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Please try ta use goodly Anglish when postin in the forums. It hawd enuf to follu yous trane of thawt widout triing to figga owt what yous triing ta say.

i no i can be guiltee of the bad typpin, an wurds com out rong. At leest try to cleen up yous posts sos we can reed them pacifically.

I think with the advent of texting and email shortcuts, grammer, punctuation, and the ability to convey a thought have suffered. Try texting in proper English sometime. My new Samsung 4g phone has swype texting, and I have made it a priority to clean my texting up and work in complete thoughts and sentences.

Just a thought guys. Take it for what you will.

MSgt. Francoeur


I agree also!

Sometimes I can be guilty of it when I'm talking with friends and joking around 'talkin in my g4m3r speAk!11one' - but for the most part I try to type in a moderately intelligent way.

Thank god for spell check though ;) Nice red underline is an instant 'uh-oh'!

Posted (edited)
  Wells 1st MRB said:
Yea it's bad, because it's SEAN!

Glad someone noticed

I have to apologise in advance here, I am about to start being a British bitch about some americanisms like "I could care less" and "Hold down the Fort while I........"

I could care less means that you COULD (as in 'it is possible') care less, which does make sense on the face of it but NOT WHEN YOU MEAN THAT YOU COULD NOT CARE LESS! By saying the former you are basically saying that on a scale of one to ten (non-continuous, so no 5.7's etc) you care 1/10<care>10/10

including one and ten. I have just realised i have used GCSE Statistics in a rant about grammar and other things.

Also, Hold down the fort?



British bitch rant over, I shall now bid you all adieu

Edited by Takel 1st MRB

I love this, two countries divided by a common language.

The language has changed. However, when you say soccer to mean what we call football you are completely correct. Soccer was initially used by upper-class Brits as a way of saying "Association Football" (the original name of the sport) quickly.

About colour/color, it's probably just an error in translating (or maybe someone couldn't spell).

Also Aluminium/Aluminum: The man who discovered it, Humphry Davy, the same man who discovered calcium, potassium etc (along with wuite a few others) named it alumium then changed it to aluminum. A bunch of rich upper-class mini-dicks decided that it wasn't in keeping with the rule in the other elements Davy had discovered/named (potassium, sodium, calcium etc)

So they changed the name of it so their anal minds wouldn't implode. Then in 1925 - after using the word "aluminium" for some time - the US government decided to change it back to aluminum, don't know why.

So on that subject, it's just a case of a mutating language and some pricks in suits


The removal of the 'u' is just evolution of the North American Dialect, kind of like how we don't write Olde or use letters like 'æ' or 'þ' in our alphabet anymore. For example, linguistics tells us that "nite" will be considered a correct alternate spelling of "night" within the next 10-20 years in addition to many other words that have become common in texting and internet chatting. I'll bet that maybe 100 years down the line, writing will be very different from what we see now.


the nxt generation will prob. nevr lurn who to speall corrictly wit all dis texting n stuff goin on out dere yah kno what i sain dawg

(Laughing out loud) Just kidding i mean its just the way we spell these days.

I also have a question whats cursive and how do i do it lol jk another joke

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