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ummmm this is exactly what will happen to NY when that mosque goes up too. For the non-believers in this then they need to go back in history and read history books. It's been happening for 10,000 years. It hasn't stopped for that long and it wont stop now. Wake up Americans, the United States is turning into Europe being overrun by people that aren't of their own mentality.


That is interesting, I did not realize that was happening. Where I live, there is a large Bask population and a growing Mormon hive. I don't mind either of them as long as they do not pressure their "ways" on to my life. The Bask don't try to press anything too significant to my knowledge, they are content driving taxis. I live in Boise, ID. I really don't know a lot about the other cultures in Boise or pay a lot of attention to them, I just mind my business. Utah is to the South of Idaho, and Boise is in South Idaho, which explains the increasing Mormon population.

Boise is experiencing a different situation than Minnesota, but it is a similar matter that is not as severe.

ummmm this is exactly what will happen to NY when that mosque goes up too. For the non-believers in this then they need to go back in history and read history books. It's been happening for 10,000 years. It hasn't stopped for that long and it wont stop now. Wake up Americans, the United States is turning into Europe being overrun by people that aren't of their own mentality.

Damn those British, French and Europeans for coming to America and ruining it, damn them, damn them back to 1492!


In my honest opinion I always hate stories like these because of the fact that people have to change their beliefs to accommodate foreign ones. I'm not gonna say much about the subject because I don't want to offend anyone, but I will say that I don't agree at all with this Shiria Law. Thats it.


The thing that gets most people with the Shiria law is that it just happens over time. It happens so slow that it becomes a form of life for people that it takes over. It goes so long and then the people get tired of it and want to change it back but at that point it's just too late. Perfect example is Europe right now. They don't like what they have become and are trying to change it but the Shiria law is just too powerful now that little can be done to change it. It's a shame that our elected officials just want to toss away "American" ideology and be more like Europe.


Hmmm this is an interesting issue. I really don't know what side to take. First off I can't stand the news article its shit like that that breeds prejudices. I do disagree with Shari law being able to be put on other people. If thats your beliefs then fuck don't become a cab driver! same with the super market stuff, you know your going to have to handle pork at the job so don't take the job.

So I guess I see why people are upset but what frustrates me is the people who think the muslims should be forced to assimilate. If you expect them to ditch there beliefs and assimilate to yours then really your no better then them.

One note on the mosque in NY. People who appose it do you think it fair that Christian churches be removed from Iraq, Afghanistan, and any where else the USA has invaded in the last 100 years?

PS sorry if this offends any one. It wasn't meant to offend people just give you something to think about

Posted (edited)
One note on the mosque in NY. People who appose it do you think it fair that Christian churches be removed from Iraq, Afghanistan, and any where else the USA has invaded in the last 100 years?

Apples to oranges. The fact that Christianity is spreading to those countries is secondary to the American troops there. Are the troops announcing themselves "Fighters of Christianity" and committing suicide by crashing into a national landmark which houses fundamentals of their economy not to mention thousands of people? I think I'd be shadowing hundreds of people when I say, "move the mosque 5 blocks down the street." If NY is this angry about the mosque, forcing them into building the mosque will grow animosity towards the Muslim society even more than already exists. There are already mosques dotting NY everywhere, it's not a problem for the mosque to be built. It's a sensitive area to put the mosque.

Anyways, Try to open a church of any religion other than Islam in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Go ahead, I dare you. You'll be dead within a day of announcing it.

PS: Assimilation is nothing new. When anyone comes to our country, we expect them to accept our norms and mores. Above all we expect them to accept our laws, and these offenses are borderline lawbreaking. The fact that Target keeps them on is out of fear of a lawsuit that will draw them as insensitive to Muslim ideas. Assimilation gets a bad rap, it paints a picture of everyone following the same thing. Granted taken to an extreme it can be that. But it should be a basic understanding of our culture. We expect them to function in our culture, and if they cannot abide by our rules then they cannot function.

Edited by Kirkendall 1st MRB
So I guess I see why people are upset but what frustrates me is the people who think the muslims should be forced to assimilate. If you expect them to ditch there beliefs and assimilate to yours then really your no better then them.

Its not that we are trying to get them to "ditch" there beliefs but to make it so that they cannot function in a regular job suck as a cashier is not thoughtful to the rest of society. If i dont want to be around dogs i am not going to open a dog kennel... if i am going to drive a taxi you have to accept everyone who needs a right or it is a prejudice and it is wrong. if i dont want to touch pork then dont work somewhere that has pork. when you make society change to your specific needs it makes life for everyone else extremely hard... so what next people who are scared of the dark can have the city put in lights so as not to make them uncomfortable???


I thought most cab workers worked for like a cab depot or something, and were sent out. I didn't realize they were independent. As for the Shria law, thats bullshit. You can't just come to a country and decide to act like your way is better then ours. You can't just bias your monetary decisions based on your belief. I find the whole thing to be BS.

Posted (edited)
So I guess I see why people are upset but what frustrates me is the people who think the muslims should be forced to assimilate. If you expect them to ditch there beliefs and assimilate to yours then really your no better then them.

1st read - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing

2nd - Honor killing of a 19 year old Iraqi woman

3rd - Sheria law Honor Killing in Texas of 17 and 18 year old girls

If forcing muslims to assimilate to our society/culture prevents this sort of shit from happening, call me a pigheaded prejudiced bastard.

Edited by Ritchey 1st MRB
Hmmm this is an interesting issue. I really don't know what side to take. First off I can't stand the news article its shit like that that breeds prejudices. I do disagree with Shari law being able to be put on other people. If thats your beliefs then fuck don't become a cab driver! same with the super market stuff, you know your going to have to handle pork at the job so don't take the job.

