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okay last night was one of the worst nights of my life , it started out cool i met up with some friends and we went to another persons house we were just chilling smoking cigars and talking about old times . then some kid bust's out this stuff called "spice" now spice is something that's legal and you can buy at any smoke shop he offered to a kid who had just started smoking cigars but has never tried weed so he hits it twice and pass's it back everything seems fine. Then i get it "my first time smoking spice" i asked a few questions like whats it do, is it stronger than weed. ect ect. they said that weed was way stronger and i had nothing to worry about so i was pretty positive about it because the one kid smokes it like crazy because he cant smoke bud anymore.

I took two hits and it tasted funny kinda like incense , everythings still seemed fine a few minutes later the kid who smoked before me starts saying call 911 and he was repeating it over and over, not responding to questions. This really geeked me out i got scared i was feeling fine but he turned it into a bad trip , i just stay still trying to have conversations with people to keep my mind focused dosnt work because the kid is about to pass out he changed from saying 911 to help , hes brother goes into the house we were on the back porch gets him a drink and tells him hes fine its all just a mind fuck, then it starts raining everyone gets up and i said id be right back, This is where it gets fucked up i walk to the side of the house and start puking like crazy i thought i was done so i sit under a tree and just go into deep deep thought trying to convince my mind that everything is gonna be okay i sat there for 20 minutes in the rain smelling like puke untill i here the kid who drove me up there walking to hes car. hes says dude where were you mumererd back i sick as hell i dont think he even heard me so he gives me hes key's to just sit in the car and chill out i spent 15 minutes trying to get they key into the door and another 15 minutes trying to open it when it finally got opened i sat down in the back seat done know why i thought that was a better place then up front so the driver comes out and asks if im good . I said yeah but i need to get home then i realize hes outside of the car and cant hear me through the window so i had to get up and try to open the door he gets in and tells me to hop up front i do this and it hits me again i open the door and puke some more i think im good i close the door and he starts the car , the vibrations of the car make it worse so i puke in my mouth trying to open the door to let it out it gets all over my arms and the door itself i get out first thing i can say is dude im sorry i just puked in your car , he goes dude its okay i know your fucked up , I lay down in the grass field right in front of the car seemed like an hour of just puking and moving because the smell of the piles of puke made me puke even more , now people are coming out and telling me that kid inside the house is doing the same thing but hes not responding , they ask if im fucked up and if i need anything i just say yeah im feeling a lil bit better and i dont need anything i just wanted to be left alone, now when like 40 % of the feild is covered in puke i go and sit in front of the car get back into deep deep thought just thinking of good times then finally it startes turning for better i get up go sit in the car covered in puke and sweat and im pretty sure tears from the action of puking i take off my shirt to wipe off my face its all in my hair and and arms i clean my self up pretty well i recline the chair move the seat back and kick off my shoes and just goto sleep i wake up every ten minutes to see a few of the guys i was with talking to me when that happens i wake up to the sound of guitar playing i look out the window and it looks like a bunch of x wings are flying at me but it was just a tree branch and its leaves looking funny in the car light the one kid who brought the spice leaves tells me hes sorry that i got fucked up from it and that im gonna be fine i tell him its alright im feeling a shit ton better he leaves and i pass out for another 5 minutes wake up and its like day and night i feel so much better i can move with out my body aching and i can have full on conversations with out puking and i can finally drink and eat i text it the driving to come out im ready to leave and comes out with one of the kids we drove here with the kid has a bag of chips and a gator aid just for me i devour them and its so much better , we finally get on the road at like 15 after 12 last time i remember was 10:30 i ask them how long i was out for they said i wasnt even out because i responding and moving , it seemed sooo cloudy we ride back it gets to my house i apologize once more the car door getting puked on hes says it cool and to call him in the morning, I went inside showered to get the puke smell off my arms and out of my hair ate chips ahoy and milk and passed out , now here i am telling you that spice is way harder than weed and that i will never smoke it again and if you ever do try to have pleasent thoughts or it will turn ugly :b

ps sorry for the block of text


Dude that is exactly why I stay away from anything that I do not know. *shiver* you could have been really hurt or even hospitalized! Everyone responds to chemicals in a different way, just because one person can tolerate something does not mean you can. I know I probably sound like an anti-drug Canadian ass hole, but reading that I was frankly scared and worried that you had been hurt.


Wow... that sounds like a seriously bad trip your friend was on! Glad your doing alright tho!!

I just looked it up on Wikipedia and a couple of ingredients in it shows that its 5-800 times more potent then weed depending on the ingredient and amount used in the product...


There is never anything in weed when you buy it, if you want extra stuff in it, you have to pay for it. Drug dealers dont waste time and money on putting extra shit in marijuana. I use to be a pot head for many many years, and I've never once had laced marijuana.

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