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Posted (edited)

Finally, proof that one man can really fuck it up for the rest of us.

You couldn't be more wrong sir.

Not a religion of peace and love? Haha, when was the last time you visited the Arab world pal? I remember walking the streets of Akashat in full gear, rifle, combat load of ammo and not a care for the smelly shithole, yet the kids came out and said hi to me, with a smile on their face. They ran back inside their houses and came out with a armful of dates for me to eat (Poor town btw, not much food) and then actually had me playing an Iraqi version of Pattycake with them.

Promotes violence? Islam does not, extremist do. And the only reason muslims support extremist is for exacting revenge on the morons who burn their holy book, which, face it, might as well be everyone of us now because of the propaganda the extremist can now twist and spin out of this so it looks like all westerners burn the Quran.

The death of UN workers highly unacceptable for the United States? Hmm, I guess more acceptable is for a man of "faith" to become intolerant of others and burn their most prized possesion, their religion. Step back and read the Holy Bible again buddy, and take a closer look at your ethical values because they need some serious re-tooling. And if that fails, call yourself a patriot then, but your a terrorist to me. I swore an oath to protect this country I call Home from terrorist, Domestic or Abroad, and your little publicity stunt of so-called patriotism just put the lives of every westerner, not just the US but it's allies as well, in jeopardy, on top of undoing all the humanitarian aid, winning hearts and minds and the sacrifices of men/women with much more intestinal fortitude and patriotism for their country then you could ever hope to have.

Well, call yourself an American there padre. But I'd rather give my life saving an innocent Afghan from a firefight than give it protecting your freedoms to spout intolerance and hate. And I'm really glad I have a scapegoat to blame when my best friends get recalled and killed from the fucking mess you created, because this war is going for another decade now.

The Terrorists I met in Iraq.



Edited by Animal

Well, Vietnam had the My Lai Massacre. Desert Storm had Hussein and the gassing of the Kurds. Iraqi Freedom had Abu Ghraib. Now, Operation Enduring Freedom has Terry Jones.

I tell you what, I'd give an arm and a leg to be in a room with that man for half a day with the following items:

PVC pipe

Concertina wire

Surgical Scalpel

Vice grip pliers

Car batteries plus jumpers

Ball peen hammer

Gasoline plus lighter

Nothing but some Decamethonium and Adrenaline, in case he passes out of course.


I attribute the IED attack my uncle took in Iraq to this bastard.

I really, have nothing to say to this person, beside to tell him he's going to hell. Maybe we'll do the same. We'll take the very bible he uses, and burn it in front of him. Then I'll proudly say I'm a Patriot, as well as a Catholic, and see him rage and rage and then I'll just smack him across the face, and tell him thus:

"Now, imagine if that was the Quran. And you were a Muslim. Your fucking actions led to deaths of westerners."

And then, well...yeah.


Totally agree with you Animal. However the problem and the debate today is how far does free speech go? If what this pastor did was wrong then the whole American constitution needs to be re-written. But you cannot blame this pastor for the death of 12 innocent UN workers in Afghanistan. I personally have a lot to criticize islam for.. as much as i have to criticize Christianity for, however were in 2011 you gotta understand that people like this pastor will exist.. there will always be blasphemy as long as religion exist, and that doesn't allow the killings of innocent. I personally think both part in this case is retarded.. The pastor is provoking and the Muslims is searching for something to be provoked by...

I personally was in the military during the Jugoslavian wars.. And the expression people had of the Serbs didn't fit what i saw for myself.

Posted (edited)

Totally agreed Zahl. The whole thing with Westboro Baptist church demonstrating their hate for gays by picketing with signs saying "Thank God for IED's/Dead Soldiers" at military funerals under the right of free speech is another prime example of taking it too far. However, I personally don't believe the muslim community pursued this as a means to act increasingly violent with purpose though. I do believe that the extremists more than likely with more technological advantages over the common population of the arab world caught wind of this story and spun it to its own ideaological purposes and spread by word of mouth to the commonwealth with limited access of news from the western hemisphere. With as much problems the US government is running into these days, a complete reform of the Constitution couldn't hurt as much as another superpower losing a war in Afghanistan. And yeah man, war is a completely alien act to most people, I dare say most people prejudice it by default unintentionally due to the media. Perfect example:

Not graphic or gory, but a man does die, be warned.

Most of you saw that Marine put a 5.56 round through the chest of that wounded Iraqi who was no obvious threat, morally and ethically wrong correct?

What I saw and know was that the Marine put a round through the chest of a wounded insurgent about to commit martyrdom while he was clutching a grenade to his chest with full intent to take out nearby Marines with him.

Edited by Animal

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