So I guess I see why people are upset but what frustrates me is the people who think the muslims should be forced to assimilate. If you expect them to ditch there beliefs and assimilate to yours then really your no better then them.

One note on the mosque in NY. People who appose it do you think it fair that Christian churches be removed from Iraq, Afghanistan, and any where else the USA has invaded in the last 100 years?

PS sorry if this offends any one. It wasn't meant to offend people just give you something to think about

People do think about this and people are mad at the government in NY and the President backing it. They have thought about it and they don't want it. If you watch any polls about the mosque built in NYC then you'll probably see something like 65% of Americans are against this mosque going in that location and 30% approve of the construction of the building; however, most Americans feel that Muslims should be able to build a mosque in NYC and practice their religion. The problem people have at hand with this mosque is the location and it just connects too much to what has been done in the past 10,000 years. If Muslims want to build a mosque down the road some or in another part of the city, that's fine, no biggy. The location and the fact that they want to open it on Sept. 11, 2011 and the head cleric for the mosque is a radical islam supporter and that our state department is funding this guy to go over into the middle east and arab world to fund raise for the construction of the mosque. All for what? To improve relations with radical islam conformists? I mean after all that is Obama's agenda. It is the change that he is bringing to America. After all he did appoint the former head of NASA to help the middle east with "space technology" to help improve their status in the world and their lower end education to their children.


I'm not saying anything such as those are acceptable Ritchy. You mustn't generalize with these kind of issues however, you'ld likely find the people involved in those stories are extremists. If you talk to any one who is actually muslim about those stories and they'd be disgusted and just as soon the people doing the honour killings hanging from a tree as you or me.

If you look at any religion you will find "Honor killings" or people committing horrible acts claiming they are doing "gods work" but you can't generalize and assume every one associated with religion is fucked up. No matter what religion you look at there will be minorities who twist the teachings to fit there own fucked up motives.

I'm not saying we should let them do what ever they want because of their beliefs if you move to a country you are expected to follow there laws, but when your looking at free countries such as the USA you shouldn't be forced to adopt the local beliefs or culture. If you want to live by shiria law then who gives a shit provided everything your doing is within the local law.

In the case of Minnesota I don't think the problem is that these muslims want to live by Shiria law the problem is that they are trying to force it on other people. Personally I think target should have fired them for not being able to do the job they were hired to do. I agree with what evolution said regarding this and he does a better job of saying it.

For NY I think my main issue is that muslims are being painted with the same brush as terrorists. By denying muslims the right to have a mosque near ground zero your practically saying muslims are terrorist which just isn't true.

PS On the articles Ritchy posted I noticed they mentioned how women are treated like shit. That is the kind of thing thing that I believe we should force them to change and I wouldn't so much call it assimilation as enforcing our laws. Just the same as if we were to move to there country we would be expected to follow a certain dress code.

The location and the fact that they want to open it on Sept. 11, 2011 and the head cleric for the mosque is a radical islam supporter and that our state department is funding this guy to go over into the middle east and arab world to fund raise for the construction of the mosque. All for what? To improve relations with radical islam conformists?

Ok WTF I didn't know this! K sorry guys I take back what I said about the mosque earlier. Opening on 9/11 is just fucked up. What kind of response did they hope to get from people? and funding the guy? I understand why people are pissed know.


Yeah the cleric that is going to head this mosque is not a good guy at all. He's definitely something that should be deported for his craziness and if you ask me he's a risk to national security.

As for any religious housing I don't care where it is there already are two mosques there.

But the day some asshat says something applying to the sheria law around here is the day you hear about a muslim getting their ass beat here.

Hell yeah, keep that BS outta Winsconsin! lol

Apples to oranges. The fact that Christianity is spreading to those countries is secondary to the American troops there.

Just a historical correction. Christianity (and Judaism) in Iraq pre-dates Islam. Both of those religions have been in Iraq for over 1900 years. Islam has only been around since 636 AD when the Persians were defeated by the Arabs at the Battle of Al-Qadisiyyah.

Posted (edited)

so i decided to throw my 2 cents into this debate. I believe that if people from other countries wish to come into the country and live here that they just first understand the laws of the country, the norms and culture. if you wish to practice your religion then thats fine but DO NOT start making drama about it.

you can't handle pork, fine work somewhere with out pork. the laws of Islam are the laws of their Islamic countries, not the west. DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE AND TRY TO PUSH YOUR LAWS, RELIGION AND/OR CULTURE ON THE HOST COUNTRY ( yes that is suppose to all be in capitals to show my shouting)

the USA was made on other people religion and that is what made it great but stop whining about the laws culture and norms here. you come here from somewhere else and if you dont like it then FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!. i was born in the US and i moved to Ireland at a young age, i didn't complain or push anything from the states into my daily life in irelnad, i adjusted and learned what the customs are and lived with it, same here. i don't drink in public, i don't try and get away with things that i know aren't normal over here. i adjusted just the same here, like it did in ireland.

they should get use to it. and not push shiria law into a non-islamic religion/law state. and we shouldn't be supporting it. we don't need muslim support to run our country we don't need for them to all like us, some hate us others don't and thats fine. so I say FUCK THAT SHIT AND PISS OFF BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY IF YOU WANT TO TRY AND DO THAT SHIT.

( P.S. im not racist, i have no problem with muslims or any other race, i just hate how the world is trying to change to accompany to these people. hot cross buns are no longer aloud to have the cross on them because muslims found it offensive. lol, ya FUCK THAT SHIT, England is a christian country so live with it.)

Edited by Noblet 1st MRB

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