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Well Could it?  

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  1. 1. Could this work?

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Now imagine this, A system where we don't need money. This would eliminate the elite class, poor class, middle class and fuse them all into one.

Homes are modern cookie cutters anyway so individuality is slowly slipping away. The poor keep getting poorer and the rich richer, meanwhile the hard working citizens are getting screwed.

Maybe if we eliminated the BANKS AND MONEY value within our own country we would unite and be successful world powers.

Most often questions asked are is:

How would we get a house?

How would we get cars?

How would we get health care?

How would we get food?

How would we get education?

The advancement of Technology?

Our economy based upon the world?

The answer i think is more simple then people think.

How would we get a House? Simple. Most mortgages are often spaced out between 20-25 years at a fixed rate or an optional float rate.

This then enslaves the man to work and pay his bills otherwise "Boot" out the door you no longer own the home you've been paying for the past 10 years.

BUT what if you paid nothing for the house in return you work 20-25 years on a record (Doesn't matter the job)? Would that not be the same thing? would you not be contributing to society the same way as if you where making money??

How would you get a car?

Almost exactly similar to the house idea, Cars are financially loaned from big banks for generally 10 years at a fixed or float interest.

Work 10 years on a proven record and bang you got yourself a car.... Same contribution to society....

Health care... This one is most often the hardest question as American and Canadian health cares are different. American is the first pay first serve.

Canadian is Universal through taxes.

Well given that you are working for free your health care is also free. With the progression of technology it also becomes easier to cure old problems. Man helping man is a basic human act of kindness and compassion it is well within us to do so.

Food... (Obesity beware!)

All man would be given an equal ration a proper one at that. We have modern studies of eating habits what is considered healthy and unhealthy eating. Those of you that like to eat unhealthy time for you to make a switch to healthy living, not only would it be good for you it would be good for the society as a whole as the health problems that come from obesity would begin to be eliminated. And starvation would then be changed, and managed to healthy living.. (This one is the by far one of the hardest topics)


As we progress into a new age we further develop the intellectual mind. When in high school the student is able to choose their courses like modern day. Post secondary would be the same. Those that want to be a doctor then have the ability to do so without the added stress of loans and student fee's. Those that like working with their hands (Myself) would have the ability to work in trades. Those with truly sound and advanced thinking can then pursue the technology of the future.


This also progresses with the advancement of human knowledge and understanding.

A means of transportation without using fossil fuels would make our civilization WAY cleaner and healthier for us to live in. The progression of technology is forever on going and with society as a whole being able to fully pursue its advancement without the worries of funding and materials makes the doors of the future multiply.

Our economy to the world

This is simple. When it comes to our economy and the Tourism industry we imply the monitary system to those who still use it.

A tourist wants to come. They pay the government the money required as if in their own country (4 bucks for a bag of fruit 4 bucks before entering) meaning they would give us THEIR currency that way if we wanted something of theirs we could buy it with their money and imply it into our society. We could also sell our fossil fuels our lumber our Raw materials at the rates that their country would pay for it giving us the strongest economy in the world.

Any ideas or thoughts or maybe some even better suggestions???

Now I'm unsure of wether or not this can be classified as communism or not because communism still used the monitary system.

The way we would elect a government would mean the distablishment of the modern government and elite (them rockefellers must go Don't care where but not here).

This could also be a good way to make NA the continent one single country and the strongest one in the world.

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Posted (edited)

First off, I find it hilarious that you are pitching this terrible idea, while you keep misspelling the word monetary. Great stuff. Secondly, this is a terrible idea.

Money is a kind of standard that people make for a better life, so if it were not for money, people would lose the standard and feel confused. In the entire history of the world, people have always traded value for things they want. Give me an example of where such a place did exist, and shenanigans will be pulled throughout.

The thing that gets me about this idea is it's basically a pull on a Marxist view, just attempting to seem different then communism. The flaw with Marx's theory is that he did not understand human nature. He envisioned the lower classes rising up and over throwing their rich and then settling down to live in this Utopian society in which there would be not religion, no government, and no private ownership of anything.

