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New Service - Configs - New and better config!!!


Posted (edited)

The Medical Supply office is pleased to announce that they will begin assisting with creation of configuration scripts for enhanced play in DODS. What we will aim to do is create a seperate script for you that will be executed inside your existing config.cfg script. Now then, that being said, there are two goals that a script can accomplish:

1. Make the game more 'viewable.' - brightening darkened areas (ever wonder how people can see in the dark corners of Donner? This is how).

2. Increase your fps, especially for smoke and special effects.

We will aim to have a "catch all" script for everyone that will do both. We here in the medical supply office want to lend our experience and knowledge in this and hopefully provide you with a better, more effective gaming experience. In short, we want you to be the best players you can be.

The first thing to know is the location of your config files. These files are located in the following path:

program files/steam/steamapps/(your username here) /day of defeat source/dod/cfg

(if you run a 64-bit version of Windows, it may be program files(x86)/steam).

Locate your config.cfg file.

Right-click on the file and select Properties.

Make sure that "Read-Only" is not checked.

Click "Apply" if necessary.

Open it with either wordpad or notepad. On the last line of this document, add the following:

exec autoexec.cfg

Save the edit.

Go back into properties, and make the file "Read-Only"

Now download this file to your cfg folder: Autoexec.cfg*UPDATED*

Also, if I've helped you out with configs, please provide a bit of feedback for us here to let us know if we are doing it right or if we could do it better.

Edited by Dillon 1st MRB
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Here is a script that will tie both the frag and the smoke grenades together on the the same key. If a class is being used that does not have a smoke grenade then the key works just like normal for the frag/rifle grenades as well. I find this handy when using the assault class since I can just cycle through the nades to get the type I want rather than clicking on another key.

// Grenade cycle

alias grnfrag "use weapon_frag_ger; use weapon_frag_us; use weapon_riflegren_ger; use weapon_riflegren_us"

alias grnsmoke "use weapon_smoke_ger; use weapon_smoke_us"

alias grenup "gu2"

alias gu1 "grnsmoke; grnfrag; alias grenup gu2; alias grendn gu1"

alias gu2 "grnfrag; grnsmoke; alias grenup gu1; alias grendn gu2"

alias grendn

To use just bind grenup to the key you want for grenades.

Now the drawback to the above script is that it will remember the last nade that was set (frag or smoke) and then rotate to the next one. To me this was kind of annoying because I usually want the frag grenade first, because I want to kill of course. So the following is the additional part of the script that set the frag grenade to be the first one even if you switch weapons. You will need to change your keys to whatever you have bound to currently to your slot1, slot2, slot3, slot5, invprev, and invnext. Example, where I have KP_END for slot1, change KP_END to your key bind for slot1.

//Grenade cycle frag reset

bind "KP_END" "slot1; gu1"

bind "KP_INS" "slot2; gu1"

bind "KP_DEL" "slot3; gu1"

bind "KP_5" "slot5; gu1"

bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev; gu1"

bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext; gu1"

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Posted (edited)

I think that someone may have posted something similar in a different thread but here is a crouch toggle to put in with the rest of the configs I have listed here. This can be useful in extended games or realisms where you need to cover for a while. To break out of the crouch you can press the key again or just press your jump key. Personally I have a key bound to the normal press/release crouch and the toggle crouch so I can do both easily.

//Toggle Crouch
alias "-dOn" "+duck; bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND" +dOFF"
alias "-dOFF" "-duck; bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND" +dOn"
alias "+dOn" "+duck"
alias "+dOFF" "-duck"

Based on Lafy's suggestion in the following post, this additional script will also set the duck, sprint, and prone keys so that they break the crouch toggle as well:

//Break Toggle Crouch
//duck key
Bind "KEY FOR DUCK" "+duck2"
alias "+duck2" "+duck"
alias "-duck2" "-dOFF"
//sprint key
Bind "KEY FOR SPRINT" "+sprint"
alias "+sprint" "+speed; -dOFF"
alias "-sprint" "-speed"
//prone key
Bind "KEY FOR PRONE" "+prone"
alias "+prone" "+alt1; -dOFF"
alias "-prone" "-alt1"

Edited by Heresy 1st MRB
  • 0
I think that someone may have posted something similar in a different thread but here is a crouch toggle to put in with the rest of the configs I have listed here. This can be useful in extended games or realisms where you need to cover for a while. To break out of the crouch you can press the key again or just press your jump key. Personally I have a key bound to the normal press/release crouch and the toggle crouch so I can do both easily.

