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Quick referance.. Your country started the Cambodian genocide by overthrowing the established government.

If you learnt your history correctly you'd know this.

As for the other coments you people need to grow up. It's sad when I a 18 yo kid have more respect for a person no matter race or creed then a Vietnam vet and Iraq vet.

You fought for freedom peace and liberty not for a flag but for the dream of being free. I believe in equal rights, and immigration.

I also believe everyone should have universal health care and education through taxes.

This must be the ideology of communism though and we all know America doesn't support that.

I have to come back later to respond to this one. I've ehard some stupid shit before, but i'll be back

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there never was a argument it was me saying my posistion on this knife weidling idiot... this whole post has went way off topic and i got mad the moment i saw my country insulted.. isnt that the whole point of this thread? why is it fair for a american to insult another country but the moment yours is.. its the worst thing in the world .. as for this thread i do not see in the title "Americans only" its a open forum to members therefor i can voice whatever opinion i have on this matter.. the guys a idiotic attention seeking redneck he was prolly drunk for that matter. i see some valid points but i see nothing but arogance coming from those who are getting insulting lol and that is a typical reaction from americans who have there heads up there asses.. get over it its a flag.. what about the native americans who had there land taken over by us? this wasnt even your country to begin with hmm

and Farr... osama was from afgan not iraq.. you people made up false acusations and went against the U.N to attack them and so called "liberate them" claiming it was about WMD but everyone knows bush was after oil... go watch farhenheight 9/11 very insiteful..

my last post on this matter this thread has become just like costa said a pissing contest.. too many people with to much pride not willing to budge so its pointless.. everyone has there own opinions.. thats what this thread was ment to be about not about canada.. not about wherever else about some loser with a knife cutting a flag down.. my opinion.. hes crazy and wrong.. the shop owner is wrong as well. end.


i just have one quick question, if it affends anyone im sorry. what does your national flag mean to you? and are you willing to die for it?

this alone should answer any questions about if he was crazy or stupid or what ever. if your flag is considered second by some one who has moved into your country and doesn't respect it enough to place it first or at equal level like it is the LAW then get the fuck out. and for the he had a knife. If someone starts to go after my Irish flag, ill drop him, i dont care if hes got a gun, grenade or knife, ill drop him or die trying to save the respect and honour of my flag. if that makes me an idiot then so be it.

i just have one quick question, if it affends anyone im sorry. what does your national flag mean to you? and are you willing to die for it?

I'd die for my country, Not for its flag.


Quick referance.. Your country started the Cambodian genocide by overthrowing the established government.

If you learnt your history correctly you'd know this.

As for the other coments you people need to grow up. It's sad when I a 18 yo kid have more respect for a person no matter race or creed then a Vietnam vet and Iraq vet.

You fought for freedom peace and liberty not for a flag but for the dream of being free. I believe in equal rights, and immigration.

I also believe everyone should have universal health care and education through taxes.

This must be the ideology of communism though and we all know America doesn't support that.


"It only gets personal when one knows their wrong."

Yeah that would be you guy. Once again. People who actually live in the country of the debated topic at hand win.


I would have been just as emotional and angry if I saw that done to my own country's flag in my own country. I'm sure you all agree with me on that.

But ask yourself this, would you be dumb enough to charge up that man's place of business with a knife and cut down the flag yourself? What are you, a blood boiling teenager who is out to prove your parents otherwise?

Yes, he may be a patriot....but a downright retarded one. Behaving just like that idiot who put that flag up there the first place isn't going to win you the "patriot" title....(well not for me at least)

and Farr... osama was from afgan not iraq.. you people made up false acusations and went against the U.N to attack them and so called "liberate them" claiming it was about WMD but everyone knows bush was after oil... go watch farhenheight 9/11 very insiteful..

Let me say this...

Michael Moore is a master at manipulating information to suit his point of view i have watched a couple of other of his videos and discussed it with some of my professors at school. have you seen his movie about Flint, Michigan? Every thing he gets his hands on he loves to make a point by totally changing the context. the fact you used that video as a reference shows to me that you dont know the feelings are in America. We may be rednecks but when it comes to the flag that represents this country i will not have it overshadowed but a person, citizen or illegal, who is living here. That type of mentality is what causes things to change for the worse. this country is a "melting pot" where everyone can united under ONE FLAG. they CAN and SHOULD keep there heritage for that is what makes this country great but when you come to this country and become a citizen you are now a part of that country... I DONT CARE IF YOU ARE THE KING OF FUCKING ENGLAND. that being said i look at this and am proud to see Americans are still willing to stick up for their country instead of sitting on their hands with there thumbs up their ass as it is changed into a split personality of different people... if a german fled to the U.S during WW2 and flew a flag next to a Japanese immigrant who flew a flag next to a jewish immigrant the war would simple move the the U.S. but because we united under one flag that didnt happen and was the reason why we dominated during that war... we are fightjing today because people like Gmoney are willing and happy to go fight to protect the freedoms we have.

i ask you this if a large scale attack was executed on your own soil and thousands of people lost their lives what would you do?...

The way that I'm seeing patriotism on this forum is scary. I think your just a small step away from being Crazy. It seems that patriots these days are anyone who's fanatical about their country is dam proud to show it!

There is a pride. Then there is Ignorance a few of you are on the ignorant side some are not..

No Lamey this becomes personal attacks then. Once things like these are dropped you become open to personal attacks. So once again...don't be dumb.


