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Oh and I believe it is a felony in Wisconsin, everywhere else it's just a misdemeanor.

And calling me ignorant for saying that the man who cut down a

Mexican flag which was flyin over a US flag. That dosent make any sense. I would have done the same thing. If it s against the law. And the police are taking their sweet time to make an appearance. Then I'll do what is right as an AMERICAN citizen and stop this man from breaking the LAW. And disgracing our country. If you think that Mexico is so much better than the united states and yo have no respect to abide by our laws then NO ONE Is going to keep you from leaving. I don't want you Here anyway.

And as for the topic getting to be flamy. What did you expect. It's politics.

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  Lamey said:
That one says it all. I could care less what flag someone fly's if someone has a pride for their heritage i think they should show it. The guy clearly did and was showing it then a crazy guy comes with a knife and cuts it down.... like seriously of course the owner isn't going to say anything the guys got a freaking knife! You can't hail that as patriotism that's fanatical. We should all be proud of where we came from and happy for where we are. I love living in a country where there is so much diversity and intermingle of cultures my girlfriend is Khmer (Cambodian) and if she flew a flag that was above the Canadian one and a guy came up to take it down I'd wreck him. You cant say your country is diverse and proud of its diversity while hailing a man who CLEARLY doesn't give a dam about someone else pride. How would you feel if that would happen to you?

"The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself."

~Benjamin Franklin

Ya this would be completely fine. If this was in Canada.... But it's not. This was in America. Where people who serve

In the army are proud to put their lives

On the line for the country they love.

Unlike the scared Mexican man.

Who had nothing to say. Probably because he didn't

Know English.

  McKenzie 1st MRB said:
In certain extreme cases, the law is inadequate, and it becomes necessary to act outside the law, to pursue natural justice....

+5 internets if you can name the reference.

Mckenzie! I wanna say the punisher?

  Worsham 1st MRB said:
Ya this would be completely fine. If this was in Canada.... But it's not. This was in America. Where people who serve

In the army are proud to put their lives

On the line for the country they love.

Unlike the scared Mexican man.

Who had nothing to say. Probably because he didn't

Know English.

You wonder why the world thinks your all racist.

I just showed people your comments and the united decision is that your all racist to some point.

Canadian soldiers also fight in Afghanistan they're patriotic.

If my country went to war I'd join up to fight for the country i love. (Military fact Canadian snipers saved a American platoon pinned down from Afghanistan rebels over 1 mile away and holds the longest confirmed kill record) We're just as patriotic and will help others.

Because I'm a born and raised Canadian citizen doesn't make me lesser to an American citizen, but you make it sound that way.

My girlfriends family came from Cambodia to escape from the war (Cambodian Genocide) a war that America DID not help with.

Now would you want your brothers sisters mother father to be taken to a school and killed? OR taken to a school to learn.

Somethings you take for granted is the comfort of living we all enjoy, and from this comfort we don't see others desires to have the same.

Did any of you ever think hey why not just ask him to take it down because its against the law??

No... Probably cause that's the "Unpatriotic" but polite thing to do.


lamey is my new hero, get ready for typical anti-canadian comments from americans.. this whole video and thread really jus proves why almost every other country in the world cant stand america :/ your too full of yourselves.. it is a DAMN flag lol... its not like he had anti american propaganda sported on his shop .. or a bin laden statue outside lol its a flag to show he is mexican.. and proud.. big fkn deal maybe he didnt even know it was illegal... hense why he had both flags.. shit almost every store here has a american and a canadian flag do u think we would freak out if one was on top the other no we would jus shrug and say meh they must be americans.. but no not this guy... some redneck gets pissed and starts waving a knife around claiming he is a patriot.. he was prolly just some racist who hates mexico and spanish people or anyone of non white decent lol you people do not know him.. maybe it was a publicity stunt for attention why would he wait on news crew to be there just to do this? instead of acting sooner... in my honest opinion i think this dude is jus attention seeking and being a dumbass its one thing to be proud of your country i am proud as hell to be canadian but im not about to go swinging a knife around claming im a patriot cuz a chinese store sells chinese food and doesnt have a canadian poutine on the menu and cuts their menu's up all in the name of canada lol! if i ever moved anywhere out of canada even to the states you are damn right imma have a canadian flag outside my house ABOVE a american one if there is even one at all lol and your right Worsham this ISNT CANADA cuz canada is to busy worrying about helping our country and its citizens rather then dividing them.

