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I. Introduction

Cheating in Day of Defeat is quite easy when you learn the fundamentals of cheating. They consist of situational awareness, knowledge of your config, the ability to control your recoil, intimate knowledge of the map at hand, prediction of the other team, being highly aggressive, taking the long shots, and an acute reaction time. All these are very cheap and require absolutely no skill whatsoever. You don’t even have to download them; all you have to do is develop habits over a long period of playing Day of Defeat, say since beta 2.1. Now, real cheaters have been playing since beta 1.0.

II. Situational awareness

To be aware of your situation you must pay attention to three important factors of gameplay: sight, sound, and flag capture.

Sight is highly important to this game, and relatively easy. If you see an enemy you know to shoot him or react to him as the situation calls for.

This is a very cheap tactic, using your eyes that is.

But, seeing the enemy isn’t always easy. Sometimes they hide and prone in dark corners with an almost religious dedication; God must have commanded them to prone. Or, they might be hiding behind that corner with a spade/knife. If you can’t see him, you don’t know he is there? Right? Wrong. Assume he is there anyway; look in every nook and cranny, when rounding corners, look at them, when running in a plaza, look around you. LOOK!

Sound is also very important, but harder to take advantage of. My suggestion is buy a good USB mic headset. Going to Best Buy or newegg.com is a very cheap hack. All you have to do is pay money and install some hardware, and BAM you are already better! Then bind a key to stopsound (see III Know Your Config). Renember, using console commands that the dev team hasn’t omitted is a cheap cheat. After doing this, you may want to mute the entire server if you are in a pub, this can be done two ways. One is to type in your console “voice_enable 0.” The other is to go to your playerlist in the main menu, and select which players you want to mute. Muting people will help you focus on sounds. Learn which texture of the map makes what sound. Renember, learning from experience and error is a nub hacker move. If you can hear someone, you can prepare, and react to them, giving you an edge. Wallshooting is quite easy when you use your ears, usually to shoot someone, you need to be able to see them, but if you can hear them and you can have a pretty accurate estimate of where they are, you can still shoot them, providing the wall is soft (see V Map Awareness).

Flag captures are a very telling way of knowing where the enemy is. Sometimes this is called a wallhack. If an enemy is capturing/has just captured a flag, then they must be at or near that flag still. You know where they are, without having to see or hear them, and you can choose how to engage them as seen fit. The indicator of a flag capture can be seen in figures 1 and 2.

Fig. 1;


Fig. 2;


Fig. 1 shows a multicap in process. Meaning at that flag location there is 1 guy I know of, and I can bet that there will be more soon.

Fig. 2 shows a single cap, meaning that anywhere from 1 to 16 people might be at that flag.

Looking up in the left hand corner of your screen is a cheat.

III. Know Your Config

Know your config. A config is a text listing off all your keyboard and mouse bindings and console variables. The filename is config.cfg and it is located in your dod folder. Using notepad.exe to edit config.cfg is something only script kiddies use.

Basically, tweaking your config is highly important. This is where you can make things easier for you. If you have used a different setup in all your other games, you can use this to make the controls more at home to you. For example, most people in FPS games use the “wasd” movement scheme; I have used “asdf” ever since I switched from gravis gamepads to trackball mice back in quake. Previous gaming experience is also know as “practice hacking.”

There are many important variables that the dev team has allowed you to customize. Customizing things that dev team allows is called “legit cheats.” Here is a short list of the more important and common, aside from movement keys.

• hud_fastswitch 1- this allows you to skip selecting the weapon and just hit a number for it to switch weapons.

• lastinv- allows you to bind a key so that you can quickly switch back to your last used weapon.

• sensitivity-this allows you to set the mouse sensitivity as you see fit.

• stopsound-as previously mentioned, this stops background noise.

• cl_autoreload 0-this stops any automatic reload.

• drop_ammo- this drops ammo, which sounds like you are priming a nade.

• cl_allowdownload 0-this stops useless wav files from being downloaded onto your machine.

• There are more, but I am lazy, looks like you have to use “figure it out for yourself hack v1.0”

IV. Point and Click and Controlling Recoil.

Point and Click, if you can master this, you can aim.

When aiming at an enemy with a rifle, it is imperative that you cease moving right before you fire, this will give you best accuracy, and then after firing move around some more. I call these snapshots and they can make all the difference at long ranges. Don't worry too much about actually crouching, it really isn't nessicary unless you want to control recoil better.

Stopping momentarly to gain accuracy is an obvious cheat. It is called the "standing still" exploit.

When aiming with an automatic weapon, cease all movement before your first shot, and stay stationary-ish if at mid range. Maybe crouch for recoil control. If you are in close proximity to your opponent, begin strafing around your enemy after the first few rounds, all the while controlling your recoil as you aim for the head.

People that strafe and shoot at the same time exploit every bug known to God.

Controlling recoil is simple. Move mouse in opposite direction of recoil. I use a trackball, so controlling recoil can be tricky for me, so I like to aim for the head or legs. That way, I either get you on the first shot, or I let the recoil march up your body.

Using your mouse is cheap.

V. Map Awareness

Know every square pixel of the map.

Learn different routes to different points, which walls can be shot through, how nades react on it. Learn each sound that the texture makes you can id where friend and foe are located at. Learn which shadows usually have pronestars. Learn ambush points. Learn the neat tricks like how to jump from Ava w/o any damage.

Pixels are cheats.

VI. Knowing Your Enemy

Learn to predict their movements.

Carefully analyze your team and the opposing team’s behavior. Figure out who uses what route to get to where and where is the best spot to take him down. If a sniper always goes to a certain spot and has a certain field of fire, don’t expose yourself and outflank him.

VII. Misc.

The rest I cannot give much more insight other than, do it!

Be aggressive. Take the long shots. Learn from mistakes. Develop a decent reaction time. Don't stop moving.

VIII. Conclusion

Well, there you have it, my guide to cheating in Day of Defeat. I’m leaving it open ended so that others may suggest insights for me to add.

And remember the most important rule of cheating; if someone is better than you - he cheats.

Guest Zahl 1st MRB

Well said..

I knew of most of it but when i join the pub i play casual.. If you want to do as this list say you need to concentrate atleast i need to.. but ima print this out for the next realism, hehe:)

Guest Phan 1st MRB

Do these work? even though I already know most of them.

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