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So Bahrain Calls the US for help. And the Egypt is without government. Ruled by the military.

Why are all these things happening in the middle east at once?

Financial hardships have increased exponentially and have now made their way to the Middle Eastern citizens. Also the successful ouster of Ben Ali (coupled with the internet and its ability to pool disgruntled factions together at the speed of lightening, along with giving them their marching orders) served to "inspire" more protests while the iron was hot, so to speak. - link

And now they plead for help from US?! i do remember seeing on the news of them not wanting us there, and doing things i would kill a man for. -->


Fuck these people in my opinion. As ignorant as it sounds i don't give a fuck. Think about it, would they do the same for us?? I really don't think so.

It's a tough world and i'm glad i was born in the best damn country in it.


These revolutions are happening all over the middle east because people are tired of being oppressed, and one small spark managed to make a blazing inferno. You cant judge the attitude of millions of people based on a news report or pictures such as this one of a man burning our flag. Granted, that man in the picture above is an ignorant fool, but that doesn't mean they all are. I for one am happy to see that the power of the people prevailed in a place where they had no right to voice themselves in anyway without extreme punishment from their governments. It will be interesting to see who takes the reign of power once the opposition is overthrown, and it's a little frightening to think that this flag burning idiot and his friends might take those reigns. If our director of foreign policy doesn't fuck this up (which is unlikely that they wont) then we might not have anything to worry about.


From what I have seen: if people want help from us, Why the FUCK are they fucking BURNING OUR FLAG? Fuck them if they are going to do that. If they will disrespect us, they will not get any help at all. Let them kill each other. I don't give a shit about them. Just because Egypt had a so called "revolution" doesn't mean all of these other countries can too. Oh, and... if people in Iran plan on having one... don't, you will just be all shot/tortured/shot again.

So Bahrain Calls the US for help. And the Egypt is without government. Ruled by the military.

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Why are all these things happening in the middle east at once?

Financial hardships have increased exponentially and have now made their way to the Middle Eastern citizens. Also the successful ouster of Ben Ali (coupled with the internet and its ability to pool disgruntled factions together at the speed of lightening, along with giving them their marching orders) served to "inspire" more protests while the iron was hot, so to speak. - link

And now they plead for help from US?! i do remember seeing on the news of them not wanting us there, and doing things i would kill a man for. -->


Fuck these people in my opinion. As ignorant as it sounds i don't give a fuck. Think about it, would they do the same for us?? I really don't think so.

It's a tough world and i'm glad i was born in the best damn country in it.

I really don't believe it is the people's fault, I mean, these people have been under a regime for years, they were brainwashed, tortured, killed, I'm not surprised that they would start hating another countries and stuff because their leaders tell them to. They need democracy they are obviously tired of all the bullshit and they woke up because of Egypt. I don't think they really have this hate for America or any other countries, and you can't rly think "would they do the same for us", maybe, maybe not, does it really matter? I believe we should help the ones that need help, it just makes the world better, even if they still hate you at least you know your doing the right thing.

There is also another reason why some demonstrators are hating the US, most of the weapons used against them were made in the U.S or given by the U.S idk, so if you saw a teenager getting killed by one of your rubber bullets or one of your shotguns I think you would be pretty pissed cause you would think "oh so the U.S makes the weapons that kills our kids".


Personally, I think if it gets to rough on the other side, then we should help them, but only if they really do need the help.

Its very surprising how the middle east and northern Africa are falling apart so quickly, if this continues then its going to spread and hit everything else.

We need to be ready for the years to come because i believe that wont be as peaceful as now


There are hundreds of countries that could have used our help over the past century. War crimes are being committed every single day through out Africa, Haiti, and even eastern European countries. But we do not help them either. As much as we want to be viewed as the saviors of the down-trotted and helpless, our government wont put any stake in it unless there is some benefit in it for us. If we went after every government that purposely murdered civilians, we would be at war with several countries at a time, including Israel after raining white phosphorous all over Gaza, and Palestine, but it just does not work that way.


Let them all die in their sand scratching hell. Sry if I seem a bit abrupt, but when you have fought against these people, they dont want our "help," they just want us to die for them. Panzies.


They just want to suck on Americas welfare Tit. I say fuck them. If they want to be respected in the world, they need to come together as a country and set up a Gov't by themselves. These nations are like fucking children, they dont want anything to do with the adults until they fall down and scratch their knees, then its Waaaaaah help me, help me.


I view it this way... when the world is happy with itself we(the U.S. of A.) is like the unwanted adult at the school dance. but when shit hits the fan they run to us first it doesn't matter if its a skinned knee from tripping or dead bodies in an all out total war. if anyone would look at our own revolution we didn't stop fighting cause people died, we didn't stop because things got hard, we continued and yes we asked for help but not because we didn't want to do the heavy lifting but because we needed that little nudge to get over that final edge. if by supporting a country that has HATED us seems like the right idea than we need to look at ourselves and think about what we have/will have done (preferably in the corner during a timeout) i see no problem in helping a country in need BUT i have a problem with 1. jumping into another war when people are bitching about the one we are in already and 2. knowing about the fierce hatred Egypt has against Israel i don't think it will sit well with our allies. When i was in Africa i was warned about the hatred MOST not all but most of the people have there of Americans.

We as a nation have been for the most part extremely successful and on that success we have let the idiotic (e.g. jersey shore) to become ordinary and well as the excessive amount of time and money we are will to just throw away so we don't have to take 6 steps to turn up the TV volume so as a view from the rest of the world we are lazy self righteous Douchebags who eat too much and don't give a flying fuck if the rest of the world burned... most Americans are so self obsorbed they dont even know whats going on in the rest of the world. I've seen it it's quite amusing actually. BUT if we baby every newborn country they will never grow to stand for themselves.

as a whole i feel horrible about what is going on there but our nation alone can't take the burden of the rest of the world. If anything is to be done it needs to be a joint venture cause not all Americans are douchebags who need to hit so hard that they lose all brain function like some "popular" people out there *cough* bieber *cough cough* jersey shore

(i like highlighting if you couldn't tell)


True facts, Evo. I dont think we should be helping any of them, but i will remind you of this, we had massive military support from the French during our revolutionary war, it wasn't just the colonies standing alone.

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