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NFL is a bunch of greedy assholes

Read that article. I'm so tired of the NFL anymore and how much more and more they want. These guys make a fortune now compared to the rest of the world and yet they want more and more money. Baseball pushed it too far and look where it's getting them, people are losing interest in the game because it's all about the $$$. When was the last time that an NFL player actually had to work a job other than play a sport? These guys are paid millions upon millions and they want more and more. I don't watch baseball because of their bullshit, I hope it doesn't have to happen with the NFL too.

By the way, fuck you Favre I hope you break your leg.


I've always felt this way towards most professional sports. I hate the greed thats involved, especially the the shittons of money they make. Makes me angry.

I just stick to college sports most of the time. Or world leagues.


Hockey has done a good job with the cap. For the most part players are well payed, they don't give the team attitude ie. not going to summer camp to hold out for more money, and the contracts are actually contracts, not negotiable.

I agree with you GMoney, it makes football really unenjoyable plus, young players develop a sense of entitlement.


the average nfl player on last 3 1/2 season or something like that.

Rookies shouldn't be getting 52mill guaranteed. yes the make alot of money, but the dont have long careers like baseball and basketball.

so IDK they are the one destroying there body's.

Posted (edited)
Hockey has done a good job with the cap. For the most part players are well payed, they don't give the team attitude ie. not going to summer camp to hold out for more money, and the contracts are actually contracts, not negotiable.

I agree with you GMoney, it makes football really unenjoyable plus, young players develop a sense of entitlement.

You shouldn't mention Hockey in this post. At all.

What happened the last time they went on strike? No season the following year?

Oh and GMoney, the way things are looking right now, there might not be a football season next year according to some analysts.

Edited by FŁØß؆ ßÄЯ

yeah I know there may not be a football season. I'm kinda glad that the NFL wont bow to them right now. I hope it stays that way. When they see their bills going down they'll play again


Honestly how come a Sports player makes more money then someone whose job is actually needed in society to continue living the way we do... so the policeman needs to work extra shifts in order to make ends meet and a soldiers is gone for months or years on end and still nothing ut a player goes out once a week and plays a 3 hour game and makes millions? hmm something seems wrong.

Let me ask you this if you were a proffesional athlete wouldn't you want a ton of cash?

I absolutly would but since im not I will feel free to rage when I see a lousy move for a team or a player just for money

  • 2 weeks later...
NFL is a bunch of greedy assholes

Read that article. I'm so tired of the NFL anymore and how much more and more they want. These guys make a fortune now compared to the rest of the world and yet they want more and more money. Baseball pushed it too far and look where it's getting them, people are losing interest in the game because it's all about the $$$. When was the last time that an NFL player actually had to work a job other than play a sport? These guys are paid millions upon millions and they want more and more. I don't watch baseball because of their bullshit, I hope it doesn't have to happen with the NFL too.

By the way, fuck you Favre I hope you break your leg.

I will give a big OOHRAH to that last line.


I'll say this to start: I agree they're overpaid, somewhat.

However, they're the BEST PLAYERS ON THE PLANET. Think about that for a second and let it sink in... these few thousand people, are the absolute best on the entire planet out of BILLIONS of people.

You couldn't do what they do, neither can 98% of the population. Sure, it's a 'sport', but what they do in that sport forces them to have their bodies ready at levels you and I can't really fathom.

The speed those guys have at their size is fucking impressive - and if you think for even 1 second "I could do that", it just tells me you never played even college football. College football is pretty fast paced, but the NFL is a whole new world of speed. It's not even comparable.

I do think the greed is a little sickening, however I also see that these guys are risking their whole life every game. Paralyzation, broken bones, career ending muscle tears, etc. And while many of these guys have an education to back them - this is THEIR career. When it's over they want to retire. Shit, most former professional sports players die fairly young when it's all said and done.