p.s i have no problem with america i live ona border city plz dont shock and awe me lol

p.p.s saying our canadians soldiers are not proud to be is utter ignorance and insulting

ahh politics so many different views

Amen lamey

  Lawrence 1st MRB said:
lamey is my new hero, get ready for typical anti-canadian comments from americans.. this whole video and thread really jus proves why almost every other country in the world cant stand america :/ your too full of yourselves.. it is a DAMN flag lol... its not like he had anti american propaganda sported on his shop .. or a bin laden statue outside lol its a flag to show he is mexican.. and proud.. big fkn deal maybe he didnt even know it was illegal... hense why he had both flags.. shit almost every store here has a american and a canadian flag do u think we would freak out if one was on top the other no we would jus shrug and say meh they must be americans.. but no not this guy... some redneck gets pissed and starts waving a knife around claiming he is a patriot.. he was prolly just some racist who hates mexico and spanish people or anyone of non white decent lol you people do not know him.. maybe it was a publicity stunt for attention why would he wait on news crew to be there just to do this? instead of acting sooner... in my honest opinion i think this dude is jus attention seeking and being a dumbass its one thing to be proud of your country i am proud as hell to be canadian but im not about to go swinging a knife around claming im a patriot cuz a chinese store sells chinese food and doesnt have a canadian poutine on the menu and cuts their menu's up all in the name of canada lol! if i ever moved anywhere out of canada even to the states you are damn right imma have a canadian flag outside my house ABOVE a american one if there is even one at all lol and your right Worsham this ISNT CANADA cuz canada is to busy worrying about helping our country and its citizens rather then dividing them.

p.s i have no problem with america i live ona border city plz dont shock and awe me lol

p.p.s saying our canadians soldiers are not proud to be is utter ignorance and insulting

ahh politics so many different views

Amen lamey

I think i just fell in love!! <3!

I do not hate america. I just think some views you guys have towards people are wrong.

I do know the american anthem and when its played i will sing to it to show my respect to them, i just ask for the same back when it comes to mine.


i had to say it i see too much bashing going on.. the moment i seen a canadian comment i felt it was PATRIOTIC to stand up for my country in such a way....bash me if u want but it is no different then the point u people are trying to raise im only sticking up for mine.

Canadians are very proud, we are there in iraq and afgan helping clean up your mess u started against a U.N vote... please do not insult our army saying we are not proud that is so ignorant and rude...

its a fucking flag.. not RAPE lol....

he was weilding a knife not asking the guy to take it down or change it around...


  Lamey said:
You wonder why the world thinks your all racist.

I just showed people your comments and the united decision is that your all racist to some point.

Canadian soldiers also fight in Afghanistan they're patriotic.

If my country went to war I'd join up to fight for the country i love. (Military fact Canadian snipers saved a American platoon pinned down from Afghanistan rebels over 1 mile away and holds the longest confirmed kill record) We're just as patriotic and will help others.

Because I'm a born and raised Canadian citizen doesn't make me lesser to an American citizen, but you make it sound that way.

My girlfriends family came from Cambodia to escape from the war (Cambodian Genocide) a war that America DID not help with.

Now would you want your brothers sisters mother father to be taken to a school and killed? OR taken to a school to learn.

Somethings you take for granted is the comfort of living we all enjoy, and from this comfort we don't see others desires to have the same.

Did any of you ever think hey why not just ask him to take it down because its against the law??

No... Probably cause that's the "Unpatriotic" but polite thing to do.

I'm going to ask you to A stop trolling this site.

I also am going to say, that we have never said any ill will against any other country or race. But we have proven the fact that we feel a certain strong affection for the country we are proud to call our home. I am proud to call myself an American, and I show that pride by choosing to serve my country. I do not understand why someone would want to come to a country and fly their flag over ours. Either you call this place your home, or you can find a place that you'd rather call your home.

As for the Canadian sniper unit, yes I have heard about that and I am glad they saved our troops. And yes a Canadian does hold the sniper record.

