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New Service - Configs - New and better config!!!


Posted (edited)

The Medical Supply office is pleased to announce that they will begin assisting with creation of configuration scripts for enhanced play in DODS. What we will aim to do is create a seperate script for you that will be executed inside your existing config.cfg script. Now then, that being said, there are two goals that a script can accomplish:

1. Make the game more 'viewable.' - brightening darkened areas (ever wonder how people can see in the dark corners of Donner? This is how).

2. Increase your fps, especially for smoke and special effects.

We will aim to have a "catch all" script for everyone that will do both. We here in the medical supply office want to lend our experience and knowledge in this and hopefully provide you with a better, more effective gaming experience. In short, we want you to be the best players you can be.

The first thing to know is the location of your config files. These files are located in the following path:

program files/steam/steamapps/(your username here) /day of defeat source/dod/cfg

(if you run a 64-bit version of Windows, it may be program files(x86)/steam).

Locate your config.cfg file.

Right-click on the file and select Properties.

Make sure that "Read-Only" is not checked.

Click "Apply" if necessary.

Open it with either wordpad or notepad. On the last line of this document, add the following:

exec autoexec.cfg

Save the edit.

Go back into properties, and make the file "Read-Only"

Now download this file to your cfg folder: Autoexec.cfg*UPDATED*

Also, if I've helped you out with configs, please provide a bit of feedback for us here to let us know if we are doing it right or if we could do it better.

Edited by Dillon 1st MRB
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Posted (edited)

just heads up.. a few weeks ago i heard some or a few ppl say they was having issues with bright helmets and they had to keep reseting the config.. well 1) the server's by defualt auto set some registry for you when vac scans, its nothing major its just a process.. or if you got to another server and some do this.. they have there server preset your autoconfig..cfg now heres the trick to stop that.. all .cfg files are notepads.. find your autoconfig and or your game.cfg as these great ppl have offered .. and then right click the file.. go to properties.. and make check the option to only the " readable" is active.. this way servers can NOT reset your defualts.. some servers even set the rate auto when you join. shrug. just there preference. either case.. nice posting.. i was looking for this intel when i poped here and seen it.. saved me a few hours.. happy fraggin. P.S. / readable = read only.

Edited by Coffee_Is_Good
  • 0

Hmm ok, so I can play this game with every setting turned as low as it can and with 1280 x 720

resolution at an average of about 30 FPS. Now my issue is when I get to smoke and wide open areas,

my FPS Crashes to about 7-10, making it impossible to hit anything. Any commands, or tweaks to

my config that can make this all easier to handle? Also, I have Elf's Config, plus the original commands

of course



  • 0

New config added! It is a combination of Elf's and my config, and I love the result. I get 0.7ms Lerp in the Pub, 0.5ms in the Private. One very easy to use file, and I've cleaned up the instructions a bit.

  • 0

Absolutely excellent. I've been fucking with my in game settings for over a month trying to crank out as much FPS as possible. The average was about 60FPS (I play on a i3 toshiba laptop :( ) and my lerp was a constant 100ms (which my dumbass thought was a good thing)

DL'd the autoconfig, followed the steps. I'm cranking out average of 100-120FPS with 0.5ms lerp.

Out fucking standing. So fucking happy about this. It's amazing how much better i'm playing. Kudos to all involved.

  • 0
Absolutely excellent. I've been fucking with my in game settings for over a month trying to crank out as much FPS as possible. The average was about 60FPS (I play on a i3 toshiba laptop :( ) and my lerp was a constant 100ms (which my dumbass thought was a good thing)

DL'd the autoconfig, followed the steps. I'm cranking out average of 100-120FPS with 0.5ms lerp.

Out fucking standing. So fucking happy about this. It's amazing how much better i'm playing. Kudos to all involved.

Not sure if it is in Dillon's version here but make sure you add a launch option for DoD:S called "exec autoexec.cfg" (with no quotes) so that you do not have to manually exec the file every time you launch.

To do this goto your Steam library and right click Day of Defeat Source, next scroll down to properties and click on it, then there is a section for set launch options click that, and type: exec autoexec.cfg and you won't have to worry about making sure it launches properly. You can check in console if you wish, I believe Dillon added a confirmation line that reads something like "you have successfully loaded Dillon's kick-ass config, you are forever his bitch". It would be at the top of your console.

  • 0

Gotta be careful which Download button you click on sites like that. The ads are from 3rd party websites and mediafire doesn't look at them as carefully as they should. Good rule of thumb is look at the extension before clicking, make sure it goes to the file.cfg and not some crazy referring url. The middle one on this site is the right one; ones on left/right/top/bottom are ads.

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Posted (edited)

This post has not been updated in a while so I thought I would add some scripting binds that might be useful to some. The best place to put these are in your autoexec.cfg file and then change the bind keys to your preference.

