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wait, what are you doing to his backside?!

Hahahahaha, i seriously hid my trophy behind him, i mean who wants to get a picture taken of a trophy for most improved, i mean fck, just because i couldnt do a 3km run at the start of the season and then i could run rings around everyone on my team they think thats improvement, shit i didnt improve on my talent, just took them half a season to recognise it hahahaha

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yea, i gear up for realism... thats dedication haha

jk, gettin ready for a 2am flak run... you might notice Sgt chevrons... theyre NOT mine, (i only PT with this flak, for all other purposes i have a personal plate carrier) when i was issued it, they were already on there... was too lazy to take em off since i only wear to pt in.

Lol got your Garrison Flak on, nice. As for the chevron, I found a 1stLt. bar in my sleeping system when I first used it. Damn near sunk it all the way into my leg to. Fucking hurt like hell haha.

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On my undergrad graduation. Left is my best friend's younger sister and right is my fiancée. Wedding is in September 2011.

The car is 2004 Mini Cooper S with Alta V2 Intake, One-ball mod, Front Bumper Grill Fill-in, Custom Front Spoiler, 18inch rims.

Got it back in April 2003 as a gift from my parents, enjoyed in all high school and all my undergrad years. Totaled it in September 2009 while driving drunk....My DUI court date is February 2011...No one got hurt, I took a curve at 150km/h and hit a guardrail.




Edited by Lee 1st MRB
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