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Patriot -or- Crazy?


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was just my opinion and i re wrote it..cuz it sounded ignorant and thats my bad lol..its not like that here in canada.. we are very prideful of our country trust me i love canada to peices and will stand up anytime if it is being insulted.. but we have such a diverse culter here so many different nationalities all together in 1 country so it is socially acceptable for anyone to be proud of where they come from :/...

mind u if i seen a american flag over a canadian one id prolly burn it ....and thats a joke lol

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He's a patriot. What he did wasn't wrong. He stood by, as he did in war, and defended our country. politically correct or not, legal or not, he has the right to do what he did. He fought for this country when he was asked, didn't run away. He lost many a brother in battle. So *Salute* to him. I would have done the same. And by the way, it wasn't even a romotely racist thing he did.

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crazy Americans! lol jk.. i really don't see what the big deal is.. his nationality is Mexican he is just prideful of his own country...

it don't matter here in Canada cuz were not uptight lol.. we pride ourselves on having a diverse cultural population...

That one says it all. I could care less what flag someone fly's if someone has a pride for their heritage i think they should show it. The guy clearly did and was showing it then a crazy guy comes with a knife and cuts it down.... like seriously of course the owner isn't going to say anything the guys got a freaking knife! You can't hail that as patriotism that's fanatical. We should all be proud of where we came from and happy for where we are. I love living in a country where there is so much diversity and intermingle of cultures my girlfriend is Khmer (Cambodian) and if she flew a flag that was above the Canadian one and a guy came up to take it down I'd wreck him. You cant say your country is diverse and proud of its diversity while hailing a man who CLEARLY doesn't give a dam about someone else pride. How would you feel if that would happen to you?

"The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself."

~Benjamin Franklin

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I'm Part Mexican, my girlfriend is half Mexican, her daughter is a quarter Mexican.

We're all proud of our culture, however If I were in Mexico I wouldn't fly a Us flag over a Mexican flag, and I wouldn't fly a Mexican flag over a US Flag in the US, though the man is a patriot, but he should have left that in the hands of the police since it's illegal, but to be honest his emotions made him look a little crazy, and his emotions are partially fueled by ignorance, pardon me for saying so but being patriotic to your country of origin does not automatically place you under the category of being an illegal immigrant.

IMO both the owner of the bar and the man who removed the flag were both wrong.

The owner should have either flown the US flag over the Mexican flag or on another pole of equal or lesser height.

The man should have contacted the police and had the authorities handle the situation.

Edited by Hudnall 1st MRB
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Heroic god damn patriot in my eyes. You say we are not diverse. Bullshit. We are a very diverse country, but we are here to unite under a single flag to represent ONE COUNTRY. This isn't some holdin pen for a bunch of different little countries that want to come and see what's up. I hope he keeps that flag. You think that illegal immigrants should be able to come to our country and fly their flags over ours? Which might I add is ILLEGAL. I am glad he did it. More power to him. Call me racist or whatever, I could care less.

However, McDowell brings up a point, I wouldn't go to someone else's country and fly my flag over theres. Its not wrong to be proud of your heritage. If I could I would fly a Saltire flag outside my barracks room door, but I would do it underneath the American flag. There's a difference between heritage and your home. If you don't like the country your in, we aren't making you stay.

By the way: Saltire flag is one of the Scottish National Flags. just so you know.

Edited by McKenzie 1st MRB
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The way that I'm seeing patriotism on this forum is scary. I think your just a small step away from being Crazy. It seems that patriots these days are anyone who's fanatical about their country is dam proud to show it!

There is a pride. Then there is Ignorance a few of you are on the ignorant side some are not..

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The way that I'm seeing patriotism on this forum is scary. I think your just a small step away from being Crazy. It seems that patriots these days are anyone who's fanatical about their country is dam proud to show it!

There is a pride. Then there is Ignorance a few of you are on the ignorant side some are not..

Lamey i think that you are here to troll and try to get a responce from someone, so im going to take the bait. you come from Europe im guessing by your pic. as living in both the US and Ireland over my 19 years of my life, i have talked to many nationalities and I can tell you that if a foreign person came into there country and flew their flag over the host countries that wouldn't sit well for very long. if he was an illegal then fuck him and go back to mexico, and if he wasn't then he can learn to respect the US flag. yes he's from mexico but for fuck sake he moved to the US too. he can be pround of his culture, i am. in my dorm room I have a 5x5 foot Irish flag, and all my little goodies have from home, but never would i fly a Irish flag over the US because I see my self as Irish-American so they are of equal importance to my culture. by coming into the US and being a citizen he too is considered an american and by showing that he considers himself more Mexican then American ( because he has the Mexican flag above the US one, mexican first american second, is what im getting from that anyway) shows that he needs to learn to be and embrace being part of american culture or go back to mexico. now if that is ignorant then call me a ignorant bastard but to me that sounds like he prefers to be mexican but with out the shitty living in mexico and take advantage of the US. that man is a patriot. he fought for that flag and he can do what ever he wants for it. until you put your life for your countries flag can you tell me he is crazy.

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For all of you that say he should have waited for the police they had been contacted hours earlier and never responded. If it took the news station time to get someone down there after they found out then the cops already should have been there. As for pride or crazy he was upholding a LAW. If you saw a woman being raped would you just wait for the police.

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Reno, Nevada, October 2, 2007, the flagpole at a local bar displayed the Mexican flag above the US flag on the same flagpole. Section 7g reads, "When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace."

This is the same exerpt from the story in my first post. On another website telling different rules and regulations.



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For all of you that say he should have waited for the police they had been contacted hours earlier and never responded. If it took the news station time to get someone down there after they found out then the cops already should have been there. As for pride or crazy he was upholding a LAW. If you saw a woman being raped would you just wait for the police.

Police response is based not on when the call was made but by the the severity of the call, so obviously it took them time to get there because they were dealing with something more extreme, the crime the bartender is guilty of is not a felony.

IMO i think your example is very extreme, comparing the witnessing of a rape to the a flag being flown other a US Flag, but if you want i can turn it right around and say Would you be pissed off if you saw someone being raped and no police responded for at least an hour because they are too busy dealing with a bar owner flying a Mexican flag over a US Flag?

You may continue to be pissed off at the poor response time of the police but I hope they had more important things to do.

but in the end I think we all would agree that from a patriotic point of view it's wrong, and the man though he is a patriot, the general consensus is he is a patriot with very strong emotions.

but in the end 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Edited by Hudnall 1st MRB
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FuN fact.

Texas is the only state, by law, allowed to fly the State Flag, at equal or lesser Hight as te National flag.

Go Texas.

Oh and if you were wondering why all other states suck and Texas is allowed to do this??

Bam : http://www.snopes.com/history/american/texasflag.asp

To be honest i found your evidence of why all other states suck and texas is better very dry.

Wheres the proof on which state has the best BBQ.

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