European beta is still beta, we haven't even gotten the new patch yet. So far only the Russians are out of beta and into full on release just so they can tweak the store and find any last balancing issues.

Also for which side has better tanks heres a rundown.

Russian medium tanks are fast as fuck and can mount some pretty decent guns.

The early heavy tanks they get blow hard while the later stuff is arguably better than the German counterparts.

The Russia SPGs are worse than early German counterparts but they get later tier stuff like the S-51 which make them top SPGs.

Russian TD's are kinda tricky and better suited for hit and run. Most of the Russia TD's are more or less just built around butting as large of a gun as they can on treads and hoping it the best which makes the armor pretty shabby but they can kill just about anything they point their barrel at.

German Medium tanks take advantage of sloped armor fairly early in the tree so their armor is pretty damn good and they keep a decent speed all throughout.

The German heavy tanks are absolute offensive monsters thanks to thick sloped armor and having some good options cannon-wise.

German SPG's are a little more armored and pack a pretty decent punch but they don't go higher than tier 5.

German TD's are perfect for defense and providing support to offence thanks to thick sloped armor and getting some nasty guns with high penetration but most of the stuff under tier 5 is a pain in the ass.

Edited by Costa 1st MRB
Posted (edited)

ya im thinking im gonna roll into russian tanks at launch maybe....or cant wait to try out the americans. I just want the full version to get out alraedy so i can play! lol i dont play anymore cause i know my stuff is gonna get wiped anyways X_X its disappointing.

Edited by Mamora

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