//Toggle Crouch


alias "-dOn" "+duck; bind c +dOFF"

alias "-dOFF" "-duck; bind c +dOn"

alias "+dOn" "+duck"

alias "+dOFF" "-duck"

First of all, you missed the fact that they need to change the key on 3 lines, not just the first one.

Second, this crouch script is a little too simplistic to work well. the problem is once crouch is locked nothing but that button will get you uncrouched, which can be a problem in an emergency when you need to start moving fast. Here is my script for it. It sets it up so that you have a crouch lock key, a normal crouch key, which will also cancel the crouch lock if you press and release it, and prone and sprint keys that also cancel the crouch lock.

this sets the keys as capslock, ctrl, z, and shift.

if you want to change crouchlock from capslock make sure you change all the lines flagged with -- cl here

// set your crouchlock key here
Bind "capslock" "+dOn";
// -- cl here
alias "-dOn" "bind capslock +dOFF";
// -- cl here
alias "-dOFF" "bind capslock +dOn";
alias "+dOn" "+duck";
alias "+dOFF" "-duck";

// set your normal crouch key here
bind "ctrl" "+duck2"
alias "+duck2" "+duck"
// -- cl here
alias "-duck2" "-duck;bind capslock +dOn"

// set your prone key here
bind "z" "+prone"
// -- cl here
alias "+prone" "+alt1;-duck;bind capslock +dOn"
alias "-prone" "-alt1"

// set your sprint key here
bind "SHIFT" "+sprint"    
// --cl here
alias "+sprint" "+speed;-duck;bind capslock +dOn"
alias "-sprint" "-speed"

this should all go in your autoexec.cfg to ensure it's not screwed up by steam.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Yep, thanks I missed the other binds in the line below (edited my entry). I was trying to keep it simple for most people, but adding the other binds to break the crouch lock is a good idea. I also simplified your script to use the -dOFF alias for the crouch breaks and added that to my original post.

Edited by Heresy 1st MRB
  • 0

So I did this hoping it would help these weird ping jumps I have been having and it actually made the game worse. If I can't find a solid fix I might just uninstall and reinstall again... and I'm really not in the mood to do that.

I did the exec config thing and downloaded the correct file to the correct folder. The game looked amazing compared to how I had it and than it just totally shit bricks everywhere. Including massive lag rejoining the server or chat functions.

Please help.

  • 0
So I did this hoping it would help these weird ping jumps I have been having and it actually made the game worse. If I can't find a solid fix I might just uninstall and reinstall again... and I'm really not in the mood to do that.

I did the exec config thing and downloaded the correct file to the correct folder. The game looked amazing compared to how I had it and than it just totally shit bricks everywhere. Including massive lag rejoining the server or chat functions.

Please help.

Please post a new ticket in the Medical Supply Office in order for our guys to help you the proper way. Don't worry, it'll get fixed quickly :)

  • 0

Posted this in another thread but putting it in this thread also for reference.

Here is a script to set the specific transparency level for the full and mini maps. Just change the overview_alpha variable to between 0.0 and 1.0 to set the transparency level to what you want for each:

//Set specific transparency for full and mini maps
overview_alpha 1.0  //Default transparency level of mini map
alias +maplarge "+overview_largemap; overview_alpha 0.5"  //Transparency for full map
alias -maplarge "-overview_largemap; overview_alpha 1.0"  //Transparency for mini map
bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT BOUND" +maplarge

  • 0

Continuing along the lines of the last post. I personally like to have the same transparency level between my mini and full maps, so I do not use the previous script. I do however like to have the names of the people under their icons on the full screen map, but not the mini map. This script turns on the full names for the full map and turns the names off again when back to the mini map. The mini map will still show the name of some who dies which is helpful. Along with the names this script sets the full map to only show up when pressing the bound key rather than a toggle.