No need for the topic to be closed. It only has become personal to some when they have been put on their back heels. The topic can still be debated if people so desire. People need to be prepared if they want to talk politics then things can become kind of nasty.


and Farr... osama was from afgan not iraq.. you people made up false acusations and went against the U.N to attack them and so called "liberate them" claiming it was about WMD but everyone knows bush was after oil... go watch farhenheight 9/11 very insiteful..

Ok, in response to this, Osama is a terrorist, he is not associated with and country. Unfortunately this is not a declared war against a specific country, but against terrorism. There may have not been weapons of mass distruction, but there were atrosities against people of Iraq. I think maybe you did see something on the news about this, unless there is cencorship in Canada. I think there was the same thing in Nazi Germany, am I wrong there? I was there when we went to the Gulf the first time to "liberate" Kuwait because Iraq invaded Kuwait. Was that wrong?

I think, basing your information on a movie, shows the lack of knowledge on world affairs. I have seen the movie, lol, it was quite entertaining as all movies are. Please be more knowledgable of world events before posting a comment like that.


The guy is still a patriot. And by posting a comment about being a redneck.......ummmmmm, isn't that a racist remark?

what about the native americans who had there land taken over by us? this wasnt even your country to begin with hmm

LOL, I loved this one.......Yes, what about this one. Finally, you are correct about something. The atrocities your ancestors did against my ancestors where outrageous. From the time the Europeans came to my country, there were massacre upon massacre. From the 1520's to the 1890's. Over land, over food. Complete nations were obliterated, women raped and killed, children killed. But that was way before any of us were born. Since that time, we have all become a nation of ONE people. I don't even think you know about what the Navajo people did during WW2. They didn't fuck you. They went and fought against the Japanese Empire, volunteering for this service. Since you like to use movies as a reference base for discussion, watch "WindTalkers". But if you really want to READ about history google navajo code talkers or just go to the following links. http://navajocodetalkers.org/ http://www.thepeoplespaths.net/history/usmccode.htm .

Getting back, yes I think this was my country before your ancestors from Europe came here. And again I am not full blood Cherokee, but my ancestors were.

I am a vet of the Viet Nam war and a vet of the Gulf War. I served as a Hospital Corpsman for 17 yrs. I was attached to the 4th MarDiv/4thAAV. Within a month after arriving in Irag a scud missle landed in our base and I lost 4 of my Marines.

So getting back to the original post......... This guy is a fucking Patriot.


One of the most common questions that has been raised and never addressed is why the American Flag means so much to us.

Well, we have been raised to respect the flag. It's meaning is as follows:

What does the American flag stand for?

In: United States History, Flags

The Unites States Flag Stands for:

Writers and speakers often attribute meaning to the colors of the flag. But, in truth, the Continental Congress never spoke about what the colors represented.

But the red, white, and blue colors included in the Great Seal of the United States, which first appeared 1782, did purportedly represent ideals and beliefs of our Founding Fathers. Their significance was explained by Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress, and included in the book "Our Flag," published in 1989.

Note that many, many flags around the world use the colors red, white, and blue including the British union jack. Some of the designers of the American flag consciously wanted to connect it with the British flag.

The flag of the United States of America consists of 13 equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 U.S. states and the 13 stripes represent the original Thirteen Colonies that rebelled against the British Crown and became the first states in the Union


The star :

is a symbol of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial; the stripe is symbolic of the rays of light emanating from the sun."



•Hardiness and valor

•Red represents the blood spilled protecting our home.

•Red: Signifies bravery.

•Red is for the blood of the patriots and those that fight for our country.

•Some say it represents the blood of American patriots.



•Purity and innocence




•Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice

•Blue is for justice and perseverance.

•the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes)



The red means the blood fought for victory, It may also mean freedom. The stripes represent the 13 original colonies, the stars represent the 50 states, and the white means freedom, I believe.

America was foundered as a Christian nation. The stripes come from a verse in the Bible in Isaiah 53.5- By his stripes we were healed. This verse is quoted again in 1 Peter 2.24. In the Crucification account, Jesus was whipped 39 times, and the wounds appeared in the form of stripes. So the stripes on the American flag also represent Jesus being wounded for us so that we could be free from our sins. Concerning the stars on the flag, there is a verse in Daniel 12 about the righteous shining as the stars. Each of the 13 original states had a destiny to shine as the stars of heaven.



The red means the blood fought for victory, It may also mean freedom. The stripes represent the 13 original colonies, the stars represent the 50 states, and the white means freedom, I believe.

America was foundered as a Christian nation. The stripes come from a verse in the Bible in Isaiah 53.5- By his stripes we were healed. This verse is quoted again in 1 Peter 2.24. In the Crucification account, Jesus was whipped 39 times, and the wounds appeared in the form of stripes. So the stripes on the American flag also represent Jesus being wounded for us so that we could be free from our sins. Concerning the stars on the flag, there is a verse in Daniel 12 about the righteous shining as the stars. Each of the 13 original states had a destiny to shine as the stars of heaven.


I remember the white representing the peace in which we are to live, but freedom could mean that too. Either way though they're still pretty close to each other I suppose.


im metis farr... i go to a native school.. my dads side are almost pure ojibway... i know enough about aboriginal history concidering im taking aboriginal knowledge and beliefs, traditional ceromonies and rituals, communal responsibilties, aboroiginal history and sources, aboriginal and canadian relations, contemporary life, aboroginal sociology... and the list just goes on :/ to sum it up in in a big native course in school that teaches me everything from the begining up tell present day.. lol i live 10 min from a reserve.. i have my metis card my dad has his status card..jus saying

im done arguing in this post by the way i was jus trying to say in my defense i am aboriginal aswell.

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