//Map and Minimap Transparency

bind "o" "incrementvar overview_alpha 0.05 1.0 .2"

//Changes the net_graph style

bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT" "incrementvar net_graph 0 3 1"

//Drop ammo and tell team where ammo is dropped at

alias ammoloc "dropammo; say_team dropped ammo en route thru %l"

bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT" ammoloc



Edited by Heresy 1st MRB
Set key binds to generic "KEY THAT YOU WANT" for reference
  • 0
This post has not been updated in a while so I thought I would add some scripting binds that might be useful to some. The best place to put these are in your autoexec.cfg file and then change the bind keys to your preference.

//Map and Minimap Transparency

bind "o" "incrementvar overview_alpha 0.05 1.0 .2"

//Changes the net_graph style

bind "x" "incrementvar net_graph 0 3 1"

//Drop ammo and tell team where ammo is dropped at

alias ammoloc "dropammo; say_team dropped ammo en route thru %l"

bind q ammoloc



Some good suggestions Heresy!

To anyone looking to add binds onto their autoexec file, be sure not to bind over any keys that are used for anything else.

  • 0

Here is a gamma or brightness level script that will allow you to easily select three lumen levels by pressing the same key repeatedly. A lot of times I run 1.6 gamma but it can be easier on the eyes to go to a darker level during general play.

//Changes brightness level

bind [KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND] "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma 1.6 2.2 .3"



  • 0

Below is a script to change the volume of players when they talk via the microphone. Sometimes between Vent and the game I have a preference to hear one over the other and this is a nice way in game to change the player volume easily. Also if you get server full of chatty pants you can just mute all with the last line and unmute when you want B)

//Voice volume

bind "[Down Volume Key]" "incrementvar voice_scale 0 1.2 -0.2;voice_scale ;echo Voice Down"

bind "[up Volume Key]" "incrementvar voice_scale 0 1.2 0.2;voice_scale ;echo Voice Up"

bind "[Off/On Key]" "incrementvar voice_scale 0 1 1; voice_scale"



  • 0

This script adds the net statistics to the score screen.

// Scoreboard With Netgraph

bind [Key you want bound to the score screen, normally TAB] +scoreson

alias +scoreson "+showscores; net_graph 1; net_graphheight 65"

alias -scoreson "-showscores; net_graph 0"



  • 0
Posted (edited)

If you are tired of wide and solid background death notices (kill feed) then this is a good script add. It removes the death notice background and makes the notices much smaller. The width can be tweaked to the level desired.

//Death hud transparency and size

cl_deathicon_bg_alpha 0

cl_deathicon_width 25

Thank you,


Edited by Heresy 1st MRB
  • 0

Based on the information that was received from 2ndLt. S. Magoo today during practice I wanted to write up some toggle script commands to manage the contrast within the game. This is very important increase the light levels in darkened areas so that you can see people easier. The script below will allow you to make changes on the fly within the game with various settings to match your preference.

//Contrast settings below

//Turns on contrast options this must be turned on for the options below to work

BindToggle "[KEY YOU WANT TO BIND TO]" mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled

//Toggles mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp between value between 1 to 4 in increments of .5 (default is 2.5)

bind "[KEY YOU WANT TO BIND TO]" "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp 1 4 -.5"

//Toggles mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max between the values of 55 and 255 in increments of 50 (default is 255)

bind "[KEY YOU WANT TO BIND TO]" "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max 55 255 -50"

//Toggles mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min toggles between the values of 1 and 25 (default is 16)

bind "[KEY YOU WANT TO BIND TO]" "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min 1 25 24"

If you have any questions please let me know,


  • 0

In regards to Heresy's last post:

Change these at your own risk.

I am not sure if any of these values are similar to what he sent me when we were on adneu but it really messed with my display while in game.

I needed to re-do a bunch of settings to get it close to what it was before. just a heads up, but keep up the good work Heresy.

  • 0
In regards to Heresy's last post:

Change these at your own risk.

I am not sure if any of these values are similar to what he sent me when we were on adneu but it really messed with my display while in game.

I needed to re-do a bunch of settings to get it close to what it was before. just a heads up, but keep up the good work Heresy.

Good point Gearhart.

For any of these scripts I would strongly suggest using an autoexec.cfg file to execute these scripts. If anything goes wrong you can remove or comment out the lines using // at the start of the line. I have also included the default values if anyone needs to revert their settings.

The first key bind for mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled is the key one and will turn off and on the remaining 3 mat_monitorgamma_tv settings ('off' being the standard gamma settings before changing the other 3 settings).

If anyone has problems with these scripts in ether implementing them or some aftermath from them just let me know and I will help out.

  • 0
This script adds the net statistics to the score screen.

// Scoreboard With Netgraph

bind [Key you want bound to the score screen, normally TAB] +scoreson

alias +scoreson "+showscores; net_graph 1; net_graphheight 65"

alias -scoreson "-showscores; net_graph 0"



For this script I have added timeleft so that it shows the remaining game time when I press the tab key to look at scores and the netgraph:

//Scoreboard With Netgraph

bind TAB +scoreson

alias +scoreson "+showscores; net_graph 1; net_graphheight 65; timeleft"

alias -scoreson "-showscores; net_graph 0"

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