So why shouldn't they get paid well for what they do? Think about more than "well, that's more than anyone I know makes, that's bullshit!" This is their career, and it's usually short. Why shouldn't they get paid appropriately for the risk factors and level of ability it takes them to get to where they are?

You want to complain about money? Complain about the CEO's of banks and shit who make MORE than professional athletes, give themselves 10% raises EVERY SINGLE YEAR, and tell the government they won't take a paycut to save their business, but want BILLIONS of dollars in hand-outs.

Like I said - I think they make plenty right now; but I can also see their point that having a little more is always nice, especially considering everything else associated with that sport and the dangers in that 'sport'. It's not a leisurely game on Sunday with friends - they're playing at a level you and I can't comprehend.


I wouldn't really single out football here. Its all sports in general. Its really driven by supply and demand. I think its nearly evil how much money players make, whether it is football, baseball, basketball, or hockey. Even the near-sports of tennis and golf have too much money. Or even the non-sport of Nascar. They are all over-paid. However, they possess skills that the rest of us don't have (and don't give me the crap about never getting "your shot," because none of us got our shot). As long as people are willing to pay, peopl will be willing to be paid.

You know what I learned this week? You know how some dumb WR or something got a DUI? Yeah, teams actually have a limo service for players. If they are hammered, they call the team limo service.

The whole system makes me want to yak. However, does that mean I don't consider shelling out $200 for a ticket to watch my Seahawks? Yeah, I'm a slut for football. It happens.


Goodwin I don't even want to talk about the risk factors involved. There are jobs out there are far more dangerous everyday than what professional athlete's have and yet they are paid a reasonable amount and not a minimum of 400k a year. Yes you're right that they have skills that a lot of people don't have. Does that constitute them being grossly overpaid? The skills they have are for entertainment. It's not a skill like neuro science or cardiovascular sciences. Every day people pay tons of money on tickets and merchandise for this entertainment and these guys want more and more money. It's out of line anymore. God forbid any of them have a career ending injury but like you said if they have education to back them up then they can still work after that. There is no reason why any one athlete should be making 100+ million dollars in 6,7,8 years of work and then still wanting more money. The NFL has its own health coverage too for each team so the players don't even have to pay for their own healthcare. I'm sure there are 401k's set up too for them. But boy, they still need more money on top of that. It's bullshit on nearly every level. I don't really care if they want to strike next year. If they want to leave work for that year then fine fuck em' find someone who is willing to take smaller end pay, or even comparable pay to what they have now, and let them play. Entertainment is entertainment on any level. Don't try and say that professional football entertainment is best either. College football offers better entertainment than professional football. Why? Because they play with heart and soul into the game. Most professional athlete's you can just tell it's another day at the office for them. I don't watch baseball because of the amount of bullshit they get paid among other reasons. Football is about to be the same for me. I'm not going to support something where there are millions of people that struggle day in and day out busting their balls trying to earn a living to provide for their families and then these football players are making millions upon millions and they want more just so they can keep up their high end ritzy extravagant lifestyle? Fuck them those greedy pieces of shit.


honestly they need more money due to the fact that nfl players that come into this league are hitting harder and faster causing more injuries thats why they want more money due to the fact the game itself is hitting harder and more players are getting carrer ending injuries so they need more money not if they get hurt but its when they get hurt to support there familes in there RIchy life style :D


are you kidding me? Go back and look at film from the 1970's teams. They'll differ big time with that argument. Just look at all the stupid little rules that the comish is putting in these days. It's ridiculous. They are faster though.

