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The third annual UWFL realism season competition is now taking enrollments from units across the community to participate in this years main event. Your unit has been invited with many others to compete in the toughest and largest gathering of Realism units in the entire community to put it all on the table for 14 weeks of warfare to see who will come out on top after the smoke clears.


After an unprecedented 24 match preseason involving 16 units, Season 3 is proving to become the largest annual competition in the history of Realism DODS. This season will host 10 matches per unit with four off weeks to rest and an All Star break to have your favorite or best players showcase their skills amongst the best of the league. After which a double elimination Playoff will commence with the top seeds. All in all you could very likely see up to 20+ matches this season!

Take it from the hundreds of realism players like yourselves who have played in the UWFL before you. UWFL matches are guaranteed to get your heart pumping, palms sweating, unit active and the old jitters you used to have when you played in your first realism match will come back with surprising effect. Units come very well prepared for each engagement in the league and end up creating some of the most choreographed and well planned fights by using teamwork to overcome obstacles that all mesh together all in an effort to earn the reward of being the best out of the entire realism community! Dont miss out this year. We have many new additions to the league and have recruited/trained extra administrators to ensure every aspect of the league is in great hands. All you need to do is show up and give it your best!

So put it to the test! Do you want to put your unit through the toughest realism challenge in the community!? Do you want to break the norm and get your unit as active as possible!? Or do you want to go out and meet units you would never otherwise ever meet!? Then the first step is heading over to the UWFL's Season 3 website (linked below) and following the links for enrollment.


If you have any questions about the league please ask on the UWFL forums. Thank you for keeping realism alive in Day of Defeat Source! And remember, if you cannot enroll before Friday you can still enroll late anytime during the season! However, you will become a "Reserve" unit and may have to wait a week or two before we can get you onto the schedule to start competing.

We're sorry, but with adding and removing over 100 units in between each season we just send this out to every unit that is active during the timeframe of when we are inviting. If I remember to not come here I would. But thats a lot to remember from all the units we see every year. Just keep declining, nothing wrong with that. Or send a squad in to play for kicks like other large units, nothing wrong with that either if your unit as a whole has other agendas.



Dear Switz, its not our responsibility to not get spammed by you, when we keep giving you the same answer as Captain Englebretson said.

If you cannot make a system that works with units that decline or accept your invitation, that just shows that your way of organizing things isnt very good. I personaly get messages lot through steam by people who wants us to join the UWFL. It does get a bit annoying.

I do support your cause, and I do think its a nice arrangement, but you need to improve your orginazation so you don't turn realism units crazy by posting and messaging them every week.

I speak on my behalf, none of the things stated above represents this unit.

Good luck in UWFL


Posted (edited)

I am actually taken back somewhat from all this seeing an easy delete could suffice especially coming from a Marine unit when I myself served with 3/3 Lima Company 60MM Detachment. We run a realism league for realism units with matches running on the realism style of play. Realism units get invited. Its a pretty simple system really. Ive had plenty of invites for Friday Night Fights almost every week but do not feel as if its overbearing or spammed as our once a year event seems to be because I too see it as a nice arrangement. I may remember now to not encourage uneeded comments in the future by not posting here next year but thats a long time from now and memories dissipate. If two posts a season (preseason invites and regular season invites) seems to be spamming then thats not our problem but yours. Thats only 20 posts in 10 seasons (7-8 years). But whatever your feelings toward the league or me are, hopefully you can understand that if people are telling you about the league then it means that they at least believe in our organization and structuring of it to try and propel it by inviting other like minded players like themselves to play. We have no control over what they do, only our official invites and posts. Again, from my side of the fence, two posts a season and my league is being called spammers and disorganized. I do not know what we have ever done to you but I feel as if that statement is a bit extreme considering I see FNF posts more frequently. And like yourselves we have a public steam group where we post more frequent updates to those willingly interested. But with the DODS Realism community expanding weekly, its not a perfect system to advertise as you are aware.

Edited by Switz
  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is an old topic, but I think it needs to be addressed.

Switz, you are acting as though there is some permanent mailing list and you are unable to alter the internal workings of it. I'm pretty sure you are the one posting, not some automated sender, I don't see what's so hard about not posting invites on our forums. Sure we can handle declining every invite you send, but is it so much to ask that you just stop posting them altogether? Then you don't have to copy paste and we don't have to say "Sorry, no thanks." It's really less work for both of us. We're not new the the realism community, you know that. I could fix it the problem right now and ban you, however I'd rather avoid banning accounts just because of silly league invites. It helps to be on good terms with the community, even those in leagues.

If we want to join the UWFL, we know the website, thanks.

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