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Rhys always sits like that, I play on both my knees. - Helps contribute some height and also stops my chair that seems to have some kinda of self momentum, from swinging me away from the desk. (I am 5 foot).


Thank you for the piercing comment Lawrence, I'd try pull off black nail polish but I bite my nails unnaturally low so it would look like little burnt stubs :P

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lmao that or a booster seat! I really dislike being so small soemtimes.

I am covered in tattoos and piercings = pain junkie.

I have just got into tattooing and have been offered a job at Twin City Tattooing. - Once Grim knows what is going on with his ARMY stuff I will make a decision on whether I will take the job or if it would be better for us (as a family) if I don't. - No use taking up a job I won't be able to maintain or maybe even have to move away from.

I vote we see more pics of that dude with the pizza box, that made me laugh hard.

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ssssssssoooooooooo been a while, don't know everybody here yet but this is me if you didn't know who i am


this is me at the beginning of bonnaroo last year, that shit is the mufuckin bomb by the way


this is me at a party, this chick was in my face all night with a goddamn camera


i just like this picture

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