In your "theory" no one really has a basic ownership of anything. Why should they have it? Why should we prosecute thieves? For that matter how? We prosecute a thief based on the monetary value of what he stole. So, Jimmy stole 17 Plasma-Screen Television sets, 13 computers, 57 automobiles, and a turnip. Timmy stole a "Foosball" table. How are we to prosecute them for the same crime? There's no monetary value to what they have stolen, so are they to be punished in the same way?

Now to the biggest issue, the one where communism really fell apart. I can't see any personal benefit to working harder in this system. You have taken away every person's individuality and given them the same, stating "Homes are modern cookie cutters anyway so individuality is slowly slipping away." Now, I live in a house that we designed as a family, scoff all you want. The house I live in is completely unique, I challenge you to find one similar. More towards the point, where are all of these houses coming from? Another person? The government? The government can't hope to control a system like this, primarily because human beings are in positions of power. As Gerald Ford said, "A government large enough to give you everything is a government large enough to take it all away." So, you are now getting your "home" from another person. Where is his incentive to build you a house? He's already got his house, and his food. So, effectively you can end up in the same situation as today.

On the same issue, this "theory" gives everyone everything they want. So, where is the incentive to work? I'm sitting at home, after a construction shift for everyone who wants these free houses, and my next door neighbor hasn't left the house all day. He worked for 20 years for his house, and now he sits at home living off of his "food ration." This happens all over the country, where does the food come from? I know the farmer's who live around my area do not want to work if they can't receive equal compensation for their foods. Anyways the end result is a completely stagnating economy. Or, lack of economy because nothing is worth anything.

Like all ideas spawned of Marxist theories, your idea looks so lovely on paper. Give everything to everybody and let's all sing around the campfires. Your very theory's foundations are flawed. You fail to take into account human nature, and thus this idea would fail harder then Communism failed.

You say in your sales pitch this is all so simple. You understand nothing of economics or the world if you think this system would be simple. Our system of government was installed in 4,618 words. Can you do that?

Edited by Kirkendall 1st MRB
Posted (edited)

Why the fuck would I want to be equal with my neighbor? And why would I want breadlines?

This sounds like something a lazy man would want just so they can avoid working at places that require more work and still get payed the same as someone who works harder. There is no sense of accomplishment in this system, it's just everyone getting babied by the bank and government.

And hard working citizens get screwed because the modern day school system teaches nothing that can be used financially. Most people when they get out of high-school just get themselves into debt by buying a car or a house which locks them into a debt they'll have to work for.

Money is the one thing that can put a man in shackles and take them off, if you remove money you remove a man's choice to freedom.

Edited by Costa 1st MRB

Is the capitalist system not flawed too???

Are you saying that in the capitalist world we live in is better then that of one where everyone is treated equal.

The elections are not won by votes but by the money provided to the party.

USA and Canada has the best democracy money could buy yet this seems fair to you.

Money is a very real way to enslave a man/women yet it is just a piece of paper or metal in your pocket.


money is the symbolism that a person get after working hard. yes the capitalism has its faults too BUT if you try to make everyone equal you will baby those who dont work and the ones who think of new things or those who work their ass off will be no different. so the country will collapse as people will see that they dont have to work in order to get the money to get stuff.... if we did this the rest of the world would collapse and starvation would sweep the world.


Communism also failed cause it still implemented the monetary system where all wages where supposed to be equal.

And i don't live for MONEY i live for the people in my life.

If you don't work in this world you end up on the streets... same thing would happen in the idea.

If you don't want to work then you don't enjoy the rewards that comes with it.


But if you work hard and get a good education to become a doctor you get payed the exact same amount as some guy who hauls garbage. This whole system just promotes people to be lazy fuck offs and still get payed the same regardless.

I mean if I went through medical school and gave sweat, blood, and tears to do be a doctor I'll be fucking damned if I get payed the same as some fuck who works at McDonalds or some asshat paving the streets.

Communism also failed cause it still implemented the monetary system where all wages where supposed to be equal.