As for your comment on the Cambodian Genocide, we don't have the ability to fight everyones war all the time. Say what you want about the Bush administration and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan etcetera etcetera. However, being a United States Marine, if I had been told to go fight in Cambodia rather then Afghanistan, I would have gladly gone there and done my duty. You might call us all racist, whatever. However that is just a label that you want to call me. We have our beliefs, you have yours. I will ask you kindly to respect them rather then try and raise a harsh reaction from the members of the 1st MRB. If you don't like the way we view things, you are more then able to leave at any time.

Thank you and I hope you have a nice day.


Don't know what trolling is but I'm guessing it means being negative.

But where in a politics section specifically to talk about views.

I was asked to elaborate on mine and i did.

It generated a negative Response, which then drew one from me.

If you don't like it I'm sorry for offending you, but mind you its MY opinion.

You don't have to agree.



Lamey and Lawrence you guys are both retarded. I don't know what it is with the obsession of non United States Citizens wanting to get involved with American politics. All you two ever see is things from the outside and actually have little or no idea of what actually happens within the nation and the amount of damage and harm they are doing. All these little fucks that come into the US and want to change our ways to fit their own ways are causing an enormous amount of strain on multiple spectrum's. I don't give a flying fuck if your girlfriend was from Cambodia or from the fucking North pole. It is by sitting back and doing nothing is when shit doesn't get done and when nations fall and crash into nothing: similarly to what Europe is now. Once was a great a powerful union a decade ago but now is nothing but a mere spineless gutless group of cowards that can't even run their own nations. Want to argue that point? Try to and all I have to say is Sharia law. I have news for those that have no idea what happens in Europe. Sharia law runs mos the nations out there and to prove so go back and look at immigration and political statistics just 25 years ago and look and see what has happened in the past 25 years and see how just sitting on your fucking thumbs gets you nowhere.

I don't give a fuck if a Canadian sniper saved a platoon of American soldiers lives. He did his job as being a member of an allied nation. I don't give a fuck if the United States didn't come in and fight in a Cambodian civil war or genocide as you called it. It's not America's place to go fight in other peoples civil war. Especially in Cambodia. Why is the hell would we want to go back in there? There is nothing that comes out of there and the United States has no interest in it at all. It could fall into the ocean with Vietnam and nobody would blink and eye or think twice.

The man in this video didn't sit on his thumbs and decided to do something about it since the government wouldn't. It's in our constitution that he can do so and it's called the fucking 2nd Amendment. So the next time you two bone headed fucks want to bring your non United States citizen politics into an United States political arena be prepared to get pounded in the ass by people that actually live in this nation and know what goes on in this nation.


Haha Lawrence. This shows my point you say oh it's just a fucking flag what's the big deal. Blah blah blah.

You obviously are not patriotic. You can't comprehend how many people have died in wars to help save our countries. And other countries. In the name of peace justice freedom and democracy.

The guy obviously said he was an army vet. So he too shows his love for his country, the country he fought for...

So yea. I think he would know a bit about pride.

As for lamey. Quoting me from what I said then calling me a racist.

Say what you want to say. I don't Care. The guy was too pussy to stop the vet from cutting down the Mexican flag. (you can cry all you want about the knive) it still dosent change the fact that if he had any sense of "pride" he would have told the man to please stop. He would remove it himself and none of this would be on the news.

But he didn't. He had

Nothing to say. Which leads

Me to believe he knows 0 English.

I am not a racist. I'm realistic. I'm not a little pussy bitch crying about anything

Do you think that I care if the world hates America. Obviously not. If there was another world war. We would probably have to come save the day AGAIN..

America is the best place to live on earth. That's my opinion. And it's most likely true..

  McKenzie 1st MRB said:
In certain extreme cases, the law is inadequate, and it becomes necessary to act outside the law, to pursue natural justice....

+5 internets if you can name the reference.

Natural Law and Natural Rights ....James Donald

  Worsham 1st MRB said:
Ya this would be completely fine. If this was in Canada.... But it's not. This was in America. Where people who serve

In the army are proud to put their lives blah blah

this is what pissed me off and why i retaliated.

  GMoney ßÄR said:
Lamey and Lawrence you guys are both retarded|So the next time you two bone headed fucks

There is no need to flame and start direct namecalling it shows immaturity... i dont give a fuck who u are Gmoney there is no need for that... this post should be instantly locked and stoped cuz of this shit i dont deserve to be insulted for voicing a opinion.. wtf man?

  Lawrence 1st MRB said:
so why are we all in iraq again?..............