//Turns names on and off for full and mini maps
alias +maplarge "+overview_largemap; overview_names 1"  //Names enabled for full map
alias -maplarge "-overview_largemap; overview_names 0"  //Names disabled for mini map except when someone dies
bind "KEY YOU WANT BOUND" +maplarge

Also this site is a good reference for the mini map commands (among other things):


  • 0
Posted (edited)

In this script I have removed the grenades and melee weapons from the weapon scroll so that I am not fumbling for a key weapon in a fire fight. In other words I only want my primary gun/rocket and my secondary pistol to be available on the weapon scroll. For me I have my weapon selection scroll set to the mouse wheel. If you use other keys for your weapon selection you can replace all MWHEELDOWN and MWHEELUP with the respective keys that use. If anyone wants to still have their melee on the weapon scroll or the grenades, just let me know and I can probably modify this.

There are are more aliases than needed. I had grabbed the alias list from another config file that someone made a while back. These weapon class aliases could be used if this script was modified or they could be used with other scripts later, so I just included them all.

//Begin Mouse Wheel Configuration
//The aliases below define the weapons to classes.
alias wepGre_ "use weapon_frag_ger; use weapon_frag_us; use weapon_smoke_ger; use weapon_smoke_us"
alias wepKni_ "use weapon_amerknife; use weapon_spade"
alias wepSec_ "use weapon_colt; use weapon_p38; use weapon_c96; use weapon_m1carbine"
alias wepRpg_ "use weapon_bazooka; use weapon_pschreck"
alias wepRif_ "use weapon_k98; use weapon_garand; use weapon_k98_scoped; use weapon_spring"
alias wepRgr_ "use weapon_riflegren_ger; use weapon_riflegren_us"
alias wepSub_ "use weapon_mp40; use weapon_thompson"
alias wepMac_ "use weapon_bar; use weapon_mp44; use weapon_mg42; use weapon_30cal"
alias wepSec "wepSec_"
alias wepPri "wepRif_; wepSub_; wepMac_; wepRpg_"

bind MWHEELDOWN whdwn2
alias whdwn1 "wepSec; wepPri; bind MWHEELDOWN whdwn2; bind MWHEELUP whup2"
alias whdwn2 "wepSec; bind MWHEELDOWN whdwn1; bind MWHEELUP whup1"

bind MWHEELUP whup2
alias whup1 "wepSec; wepPri; bind MWHEELUP whup2; bind MWHEELDOWN whdwn2"
alias whup2 "wepSec; bind MWHEELUP whup1; bind MWHEELDOWN whdwn1"
//End Mouse Wheel Configuration

Edited by Heresy 1st MRB
  • 0

To capture the Steam ID's and status of people quickly I wrote this script. There are some scripts that will take a screenshot but this actually saves the information to a text file under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod". I based this off of other scripts that I saw, but this does not require the developer console to open up and close, and it clears out the previous console data before taking the dump. If you do want to have all console data just take out the "clear" command.

//Quick status dump
alias "conlog" "clear; wait 10; status; wait 100; condump"
bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT TO BIND" "conlog"

  • 0
To capture the Steam ID's and status of people quickly I wrote this script. There are some scripts that will take a screenshot but this actually saves the information to a text file under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod". I based this off of other scripts that I saw, but this does not require the developer console to open up and close, and it clears out the previous console data before taking the dump. If you do want to have all console data just take out the "clear" command.

//Quick status dump
alias "conlog" "clear; wait 10; status; wait 100; condump"
bind "KEY THAT YOU WANT TO BIND" "conlog"

Do the 1st MRB Servers have the wait command enabled?

  • 0

ok i did as it said but its not working at all and since i am having to redo all my binds ect i need this to work. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod is where my only cfg is located. am i wrong for putting it there?

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ok i got most of it working but had to do it a lil different, but can some one tell me the config for the way to see better in dark spots? i cant find the info any where.. :(

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I've applied Dillon's config settings and they work great - most of the settings I never thought of using.  I'm getting a pretty good flow of action, and my hit registration is on target for my gamestyle.  Also it is nice to have fiber internet and be wired instead of wireless.


I would copy and past what you want to use in your own config file as I have key binds for mine.

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