And i don't live for MONEY i live for the people in my life.

If you don't work in this world you end up on the streets... same thing would happen in the idea.

If you don't want to work then you don't enjoy the rewards that comes with it.

And your system is different how? You don't have money granted, but some random Joe-Schmo is apparently making the same as an Engineer, which is a "house promise"or a "car promise." A promise of housing instead of a paycheck. I have no idea where these cars and houses will come from but they will be there!

Oh, and to the whole tourism thing you referred to.

"This is simple. When it comes to our economy and the Tourism industry we imply the monitary system to those who still use it."

That's probably the most contradictory thing you've said. Let's all get rid of our money, so we can live in Utopia. But it's OK for you guys to come over here, and buy things from us with your money that we have no need of. Think of a person from a country such as North Korea. They have no viable exports we would seek to purchase from them, but now they can just buy all they want from us, because we won't refuse their money.

You need to stop trolling the Politics section of the forums, you really don't seem to address anything I laid out. What about the people who can't work? In your system they would be a complete burden to society. But, wait.... You'll give them housing and "food rations" of course. So, they can be equal to people who are working for the betterment of the nation? That makes little to no sense. Oh and "If you don't work in this world you end up on the streets... same thing would happen in the idea." So you'll just throw a disabled person into the streets? I see you really do care about the people and not the money.

You seem to employ the hippie rationalization of "Money is the Root of all evil." I pose you this: "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." Timothy 6:10. If you need help on that interpretation, money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is.

Your system does nothing to stem greed, you will just put people into positions where they will control everything. But keep living in your fantasy world, just don't try to convince us you're sane.


You fail to take in that there was a system similar to this in the Medieval ages... you know the one where people lived in Utopia and had plenty to eat were vassals to kings. There was no money in this system. There were people who had land, and could build houses. So they said to some peasants, hey work on my land and I'll build you houses and provide protection. Also you don't work your out on your ass. So your other people's idea is full of FAIL.

Now I can see your idea "take away money you take away greed" well man if they didn't have money, land becomes the new thing to own, you know for the houses people are going to work for, or the land for the farmers. This was tried in the Medieval Ages and look how well it turned out. The medieval ages were renown for there human rights If you can't learn from history's mistakes your failed to repeat them. You idea would lead to feudal America. Not some Utopia.


so this would end up as..... ALL HAIL KING KIRKENDALL?

Sorry but i would rather work my butt off to make a living then to have the option to sit around and play games (although it would be nice) and make as much as a Doctor or a lawyer and i am a pretty motivated person. now imagine what it would be like for those who are already living off the system... what happens when welfare goes from what it is now to almost the whole country is on it. yes i know there are some who need it but there is a large amount who live off it BECAUSE they don't want to work and they government is paying for them to sit around and do nothing.

You need to stop trolling the Politics section of the forums, you really don't seem to address anything I laid out.

Your rude and "Trolling" and i don't have time for it.

Big thing I'm noticing is everybody keeps talking about getting paid.... YOUR NOT GETTING PAID. Your being rewarded for the service you do to your fellow citizens. Stop saying im going to be getting paid as the next guy cause your not getting paid. You work you get the rewards with it.

In the medieval ages there was a money system. The land owners made money from the surfs on it which is how they raised taxes for army's and such to battle other feudal lords. [ The mafia worked the same way in the 1900's till modern day its just no longer feudal and has changed] I agree when money then loses its value land's value would increase. But we have a population in the millions and if we're living in a society of equality would you not think it would ruffle feathers with your neighbors if you decided to take more land while they got nothing?? Their greed could possibly lead to that persons own demise.

As for the comments of someone being disabled that's understandable they wouldn't maybe be able to contribute labor to the society any more but who says they then cant stay at home and program video games???? Also the government doesn't need to provide protection as the land owner themselves will have an ability to arms like modern day and the land owners would then have help from the police force.

See there is so many ways a person can contribute you cant rule them all out if they get injured. The mind is a powerful thing and its possibility's are endless when used.