Ummmm, idk, maybe because some fucking terrorist decided to bomb our country, let me remember when that was, oh yeah World Trade Center, 9/11/01, and we decided to fight back. Has your country had an attack? Ask the Brits about the subway bombings there. Ask Germany. How do they feel about having their countries attacked?

Let me put that into a perspective that might be understood by the younger generation.

Someone comes up to you and hits you in the face. You hit back. Or maybe it is different in Canada.

Right wrong or indifferent, an attack was made on this country.

But seriously, I think you are missing the point. The guys was wrong, by law. And the guy that took down the flags was wrong, by law. But what he did is what any Patriot, regardless of what country he lives in, would do.

Understand this, if at all possible:

Your country is not dealing with immigration issues, as we are. Along the borders of Mexico and America, there are wars going on there. Ask anyone who lives on the borders in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico. Police getting killed trying to uphold the law, women, children, politicians getting killed because of gun fights. These attacks themselves can be considered "terrorist" in nature. The majority of the fighting is caused by Mexicans that cross the border illigally, yes bringing drugs into the country, gang wars,from both sides. Not to mention the fact that both legal immigrants and naturalized citizens are paying for the cost of all of this. The business owner stated that, by placing his flag above the American flag, is "Fuck You America, this is Mexican Territory, and do something about it."

So when your country is dealing with these issues, you lose family members because a drug dealer is fighting to keep his territory, out country trying to keep illegals immigrants out, come back and talk some sense.

There is nothing racist about what any of us are saying.

  Lawrence 1st MRB said:
There is no need to flame and start direct namecalling it shows immaturity... i dont give a fuck who u are Gmoney there is no need for that... this post should be instantly locked and stoped cuz of this shit i dont deserve to be insulted for voicing a opinion.. wtf man?

I don't have a problem with voicing an opinion but know your shit before you run your mouth. This post wont be locked and stopped because you are now losing this argument. It's happened before where people come in voicing their opinion about shit they have no idea about and then leave with their tails between their legs in humility because of the fact that they knew nothing. I get pissed off when people, whether American or not, come in thinking they just want to voice their opinions and have no idea what in the hell is going on or what they are talking about. It's this little fantasy world they live in and have no idea what the world is like.


There's a reason we don't allow political talk in the public server. One way or another, it always leads to insults. Therefore, we decided to create the Politics section of the forums so everyone has a place to expect to be insults. Entering into a political discussion and expecting to not be insulted is like driving through Iowa and expecting to not see a single corn field. You'll always see the damn corn fields.

Anyways, I'm going to have to go into the field of patriotism, and I would state a really long explanation however Farr seems to have summed up everything I wanted to say already. So kudos to you Farr!



Quick referance.. Your country started the Cambodian genocide by overthrowing the established government.

If you learnt your history correctly you'd know this.

As for the other coments you people need to grow up. It's sad when I a 18 yo kid have more respect for a person no matter race or creed then a Vietnam vet and Iraq vet.

You fought for freedom peace and liberty not for a flag but for the dream of being free. I believe in equal rights, and immigration.

I also believe everyone should have universal health care and education through taxes.

This must be the ideology of communism though and we all know America doesn't support that.

  Lamey said:

Quick referance.. Your country started the Cambodian genocide by overthrowing the established government.

If you learnt your history correctly you'd know this.

As for the other coments you people need to grow up. It's sad when I a 18 yo kid have more respect for a person no matter race or creed then a Vietnam vet and Iraq vet.

You fought for freedom peace and liberty not for a flag but for the dream of being free. I believe in equal rights, and immigration.

I also believe everyone should have universal health care and education through taxes.

This must be the ideology of communism though and we all know America doesn't support that.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this post? If you want to attack our government for overthrowing governments then you sir need to once again learn how America works. For 60 years the CIA has been over throwing governments by supplying and training rebels from within. It's called spies. Ummm James Bond for those fantasy people. This is how you push policy around. It's what you do when you're the super power of the world. So if our spies would overthrow a government why would we put ground troops on ground? Yeah think about it. You're still dumb. Once again learn how America works.

You obviously have no idea what the American flag stands for and millions have died for what it stands for.

I don't care what you believe in honestly. It's your own views and that's your own thoughts. I'm not going to hold it against you. What I am holding against you is your ineptitude to realize American politics and then want to snub your nose in it and assume that what little you know is correct. That's what I'm attacking.

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