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I want one of them guns now so i can shoot my brother >:D

It's an addicting sport, about a 75% return rate once someone tries it.

Plus its somethign all ages can basically play, regardless of their physical abilities.

We have a guy locally who's 61 and still plays, that is when he's not providing his military vehicles and driving skills lol

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you'll have to post a picture of yourself in full gear

Let me get back into shape before I do that lol, way way out of shape right now.... welll wait round is a shape.... lol

But been on the Visalus challenge for 3 weeks now, so by the spring I should be doing good :) Already dropped 5 pant sizes in the last 3 months from my new work out program, so the new diet should help enhance that.

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Can never have enough guns, ammo, etc. Never know when the American society is going to collapse and they tried to invade Canada, must be prepared..... to welcome them.... and then repel :)

:/ You dare associate the rest of us Americans with the others who want to invade Canada for their free healthcare?

Mainly because I'll be safe and sound here in Virginia minding my own business and working a small patch of land by myself, while those who lived off the government start dying off or invading other locations like locusts. :/

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Robin Williams and myself (on the left in black). I ran into him in a skate shop in Toronto on a Performing Arts trip in Grade 12 2007.

He basically in a 6 minute conversation tipped me to really deciding I would be an Actor. "Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it, Fuck em!" Kinda one of the coolest experiences ever.

Anyways here is the link to the picture if interested:


Edited by Percy 1st MRB
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