Thieves are thieves if a man decides to steal 1 TV he will be punished just as harsh as the man who stole 15 (off with his hands! JK). You then from the prison system could make inmates work on roads and rail roads

the exact same way some of our modern roads and rail roads have been built. This is not cruel this is not in humane. They decided to break the law they then have to pay the consequences, but that doesn't mean working the poor mates to death it would be just like a modern job except you lose all luxuries of enjoyment the way prison SHOULD be.

To Costa:

Id your working to become a doctor to make money then you have gone in with the wrong intentions we don't need greedy doctors but helpful ones who are there to help their fellow man rather then seek a quick profit. Being a doctor should first and foremost be for the patients. The ability to freely seek whichever profession without having to worry about school fare's or cost would then give you the ability to find a job that would truly make you happy and enjoy full for you to work on everyday.

Money is a piece of paper that holds a value. Why does it hold a value? This is the question you should be asking. The things around your life (House, car, T.V.) are equivalent to a piece of paper. Yet this paper gives you nothing. You work so hard for a piece of paper?? or do you work so hard for the items you seek??


Why does any man work in modern day???


If your given it freely in reward to working that would give you a reason to work.

What rewards?

Cars, Trucks, Tv, Computer, Vacations, House, Rv's etc etc.


Your not removing the problems money brings, your just skipping money and making things have a skewed value. I mean some people would find a TV to be worth more or less than a game system. And only way to fix that would to be assigning everything with a value, so instead of removing money you just made items into currency.

And you're ether Scrooge or a stone cold retard if you think you work for only money. Money brings the ability to trade it for items of equal value, you don't work so your wallet gets fat, you work to buy shit with money. Without money we'd be back to trading items of value for other items of value. We'd be bartering like a couple of ass backwards farmers. And there would be no investments at all in this system, you'd be working for shit your whole life. While in reality you can rent out homes and invest in companies to make money for you. This little degree of freedom is what makes people rich. Smart spending is the exact opposite of what would happen in this system.

Let me guess, investing is wrong because it requires little physical work? Or is it because most people that want your kind of system tend to be the people that would rather work and get the same stuff as a rich person with as little thought as possible? The way this would go is that it would promote people to be lazy for a good pay off. Anyone can just zone out and flip burgers, but it takes some self control and careful planning to invest wisely and reap rewards from the pay off.

And no, most people will not become doctors because they really really want to. Most people will want to do as little effort as possible in a comfortable and easy to do job and just get the rewards that brings.

There's no motivation to become something better if everyone is paid the same. There's still no sense of accomplishment or reward of getting higher in the business ladder.

If your given it freely in reward to working that would give you a reason to work.

But you're not given it freely, you are working for it. Just like money. All this does is cut out the middle man and cut to the shit. It just saves people a trip to the store.

Your rude and "Trolling" and i don't have time for it.

It's funny you call me rude, when you are on the offensive. You are attacking my system of beliefs. I believe in Capitalism, and I believe in the United States of America as a Federal Republic. You're sitting back, taking an easy route and calling these systems bad, because some people have it worse off. No system to date has given everyone all of the necessities for life. At least, not before completely destabilizing and crumbling to pieces. I'm looking at you USSR. Capitalism is what has made these United States the most powerful and technologically advanced economy in the world. Even in this recession, we are still able to retain our number 1 effin' spot in the world. You know why? Because we allow for competition, we allow for everyone to achieve what they can and reap the rewards for it. We allow people like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to become multi-billionaires. And now, they want to give away most of their fortunes. And that's OK, because that's their decision. Even that scumbag Michael Moore, who rants on and on about how bad Capitalism is. He can do that, appealing to the peoples' emotions by showing them how people can fail in our system. Now he's a multi-millionaire because of Capitalism. And he has no inkling of giving away his money. But that's OK, because he made the money fair and square. If everyone felt the same way I do about his movies, he would've failed, and fallen into a bankrupt state. And no one would have been there to pick him up and dust him off. Unless someone really wanted to, that's their choice.