Goodwin I don't even want to talk about the risk factors involved. There are jobs out there are far more dangerous everyday than what professional athlete's have and yet they are paid a reasonable amount and not a minimum of 400k a year. Yes you're right that they have skills that a lot of people don't have. Does that constitute them being grossly overpaid? The skills they have are for entertainment. It's not a skill like neuro science or cardiovascular sciences. Every day people pay tons of money on tickets and merchandise for this entertainment and these guys want more and more money. It's out of line anymore. God forbid any of them have a career ending injury but like you said if they have education to back them up then they can still work after that. There is no reason why any one athlete should be making 100+ million dollars in 6,7,8 years of work and then still wanting more money. The NFL has its own health coverage too for each team so the players don't even have to pay for their own healthcare. I'm sure there are 401k's set up too for them. But boy, they still need more money on top of that. It's bullshit on nearly every level. I don't really care if they want to strike next year. If they want to leave work for that year then fine fuck em' find someone who is willing to take smaller end pay, or even comparable pay to what they have now, and let them play. Entertainment is entertainment on any level. Don't try and say that professional football entertainment is best either. College football offers better entertainment than professional football. Why? Because they play with heart and soul into the game. Most professional athlete's you can just tell it's another day at the office for them. I don't watch baseball because of the amount of bullshit they get paid among other reasons. Football is about to be the same for me. I'm not going to support something where there are millions of people that struggle day in and day out busting their balls trying to earn a living to provide for their families and then these football players are making millions upon millions and they want more just so they can keep up their high end ritzy extravagant lifestyle? Fuck them those greedy pieces of shit.

I'm not saying their job is the most dangerous, or that they're paid 'appropriately'... I think they're over-paid as well...

But if people are going to pay it, people will ask for it.

Like I said - right off the top of my head I can think of about a lot of jobs that overpay a lot more in terms of amount of work put in, to the amount of money they make.

It's a lifelong commitment these guys make to the game to get to where they are. They sacrifice life and limb on that field every week - hell, they have career ending injuries IN PRACTICE!

CEO Of a bank? Odds are he just has a few fancy degrees from some college where he partied hard and used a calculator well, and made the right connections. Never really 'worked' a day in his life. When was the last time you heard of a CEO suffering a career ending injury while 'practicing' to count his bankroll?

There are millions of jobs that people deserve more money out of as well, our military for example. All you guys should be paid like athletes because you're willing to put your asses on the line every second of every day for all of us poor schlubs who don't have the balls (or physically can't). All of you going overseas? That 'career ending injury' does more than just keep you from being able to strap on a helmet and go hit some guys on a field... see what I'm saying?

It's a vicious cycle. There's no justifying it, there's nothing that will make it better. It's capitalism.

Oh, and I do think guys from way back when hit a bit harder too. They were out there with one goal in mind - to kill you if you had the ball. That was it. No protection came from weird rules, they would bite you, gouge at your eyes, anything they could do. It was vicious! I loved it!


You know what pisses me off as much as the contract issues with the NFL? The fucking attitude and egos of the players. Why the fuck is it okay for a football player to drive around NY with a BAC of 0.15 and nothing happens, Rex Ryan stands around saying that he wants to change the culture of football yet he doesn't even suspend the player. Total bullshit. If it happened to anyone else there would be hell to pay, but instead everyone turns a blind eye. What kind of society allows people to get away with the most ridiculous shit just because they are famous for running around with a fucking ball. Whats worse, is that every day that this kind of culture continues, the problems will only get worse in the future.

It makes me sick.

Posted (edited)

You really can't argue that all atheletes aren't bigger and stronger, in addition to being faster. The physics of this has caused the dramatic increase in concusions in addition to some pretty dire health effects. While equipment is better, it isn't that much better.

As for the salaries getting to big, well, they are too big for me. So then what happens? The owners should keep it all? Yeah, that plays well. You already can't get tickets to games so lowering prices doesn't make much sense. Reducing the TV rights cost? Why? If this much money is coming into sports, its only right that players recieve the lion's share. They are indeed taking all the risks (physical). But then, most jobs with significant risk also have signicant rewards. Or should the owner's keep more money? Because that's the alternative.

I would rather see players overpaid today than return to how things were in the 50's and 60's (and even the 70's) when players had to have off-season jobs to make ends meet.

Edited by Dillon 1st MRB

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