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Thought's from MSgt. Francoeur - Living Your Dream

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I want to share with you some things I've learned over the last 46 years. Take this as you wish, but I hope that you will get something out of this. Hind sight is always 20/20, so I want to pass some of it on to you all.

Age does have it's advantages, and I'm sure any of the older members of the 1st MRB or BAR will have similar in site.

Live your dream. If you have something you love to do, like painting, music, acting, animal studies, or whatever, find a way to do it for a career. I know what the day-in-day-out worker, your parents, your current boss, etc. Will tell you, "you need to concentrate on making a living first and worry about everything else after you secure that." WRONG!!!!! It's easy to find a million reasons why you can't do what you love to do for a living. Instead, try finding a million why and how you can do it. Do what you love and the money will follow. At the very, very least, you will be more emotionally fulfilled and centered as a person. in turn, you will be more fully engaged as a friend, family member, and person.

I know many of you will say that it is easier said than done, but I can tell you, looking back on my life, I wish someone would have helped me realize what was really important. Go to school and get your degree in your chosen field. Don't wait until later. Don't be lazy and blow it off because you drank too much, partied too much, or played a damned online game too much. There's more than enough time for all of that after you have your studies and assignments done. Plus, you'll feel a he'll of a lot better about yourself for it.

I didn't go to college after high school. I wished I had. I went straight to making money. Finally at the age of 40, I came to my senses and went back to school to learn more about my field. In doing so, I learned what my real true love was. Acting, post production, script writing. Thankfully it hasn't been too late for me to change my focus and I have not regretted a minute of it since.

Now I learn about, practice, and do what I truly love. It took me 40+ years to figure it out and to admit to myself what it was all about. I hope that my 40+years of life's lessons will help you out.

Listen to your heart. Follow your dreams. If you don't do it now, when? It may turn out to be never. That's the real bitch of it all. More people have let their dreams go than you can ever fathom.

I will be around to talk about this, if ever you want. You can find me in the moral office, or on the server. :)

MSgt. S. Francoeur

Well said sir, and as a person half your age, I think its true.

But with this current economic situation and just plain paying off student loans, working a high paying job even if you don't like it seems like...well...the only choice.

I think it depends on what you want out of life, but I promise there's always other choices! Money is just paper - it's a necessary evil, but ultimately just paper.

I'm paying off lawyers, psychological evaluations, court fees, etc. for my divorce (already over $18k + paid) - but I'm working a relatively low paying job.

I'm a web developer - and it took me a long time to finally get into this role because computer science was only my minor in school (Psych major). But now that I'm here, and have been working web development for peanuts for a while - I've learned so much it's great!

I'm also doing something I really enjoy. I can honestly say I love going to work - even though I'm paid only a fraction of what I'm worth. But it's leading me to more things now - it's beginning to pay off. I've got a contractor job through the county I live in (where the pay is decent, and I work my own hours from home), and I'm juggling a number of other small side jobs for folks around the US.

If you knew my economic situation, and what I made at my current 'full time' job - you'd tell me I was nuts, that the pay wasn't nearly enough. But I love what I do, and I've made it work. where I work isn't the best because the benefits suck (none), but they let me have off any time I need, whenever I need it (as a single parent with 2 little kids, that's 'must have flexibility'!)

My longwinded point is - Francoeur is spot on.

Do what you love - whatever your passionate about - the rest will fall into place - regardless of economics! Look at famous musicians for example - they start out not making anything, usually barely enough to make it show to show (if that). Having gigged all over Chicago and half of Illinois, it's difficult to make a good go of it, but when you're crazy in love with it - you just do it - the rest works itself out. You find creative ways to get there.

Passion should be an every day ordeal - it makes life so very rewarding.

Great post Skip!

Hopefully I get a high paying job in a field I enjoy. Politics may make me rage, but...I enjoy it. Here's to hoping I beat out all the other applicants to the very few positions available in the State Department come this summer.

A politician eh!? Good luck, I know that's a tough career choice! My hats off to you! Too much stress/rage in that for me, haha


Skip Is correct in more ways than you realize. I've been in the medical field since I was 18. As many times I have quit to do something different, when I was younger because the boss was a dick or I didn't like the job, I always find myself back at doing medical.

I also didn't go to college after high school, went into the military, lol not by choice, but went back to school, almost 10 yrs later, after my father told me I won't be happy dong anything else. I had a wife and a baby. That really suck hind tit. Wished I had gone further, but I wouldn't be where I am at now.

I really love what I do. I work at an Urgent Care, I'm an Xray tech, EMT/PM, Lab Tech. I work 7 days in a 2 week time period, lol like I only work wed and thurs this week, then next week is my long week.

But truth be told, find out what you enjoy and do it. Money isn't everything. Waiting to find that big job with the big bucks isn't going to happen. It will take work on your part. Again not sitting on your ass and waiting for it to be handed to you.


I am of the mind set that I will go through a few different careers, and along the way plan on enjoying my time as best I can. It is weird how somethings have worked out for me thus far in terms of wanting things/dreams and I find that like a good rolling stones song; you can't always get what you want, but if you try some times you just might find, you get what you need. If anything I could add to Francoeurs message is stay positive about your goals and asperations and you may supprize yourself.


i took out a substantially massive student loan to go to school for a very competitive and overcrowded field of work. But it is my passion and my dream, so even if I end up being a permanently indebted starving artist, I'm pretty sure I'll be content as long as I'm creating art. So, Kudos Francoeur, i agree whole heartedly.


This entire topic and Sir Francoeur's speech is wonderful. Honestly everybody can learn from this. You may not think so but being only 21 I've realized what Francoeur has said growing up in life.. I have been down in the dirt most my life scrapping up what friends I can, and what social life I can, not caring too much about school or work, but I learned from it, and I still am. However, I also didn't need to focus on school too much, just my homework =\. point being, I completely agree and still being young I know I have more to learn and I take all knowledge in wholeheartedly. I personally am going into school for Graphic Design/Game Design, and i have ALWAYS followed that dream since I was younger.. never let it go and i never will.. because thats my passion and I love it.

Again thank you "Sean" as I love to call you.. Anybody that has not figured this out in life.. or prolly plenty of other things in life can learn from this, and from this I believe if people are curious they will ask, and learn, and observe things in life and the world around them like i know I have my entire life. Don't be afraid to ask questions, its how you learn. No question is a stupid question, its only looking for an answer.

There is more I wanted to say but I am Le Tired.... So I'm going to go to sleep AND THEN SHOVEL SOME BITCHES!!

Posted (edited)

Francoeur this speech inspired me to finally work up the nerve to talk to my mom about a military career i got my shit together and i finally took the asvab and thanks to this speech i pulled through it with a 64 on the practice asvab and a 56 on the asvab so i thank you for your inspiring words they touched me deeply

Edited by Doran 1st MRB

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