In your system, if he wants to make movies, you'd let him of course. Because that's what he wants to do. Now his movies are failing, no one wants to see them. (You don't even know how many people are going to see them since you can't buy tickets with no money. Oh! Right! Movie theater ticket rations!) What does your system do for him? From what I can see, give him a shoulder to cry on, and keep allowing him to make crappy movies. In your system you aren't getting rewarded for work. You're getting rewarded for being alive. I hate to break it to you, but the reason a lot of people go to graduate schools, medical schools, law schools, engineering schools (etc.) and get those big, scary, expensive degrees is so they can make the money or the rewards that outweigh the costs. Thus allowing them to buy a big fancy house, a fancy luxury car, and fancy hors d'oeuvres. Why should I go to engineering school, if the rewards I'm getting are the same blathering thing as the person who fixes my plumbing?

Oh, but go on and on about how fair your system is. With all of your spelling errors all you have made is Communism without money. And you would fail harder than Communism. We were at least afraid of what they had bought with their money.


Now imagine this, A system where we don't need money. This would eliminate the elite class, poor class, middle class and fuse them all into one.

Homes are modern cookie cutters anyway so individuality is slowly slipping away. The poor keep getting poorer and the rich richer, meanwhile the hard working citizens are getting screwed.

Maybe if we eliminated the BANKS AND MONEY value within our own country we would unite and be successful world powers.

Most often questions asked are is:

How would we get a house?

How would we get cars?

How would we get health care?

How would we get food?

How would we get education?

The advancement of Technology?

Our economy based upon the world?

The answer i think is more simple then people think.

How would we get a House? Simple. Most mortgages are often spaced out between 20-25 years at a fixed rate or an optional float rate.

This then enslaves the man to work and pay his bills otherwise "Boot" out the door you no longer own the home you've been paying for the past 10 years.

BUT what if you paid nothing for the house in return you work 20-25 years on a record (Doesn't matter the job)? Would that not be the same thing? would you not be contributing to society the same way as if you where making money??

How would you get a car?

Almost exactly similar to the house idea, Cars are financially loaned from big banks for generally 10 years at a fixed or float interest.

Work 10 years on a proven record and bang you got yourself a car.... Same contribution to society....

Health care... This one is most often the hardest question as American and Canadian health cares are different. American is the first pay first serve.

Canadian is Universal through taxes.

Well given that you are working for free your health care is also free. With the progression of technology it also becomes easier to cure old problems. Man helping man is a basic human act of kindness and compassion it is well within us to do so.

Food... (Obesity beware!)

All man would be given an equal ration a proper one at that. We have modern studies of eating habits what is considered healthy and unhealthy eating. Those of you that like to eat unhealthy time for you to make a switch to healthy living, not only would it be good for you it would be good for the society as a whole as the health problems that come from obesity would begin to be eliminated. And starvation would then be changed, and managed to healthy living.. (This one is the by far one of the hardest topics)


As we progress into a new age we further develop the intellectual mind. When in high school the student is able to choose their courses like modern day. Post secondary would be the same. Those that want to be a doctor then have the ability to do so without the added stress of loans and student fee's. Those that like working with their hands (Myself) would have the ability to work in trades. Those with truly sound and advanced thinking can then pursue the technology of the future.


This also progresses with the advancement of human knowledge and understanding.

A means of transportation without using fossil fuels would make our civilization WAY cleaner and healthier for us to live in. The progression of technology is forever on going and with society as a whole being able to fully pursue its advancement without the worries of funding and materials makes the doors of the future multiply.

Our economy to the world

This is simple. When it comes to our economy and the Tourism industry we imply the monitary system to those who still use it.

A tourist wants to come. They pay the government the money required as if in their own country (4 bucks for a bag of fruit 4 bucks before entering) meaning they would give us THEIR currency that way if we wanted something of theirs we could buy it with their money and imply it into our society. We could also sell our fossil fuels our lumber our Raw materials at the rates that their country would pay for it giving us the strongest economy in the world.

Any ideas or thoughts or maybe some even better suggestions???

Now I'm unsure of wether or not this can be classified as communism or not because communism still used the monitary system.

The way we would elect a government would mean the distablishment of the modern government and elite (them rockefellers must go Don't care where but not here).

This could also be a good way to make NA the continent one single country and the strongest one in the world.

Now to be honest I hate politics but I just can't keep silent about this. I am only 16 but I know this system would most definitely would not work for even a minute.

If the system did happen here is what would happen (at least where I am from)

How would you get a house: Are you suggesting we steal somebody else's house? Now if you built your own house I figure it would be fair if you wouldn't have to pay for it but nobody is going to just go out and build a house because people nowadays won't get there asses up and do something. "BUT what if you paid nothing for the house in return you work 20-25 years on a record (Doesn't matter the job)? Would that not be the same thing? would you not be contributing to society the same way as if you where making money??". Yes I quoted that part and I think that idea is just not right at all for it because there are some people who might have had that job for that long but they don't do much work at all, that would make the really hard workers go ape shit on whoever they would be working for.

How would you get a car: I just don't get that idea at all so nothing much to say

Health care: I haven't actually seen a doctor's office where I had to pay first then serve, I really haven't, all I saw was serve then pay afterwards. Also if you were working for free what would make you want to work? Nobody is going to get up and do something when there is nothing to look forward to. Its human nature that we would want something in return for working hard, not many people would work (especially a doctor who went through tough schools to get his job and then works for really nothing at all).

Food: Honestly most people are obese because they don't watch what they eat, and they know that they have to exercise to lose weight and its not that tough to get up for at least 10 minutes and do something for your body. Now yes there are some people who are obese and they have tried really hard to lose weight, I would only want to help those people because at least they tried unlike a lot of people who are just sitting there whining about why they are obese and expect the government to do something about it. Also why should I have the same thing as somebody who probably did nothing in there job except just showing up? I should deserve a bit more if I worked hard on a job and he shouldn't deserve anything if he did nothing in his job. Nothing will stop world hunger, especially not your idea, nobody is going to go out to EVERY SINGLE person to give them the same ration of food for everybody. People are going to want a lot more and everybody is different on how much they want.

Education: What teacher is going to want to work for kids who most likely (not always) will disrespect the teacher and just ignore the teacher? Most people in high school nowadays (I am in high school now and I see it every day) they don't want to learn, all they want to do is sleep, talk all day long, and just do things they shouldn't even do because they are not old enough or it is illegal. Now don't get me wrong there are some people who are willing to learn but its not enough people to fill in jobs. Especially jobs that won't give them anything in return except that they get the same thing as the people who won't want to work and won't even work for it.

Advancement of Technology: Nobody is going to want to advance in technology when they are sitting on there ass all day getting the same thing as everybody else and if they get hurt it won't matter since they know they will get away with just about anything. Very rarely people are going to want to advance in tech. and just get a "thank you". They will want more due to human nature, not always the case but it is the majority.

Economy I already got bored of reading it but to be honest your system seems very similar to communism. Not trying to offend if that's your opinion and I will respect it but I just strongly disagree with that system. Sure it would be nice to not have to do anything, I don't like doing anything honestly but I do think its wrong to be awarded for it when somebody is working harder than me and get the same stuff. I would think they would deserve more. I am not trying to flame or anything, I am just a teenager just saying my opinion. I don't hate your ideas, I just don't like them.

Kirkendall I honestly agree with what you have posted on this whole topic and I don't see how you were really flaming or anything. It seemed more like you were just posting your thoughts on the idea.

NOTE* I do not like money either, I hate it but without it how the hell would things work then? I don't like using money at all (at least for myself). I am not greedy with money but I know money is important and it makes things a bit easier, people should be less greedy but it won't happen (at least not for most people). I also even hate political talk and I sure hope I can stay away from this part of the forums right after this post. Please don't think of this as flaming at all, just my thoughts on the idea.

Posted (edited)

Our current monetary system is failing terribly - and it started when money became just 'a piece of paper', and we stopped requiring there to be some sort of value tied to it.

We've dug our own hole with this, and it's a damned terrible shame. Not like having to bail out our own banks wasn't a big huge red blinking "YOU FAIL" sign to American banks, but oh well.

That said - others have pointed out the shortcomings of this communist 'twist', so I won't get into it.

But no one can say we're really 'better off' than anyone else with our current system, at least people have the mind to put forth thoughts on these things and not be so 'in the box' as the majority of citizens who rely on banks (who are giant failures mind you) for 99% of their everyday life.

Where else do you find people who have options, but continue to put their trust in companies who are in the business of money, and can't even keep their own finances in order?

Edited by Goodwin 1st MRB

Dude you should move to China or something. They share similar political views as you. lol I don't know what made you think of this topic but I'm so far against this idea. It makes no sense why anyone would want to share what they work for with others that may not work as hard as they do. I didn't even read your whole post because I didn't want to walk down the road of idiocy.


Sure in the late medieval ages you had money. But at first it was a lord with some land. Land = Power. That's why the Middle class had such a hard time, didn't matter if you had limitless money, if you didn't own land you didn't have power. So man you can take your visionary out look on life and live with it. or you can take off your blindfold and relies people don't do something for nothing. I'm in college [ spending money on an education] to be a teacher, I'm going through 4-8 years to insure I have a good paying job. I decided that was better than working at McDonald's all my life. But under your system I would get rewarded the same as a teacher or as a McDonald's employee. Now lets see which one would be easier. Work a repetitive job where you can zone out and goof off all day, or goto 4 years of college to teach everyday. As with 99.999% of people I would choose the easier route. For there is no incentive to go past the unskilled laborer. So if you rewarded the higher skills with larger rewards, guess what... same system different name. That is why this idea would never work.

Need an example. Here it is. Take a class room of students. Tell them that all students’ test scores would pooled and divided equally. Essentially once the kids realized that the outcome for all students was going to be the same, the effort uniformly stopped. The A students said why bother and the f students said why worry.

There you go buddy. So man go take your socialists propaganda to someone dumb enough to not understand it.

Our current monetary system is failing terribly - and it started when money became just 'a piece of paper', and we stopped requiring there to be some sort of value tied to it.


From what you're saying is that our money is worthless and we just barter? What town do you live in?

Also no monetary system is failing anywhere nearly the way you people keep saying it is. If it was we'd be trading wheat for chickens and horseshoes for handjobs.


From what you're saying is that our money is worthless and we just barter? What town do you live in?

Also no monetary system is failing anywhere nearly the way you people keep saying it is. If it was we'd be trading wheat for chickens and horseshoes for handjobs.

Do you realize the history of our 'money', and where it's at now?

Are you aware of some of the facts around our pape.. I mean 'money'? You used to actually HAVE something in order to get 'money', it used to be tied to things with real value. I can't remember the exact time, but our wonderful government in all their wisdom, slowly did away with that - and eventually just replaced it with paper. So in 'reality', yes, it's a piece of paper - that's it. It USED to hold meaning, and have actual 'value', but for the past 75 years? Nah. At any moment in time we could just print up hundreds of billions of dollars more, would that make you feel better? Do you see the point I'm making here?

Also 'you people', why do you say that? Are you hearing it from plenty of people? If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

Anyhow, the 'dollar' used to actually 'hold value', because the 'federal reserve' (which is about as 'federal' as federal express - it's a privately owned company that our government pays interest to for all money printed, despite the fact our government could print it's own cash but chooses not to - intelligent right?) had to be held accountable for every dollar printed, and report it to the American public. This gave people (and countries) a good idea on how much currency was in circulation at any given moment, how much was being printed, thus adding a more statistically relevant 'value' to our money. Bush signed into effect some bills and they no longer have to do that - which lends itself to making the stability of the 'dollar' very unstable.

They can print as much as they want, without having to report how much was printed. So how much is in circulation? Well, some people probably know, but it no longer has to be 'public record' or reported or what have you. This lends itself to much more 'speculation' relating to our currencies 'worth'.

That's why the value of our dollar is going down down down.

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